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Interested Observer

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Everything posted by Interested Observer

  1. I honestly don't care anymore.....all of this back and forth has just left a bad taste in most people's mouths. I really don't care if he injected himself with frog urine and had Bryan Clutterbuck rub him down with penguin lard before every game....This has gone way past baseball to the point it's hardly ever mentioned anymore with this topic is discussed. It's a stale topic..... And for anyone who ever collected baseball cards in the 80's might recognize the Clutterbuck reference.....rookie with the Brewers in 87.....nvm.....he's a inside joke with a friend of mine...lol
  2. The Truffle Shuffle!!! He definately gets it back if he's trying to do that!! lol
  3. Smoltz was bad enough that he had to hire a sports psychiatrist. Maybe he's hurt and just doesn't want to admit it. Something has to be wrong with the guy for his game to go to complete "blah" in just over a year.......
  4. 89 - 67 Houston with 2 mins left. Nice game by the Rockets.
  5. My karma is taking serious abuse lately....likely from the NFL forum. lol
  6. They'll wind up similar to the Brewers. A few years ago nobody would have thought that the Brewers would be this good and actually compete in this division
  7. Oh I'm a long way away from Steeler country but I grew up being a Steelers & Yankees fan.....I've lived here for almost 30 years....I do like the Astros, Rockets and UT...but never been much of a Cowboys fan.
  8. Hopefully he can turn it around like Smoltz did. I don't know what his issue is since joining SF. He's lost velocity on his fastball. I mean Glavine and Maddux don't throw very hard either but they know where to put the ball. He's gonna have to get it together quick....
  9. LOL...probably a Sosa and McGwire one too Clark is the only one not linked to something. He was a player....I loved watching him play. The Giants used to come to town every year right aaround my birthday so I would always get tickets to the game. I was never a Giants fan, just a Clark fan. I haven't liked Palmeiro since he blasted Clark for signing with the Orioles and took his job away from him....
  10. lol....most of my negative karma is because I don't think that Emmitt is the best RB ever.... and no, it has nothing to do with being a Steelers fan ;D
  11. Hmm, maybe that last post is the reason you get negative karma.... As for your choices, I don't think it's either.....
  12. I think his only concern right now is getting elected into the HOF and he probably feels that if he admits to it, he won't get in. Of course, with his present course of action, he's going to sit out like McGwire is..... I personally don't care either way....just kinda tired of hearing about it already. I own 3 baseball jerseys.....Clemens ( Astros ) Bonds ( Giants ) and Will Clark ( Giants )....so I obviously like the "alleged" cheaters lol
  13. Isn't he part of the reason they're screwed up in the first place?
  14. Ok.....IF he used HGH, so what? Apparently everyone else was also so it only leveled the playing field. Not to mention that during the time he was allegedly using them, they weren't a banned substance....I might be wrong. As far as the alleged affair....10 years ago....name one guy who WOULDN'T have had a relationship with Mindy McCready. Keep in mind that she's also trying to resurrect her music career so she might be looking for whatever publicity she can get....cause up until this story came out....I hadn't heard of her music comeback....last I heard she was in the middle of her legal/domestic trouble. Now why she would want to attach herself to the trainwreck that is the Clemen's saga is beyond me.....
  15. Well, McNamee's lawyer is spouting off about "anything is fair game". I wouldn't be surprised that they leaked the story. As far as Clemen's sleeping with her at 15, the story says that he MET her when she was 15 and the relationship turned sexual once she moved to Nashville and became a country star......which according to another poster, she was 21.
  16. So you think HIS character should be called into question because SHE made bad personal decisions in her life? Also based on that, if you had a family friend that made bad personal decisions, you would just cut them out of your life? Bit harsh, wouldn't you say? As far as McCready's mother letting her have a personal relationship with her, she was probably thinking that Clemen's influence would help her daughter. I'm not saying it's right, I'm not saying that was the case...only making an assumption. Would I let my 15 yr old daughter hang with a pro ball player, even one of Clemen's status.....not alone...I can assure you of that. However, as Hector put it, I'm not McCready's mother. McNamee's camp succeeded at what they were trying to accomplish.
  17. my point exactly.....gee, there must be some law against a pro ballplayer being friends with a performer of any sort.....so she was female and admittly good looking.....his wife knew of the friendship and never questioned it....I'm sure they were even friends. And yes, McNamee's camp put this story out.....
  18. Now he's been demoted to the bullpen.... [Hidden Content]
  19. Oh my! What will they come up with next....
  20. personally, I think his best years were 4-5 yrs BEHIND him. If you believe the Mitchell report, he's already on the same training regimen as Bonds lol
  21. The jersey netted 175k on auction and was given to charity.....at least something good came of it The charity was the Jimmy Fund....for cancer research. See....the "Evil Empire" isn't so evil.......
  22. The video is no longer available.... However, if it was a child or a woman who had caught the ball and dropped it, I would return it....if it was a guy my age....I'm keeping it lol
  23. Say what you will about Clemens but he would have hit Pujols.....plain and simple Probably twice for good measure...
  24. I would rather have Lidge, Wheeler and Qualls
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