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Everything posted by YankeeDawg

  1. I thought vicious hits were what players were supposed to do? I would prefer to hear of "clean, hard hits". Vicious just has undertones of uuuhhh, well you know...DIRTY, Malicious, intending to cause bodily injury. kinna unsportsman like...don't you think?? Oh my, you are being "offended" by adjectives! Vicious can't be used to describe a hit? Maybe we should just play flag football. Not offended by words in the least. What bothers me are hits placed on players that are done with the sole intention of injuring them, sometimes permanently, or dirty hits done out of revenge for a score or big play. Please read what I type without misconstruing it. When I played, every time I made a tackle I was trying to put the running back out of the game. Come on,this is football. Geeeeeeeeeez ??? Never having played, I guess we just look at things from different perspectives.
  2. I thought vicious hits were what players were supposed to do? I would prefer to hear of "clean, hard hits". Vicious just has undertones of uuuhhh, well you know...DIRTY, Malicious, intending to cause bodily injury. kinna unsportsman like...don't you think?? Oh my, you are being "offended" by adjectives! Vicious can't be used to describe a hit? Maybe we should just play flag football. Not offended by words in the least. What bothers me are hits placed on players that are done with the sole intention of injuring them, sometimes permanently, or dirty hits done out of revenge for a score or big play. Please read what I type without misconstruing it.
  3. Nice first 3 posts! Way to make a first impression on the good people of the board! : LOL..."Newposter of the week" award is in the bag
  4. I thought vicious hits were what players were supposed to do? I would prefer to hear of "clean, hard hits". Vicious just has undertones of uuuhhh, well you know...DIRTY, Malicious, intending to cause bodily injury. kinna unsportsman like...don't you think??
  5. Yeah...something just ain't right. With the amount of devastation that occurred in Orange County and down on Bolivar and with the number of people who did not evacuate, I find it hard to believe that the "confirmed" deathtoll is 33. It would be a miracle if only 33 people died as a result of IKE. A cover-up or, to be PC, a "dissemination of misinformation" seems quite obvious to me. I just feel for those families who are still missing loved ones and not being given any information or hope.
  6. ::prints Proud's post, make 7 copies of it and mails to the 20-4A coaches for future reference:: ;D
  7. I agree totally with what your saying but I also know for a fact that it is not the media that promotes the PNG article its the represenatives of PNG. The article is posted in the paper each week with the information that is provided by PNG and its a joint effort between the two, probably iniated by PNG. This goes back to what i posted earlier, PNG has the reputation they do because they have earned it. If your program wants to have their information provided to the public someone needs to step up and take that same initative and get with the media and I bet they would be happy to help you out, they love that kinda stuff. I believe that is what is wrong with alot of kids these day they want everything handed to them and they expect to get equal treatment in everything without the initative. You want it, go get it yourself, and quit blaming everyone else because you dont have it!! I find that hysterical...if you go to the PNG board, they say that PAN (and one reporter/writer in particular) gives Nederland all the positive press coverage, while at the same time consistently putting PNG down. ANd to be honest, I think they do...sometimes to the point where, even as a Bulldog supporter, I find it to border on unprofessional bias.
  8. That is funny! Yankee's start losing there you know they will be tearing up the concrete or looking for the culprit! only the yankees would tear up their own stadium because of superstition Heyyyy!! Watch it there !!!! LMAO The biggest curse the Yankees have is Steinbrenner. Bury him and the problems are over!!!
  9. Hey Scooter!!! How's Sarah doing?? Her igloo still in one piece?? ;D
  10. HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Here B.M.F. ..... This one is already wound ;D
  12. Now that all the pre-game trash talking is over with (and most of it was pretty humorous), I was really impressed with the Raiders tonight. That Hanna kid is something special running behind that strong O-line. The defense did a nice job in holding us to 14 pts. I'd also like to compliment the Raiderettes. Besides putting on a very entertaining oil derrick routine, dUring our portion of the halftime show, they stood at attention, very respectfully and applauded each one of our numbers, be it the Westernaires, the band, the twirlers or the flags. They are a real class act. Congrats on the W tonight and good luck through the playoffs.
  13. I'm calling the graffiti police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I thought a 5 was outside shoulder of the guard and 9 was outside shoulder of the tackle. Depends on the system I guess but I can live with that...thanks for the scouting reports as well. No even and odd on different sides. Think of the center as 0 then go outside shoulder for 1, center/guard gap for 2, inside shoulder guard 3, head up guard 4, outside shoulder guard 5, guard/tackle gap 6 etc... OK gotcha!! thanks for the explanation...
  15. I would suggest a copy of Kirby's article be sent to all the NFL teams. It should be posted in their locker rooms to remind the overpaid spoiled prima donnas how to handle similar situations. This young man acted with total CLASS!!!
  16. Hmmm...let's see...they made a commitment to the team and then they broke it. I'm sure everyone has a wife who would understand this: "but honey, I had free tickets to the strip club." Think you'd be "suspended for one quarter" in that scenario?? FOr the season would be more likely ;D
  17. Swain and Gilliespe will put it into high gear Friday night and fill those shoes admirably. I'm sure the Raiders are smacking their lips at this unfortunate turn of events...but....don't take these 2 kids for granted...it may come back to haunt you. You will be quite surprised as to what they are capable of doing. I too applaud Coach for taking the stance he did. As important as this game is to the DOGS, he stands strong to the TEAM philosophy. Good Luck DOGS!!! De-rail the "L-Train".
  18. I thought a 5 was outside shoulder of the guard and 9 was outside shoulder of the tackle. Depends on the system I guess but I can live with that...thanks for the scouting reports as well. 0 = Head up on the center 1 = outside of the shoulder of the center 3 = outside of the shoulder of the guard 5 = outside of the shoulder of the tackle 9 = outside of the shoulder of the TE thanks guys...i get the general idea. just 2 more ?? where is 7 , as there's noone between the OT and TE ? and, are the numbers even on the other side of the line? (I'm guessing that the odd # represent the left side and the even# the right side??)
  19. HHHmmmm....didn't sarah go back to alaska just yesterday?? It's probably just coincidence....or is it?? Scooter...behave yourself!!!! ;D
  20. He will not play Friday. There are others also Do ya'll know what happened?? What other players won't be available?? Usually when things like this happen, the BS starts flying about who did what, etc. It would be good to know the facts, to squish any rumors that may start. *** Nevermind, I found out in today's PAN...what the heck were they thinking?? ???
  21. Pardon my ignorance of football jargon, but what do the boldface terms mean??
  22. SO Weed...does this mean we don't get to do the private Sarah Palin interview??? She's probably going to need alot of consoling now that the election is over....it's just the right thing to do!!
  23. my...my....my.... :-[
  24. Awwww..c'mon Soulja...let em play. I haven't had so many laughs since the last time I saw reruns of ...
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