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Interested Observer

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Everything posted by Interested Observer

  1. How he's going about it is wrong but he does have a valid point. Why would the media need to ask a closer who didn't even participate in the game questions about the game? The answer is simple, cause they know Wagner's history of being a big mouth and know they'll get soundbites just like the ones they got.
  2. It's easy to say that but where's the proof? His ex? His own trainer has been rotting away in jail and won't roll on him.....The dude is either the most loyal guy in the world or there really is nothing to admit to or Barry is paying him a ton of cash.....Yes, I have seem the transformation pictures and Sosa's look almost identical yet nobody is going after Sosa. Bonds just has a bullseye on his back because of the HR record.
  3. Why would anyone want Jason Jennings on their team? I would think everyone would have learned from the Astros mistake...
  4. I think Berkman is the most underrated player in the game today. I think any GM in baseball would be crazy not to want this guy on their team.
  5. T-mac is far from soft. You can only carry a team so far. The Jazz are an excellent team with too many weapons and T-mac just couldn't do it alone. As far as T-mac not setting the tone like Kobe, LeBron, Garnett and Duncan.....even though T-mac is a superstar, he's not a " face of the league" player like those guys are. Those guys know that they're highlighted on Sportscenter every night. I don't think that's T-mac's style.
  6. 3rd straight game for the Astros where they won it in their last at bat. Good to know they are starting to come through when it matters most. Also nice throw out at the plate by Bourne.
  7. Dwight Howard would be a welcome yet very unlikely addition. Orlando would never give him up even for Yao. If he ever became a free agent, he wouldn't sign with Houston anyways...
  8. Yeah, the guy had almost 2600 hits....like 1200 rbis. He also had one of the most unorthodox batting stance.....with the bat pointing back towards the pitcher. I don't think he's a first ballot but I think he gets enough votes to stay on the ballot long enough to get in.
  9. He put up good number in 23 yrs but he falls short of the "marks"
  10. He should be but most people will argue that he doesn't have the numbers.
  11. Congrats to Kobe on a well deserved MVP award.
  12. The closest pitcher to Ryan's strikeout record is Clemens and it would appear that his career is over...Johnson is right behind him but he would appear to be in the last year or 2 and he's over 1k away. The other active pitchers behind him are Schilling, Maddux, Martinez and Smoltz and they are all over 2k away. I just don't see it ever being broken
  13. If the NBA teams are smart, they won't hire him anymore.... I think this year has proven that he's done being an effective coach. I know, I know.....Wade was hurt and Shaq isn't Shaq anymore...but still.....he left the team to scout players and to me, that's a sign that he didn't care about the state of affairs on his team.
  14. Just wish he would be a man and hit some guy instead of constantly beating on women..... I mean at least Barkley threw a dude through a plate glass window...lol
  15. [Hidden Content] ATL's head coach is upset.....and Scola was mentioned in this article
  16. OK....Clemen's wife is attractive and in the SI photo....even with the help of HGH, she's got a nice body.....Mindy McCready....I can see that as well.....but the bartender Moyer and Daly's ex-wife?!?! I think I would take a pass....
  17. And she became a star at 21...... Being a criminal SHOULD keep you out of the HOF......have really bad judgement, shouldn't....
  18. Well, all reports claim that their relationship didn't become sexual until she was 21......so that statutory rape thing can go the way of the Dodo... As far as being a criminal for taking PEDs, if memory serves me correct, drugs were still illegal in the 70's and 80's yet they were rampant in MLB by many of your current HOFers......so do we label all of them criminals as well?
  19. Might be more impressed if it had been before game 1
  20. Yeah but this guy has been reported to be throwing his fastball in the mid 80's so mechanically, something has to be wrong
  21. Tough break for Johnson but he better than most should know that's how things work. He'll catch on somewhere else....Miami possibly? New York? If D'Antoni get fired in Phoenix.....does he go there?
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