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Everything posted by YankeeDawg

  1. No big deal...They just raise ticket prices by 18%, shoot a hot dog to $7.50 and a cold one to $8. See...we have plenty of moneyfor payroll!!! ;D Friggin ridiculous...when I lived in NY i was about 15 minutes from the Stadium. We'd go to as many home games as possible. GenAdmin seats were $2.50, bleacher seats $1.25 We'd wait until the 3rd inning then sneak into the reserved/box sections cause we couldn't afford the $3.50 - $5.50 for those seats). A hotdog was $1.25 and a beer was $2.00. Now it would take refinancing the house just to get enough money for parking in a lot ( so the truck doesn't get trashed/stolen/burned/stripped), plus the cost of hiring a security guard to walk you from the lot to the Stadium entrance (so you don't get shot/stabbed/assaulted/drugged) ;D
  2. :o HECK NO !!! on the webcam. My ex-wife put a webcam on our computer...that's why she is my EX !!! (Can't wait to hear Bullets and Buc's comments to THAT!!) Only kidding guys. I just wanted to interject some funny before this thread turns into a cyber-fistfight ;D
  3. did they ever put you in, or did he go home disappointed? Yeah, I got to play the whole 2nd half at WR...but my 9 year old was upset...he wanted me to play QB. ;D
  4. like I said...a CC ringer is amongst us!!! : I think that SETXSPORTS should launch a internal investigation into the polls. I feel like Al Gore!!!! ;D ;D ;D I agree!! Something is fishy here!!! BTW Bullets, was that Pirate you were having that gratuitous dinner with the other night...when you "forgot" your wallet at your house ?? no, that was the mrs. yankeedawg... LOL I was wondering where she was and why she came home laughing so hard. I remember about a year ago, I had her crawling to me on her hands and knees after a similar situation. SHe was begging me to come out from hiding and cowering underneath the bed ;D
  5. I'll sit the next one out, so Lazeek and YankeeDawg will have shot. I just can't help it that I'm a natural! ;D And no, I'm not Bullets!! That's a pair of loafers I don't want to try to fill!! ;D LOL Pirate..I couldn't win this contest if I was the only one entered, unless of course Bullets posted a risque pic of Jennifer Aniston...but then I'd prob get banned from the board. ;D. Maybe I should get the wife to come up with one...she usually has something uuuhhh..sarcastically funny to say to ME !!! :
  6. What I don't understand is how can a kid be 20 yrs old in HS and playing sports, when the schools have a no pass/no play policy ?? Unless they got left back in earlier grades than HS : . I've seen some of these HS athletes who look like they're in their mid-20's. Last year I heard a 4 yr old kid in the stands ask his momma..."When are they gonna put daddy in at WR? " :
  7. like I said...a CC ringer is amongst us!!! : I think that SETXSPORTS should launch a internal investigation into the polls. I feel like Al Gore!!!! ;D ;D ;D I agree!! Something is fishy here!!! BTW Bullets, was that Pirate you were having that gratuitous dinner with the other night...when you "forgot" your wallet at your house ??
  8. :: me thinks we have a caption contest ringer in our midst... ;D :: j/k pirate...nice work!!! LOL, mine sucked so bad even I didn't vote for it...better luck with the next one dummy :'(
  9. I pressed the space bar and it worked!!! I got a full translation in English. That's pretty cool how it works. ;D
  10. Need $35,00 a year for transportation? I got an idea...How about the 10 top paid folks in the WOS district show what they are made of, step up and each contribute a measly $3,500 a year to ensure that these students athletes can continue thier education/athletics and let them become productive members of society. I'm sure the paltry sum of $3,500 per year is a spit in the bucket for a school district administrator...think of the benefits it would have to the kids involved. It would also serve as proof that these folks are truly interested in their students and keep the parents as well as the kids happy (not the mention the good public relations!!). Take that suggestion to the board WOS people.
  11. That's what it sounds like to me... School districts are well known for having a person in place for a particular position well before the job is actually posted to the public. They tend to make thier requirements meet the candidate rather than the other way around. Funny if it blows up on them and their "secret candidate" falls through..I wonder if they lower the standards then and hire a non-master's coach??
  12. Send another one for Christmas Scooter...Make it about 15 inches this time.
  13. COOP...when is our next blizzard scheduled to get here. I' need to get me some snow ski gear and maybe a snowboard too. I heard those I-10 overpasses are awesome runs. ;D
  14. LOL, funny stuff. ;D But what if some guys gain weight or lose height during the year?? Oh My!! How can I watch a game under these horrific circumstance?? I know...I just won't go to anymore games!! Prob solved ;D
  15. Anybody hear of any winter weather closings??
  16. Man, it looks beautiful here in Nederland...everything is covered with snow cept the pavement. The trees look incredible!!!
  17. Way 2 Go COOP. We knew we could depend on ya for some wintery weather Got about 2 inches on the truck (near Bulldog stadium).
  18. yes it is Dove...It reminds me of home so much I had tears in my eyes.
  19. Buc and date at the Waffle House >>> (Notice only one plate - LOL) What a big spender!!!!!!! You went all out on this one didn't ya?? Smothered, scattered, chunked etc etc. Did you make her leave the tip?? LMAO
  20. HOLY FRIGGIN COW!!!!!!!!!!!! There's over 2 inches on my truck!!!!!!!!!!! The dog is trippin!!!!!!!! She has no idea what that white stuff is!!!!! The kids made snowmen and put them in the freezer--this is some great stuff!!!! Yankees get all excited with this kinda weather!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I'm in but Catfish makes me gassy! Bring some corks!!! ;D
  22. he was the one with the DUNCE hat on in the corner
  23. of course he wasn't....he was still running laps until the next morning.
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