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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. He offered to pay her $50,000,000 to stay.  I think she said she'd agree "for the sake of the kids"...LMAO...Yeah right!!!!

    I asked my wife last nite if this situation was happening with us, would she stay.  SHe said "Hedouble L  NO!!  I have too much pride".

    I started to laugh  hysterically. ...she reached for my golf bag...I got into my truck, sped out the driveway, hit two dogs and a trash can.  ;D

  2. [quote name="adminbaberuth" post="726183" timestamp="1260272530"]
    [size=12pt]Firefighters Respond To Rescue Call At Woods' Home[/size]

    WINDERMERE, Fla. -- Orange County firefighters responded to a medical call at the residence of Tiger Woods on Tuesday morning.

    The call was received at 2:36 a.m.

    A radio log showed an adult female was transported to Health Central Hospital. The log also showed a patient refusal and then an advanced life support patient.


    The old lady wanted a piece of tiger too!!!  He beat her unconscience with his club!! ;D

    I can't wait til the movie comes out..." Tiger's Tail Tales " .
  3. [quote name="YankeeDawg" post="723597" timestamp="1259947259"]
    [quote author=adminbaberuth link=topic=63034.msg722599#msg722599 date=1259805369]
    Mrs Woods gets [b]$300,000,000.00[/b], that's $5,000,000.00 a month for the 60 months they have been married. Mrs Jordan received only $150,000,000.00.

    That stuff is expensive.



    OK....6 skanks and counting.  He's getting the per unit cost down quickly!!!

    That only cost Tiger [s]$100 [/s] $50 mil per skank...[s]Unless of course more come crawling out from under their rocks...in which case the "price per" decreases  [/s] ;D

  4. [quote name="dayton" post="723528" timestamp="1259942569"]
    [quote author=spoonbill link=topic=63343.msg723517#msg723517 date=1259941904]
    yes...that is him...very sad story. my prayers go out to both families.

    wow... very sad for both families.

    indeed...I just hope that maybe another teenager who sees or hears about this may think twice before mixing booze with driving.
    God be with both families.
  5. [quote name="adminbaberuth" post="722599" timestamp="1259805369"]
    Mrs Woods gets [b]$300,000,000.00[/b], that's $5,000,000.00 a month for the 60 months they have been married. Mrs Jordan received only $150,000,000.00.

    That stuff is expensive.



    OK....6 skanks and counting.  He's getting the per unit cost down quickly!!!

    That only cost Tiger [s]$100 [/s] $50 mil per skank...[s]Unless of course more come crawling out from under their rocks...in which case the "price per" decreases  [/s] ;D
  6. Me thinx he swings more than just the clubs in his bag   ;D




  7. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="717193" timestamp="1259117048"]
    I also agree.  I saw one of our O-linemen in a local Dairy queen.  Guy was huge!!!  I talked to him befor the Huntsville game and all I heard was Yes sir...  no sir...  Very polite and courtious Kid.  Talked to some players this weekend after the game and again, the same.    [b]You see, this starts at home.  Great to see that our boys are being brought up the right way.  [/b]
    Proud of my Jags!!

    AMEN!!!  It says in the Bible (can't recall exactly where at the moment) -paraphrased-  "Bring up a child in the way he should go and when he gets old he will not depart from it"  .  More parent need to pay attention to this.  Good to hear the positive comments about these young men.  :)
  8. [quote name="FriendswoodFan" post="709468" timestamp="1258345160"]
    [quote author=pngfan66 link=topic=62369.msg709465#msg709465 date=1258344447]
    So I guess someone such as myself who graduated from Stanford is a stupid hick ? I guess I must have lost all my education once I drove into Jefferson County. Dangit, I should have moved over yonder in Friendswood. I think I may have been able to use my education only if I lived there.

    Your [b]splitting of your infinitive [/b] suggests that you are lying about the whole Standford thing.  However, even if you are not lying, the simple answer to your question is obviously "yes."  But, then, you already knew that -- which is why you asked. 

    HUH???  what the hedoublel duz dat meen?? Im jus a dum azz hikk frum nederland wit nun uf dem dar kolege deeee-grees...can u splain dat too me??  cuz mabe sumday i wil wanna spit errr  split 1 uf dem der in-fi-ni-tives.

    thanx  ;D
  9. [quote name="PNG Proud" post="709398" timestamp="1258340669"]
    All I know for CERTAIN is, it's just a matter of time before PETA gets pissed at all you people that are desecrating those poor defenseless animals, and they hold hands with the ASPCA and the ACLU, and get a Federal Mandate passed, that will soon disallow ANY school or organization to use any animal name, or likeness.  There goes the Mustangs, Bulldogs, Jags, Bruins, Bobcats,...you name it. So, you guys poke fun at us Indians and Rebels all you want.....

    I'm gonna recommend to PNGISD school board that we call ourselves the "[b]Shiny Paperclips[/b]".   That shouldn't offend too many people. :-\
    (Or maybe the Christians, since we seem to let everyone walk all over us anyway)

    I OBJECT!!!

    As a chartered member of the Shiny Paperclips, I find your comment extremely biased toward my people!!!    ;D

    My attorney will be contacting you. :P
  10. [quote name="tvc184" post="708802" timestamp="1258303340"]
    [quote author=YankeeDawg link=topic=62144.msg708688#msg708688 date=1258292197]
    Isn't that vehicle profiling??   Call a lawyer!!   ;D

    And what? The vehicle has the right to remain running, if the vehicle gives up the right to remain running it has the right to a mechanic, if the vehicle does not pick a mechanic then one may be appointed for it and the vehicle can stop the repair at any time.

    I intended that to mean  "vehicular profiling"...stopping a vehicle because of what it looks like... LOL
  11. [quote name="Cap Rock Brewing Co." post="708505" timestamp="1258258644"]
    Nederland had 12 rushing yards and about 280 passing. [b]170 of those were 4th quarter desparation passes[/b].

    Crosby had 268 yards rushing and 92 yards passing.

    Do they count any less than 1st qtr designed passes??  NO

    Were those passes completed on Crosby's defense??  YES

    Any reason in particular that you need to quantitfy the passing statistic??  just wondering
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