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Everything posted by weevil

  1. You are complaining about a lease being 325 dollars per person. You are kidding right. Who wouldn't love to be on a lease for 325. I can guarantee you that you will not find another landowner with more than 15-20000 acres that isn't charging more than that, and even better luck trying to another lease at that price. I think that JWCC you are talking about was a Temple-Inland employee lease that they were letting you guys have for free. What company in their right mind if they bought the land wouldn't raise the rate. Besides if you think it is so ridiculous how bout trying to buy some land to hunt on. If you do that you can pay 1500 an acre for cutover land. So if you buy a 100 acres then you will pay 150,000 dollars and then still be paying 500-600 dollars a year in taxes. Besides how much do you spend a year on corn, camouflage, deer scent, grunt calls, four wheelers, deer stands, and guns. You add all that up and how much do you spend a lot more than 325 dollars and without a place to hunt all of that stuff is useless. So if you want to complain, fine, but it sounds to me like you have the sweetest deal in east texas. If you think you are getting the shaft I recommend you take up fishing.
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