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Everything posted by EASYNOW

  1. If you don't know what your talking about keep your mouth shut! Green isn't holding anyone hostage. Maybe Stump told Green let us know when you make your decision. Job changes like this aren't easy decisions. Im curious, how do you know I dont know what Im talking about? Plus, if youre using the word "maybe" in your statement then you apparently dont know what youre talking about, so practice what you preach. Also heres a definition for you, (FORUM) 1)a public meeting or assembly for open discussion 2) a public facility to meet for open discussion you tell him venom...guess he dont want anyone to have an opinion except him....i know it is a touigh decision but why apply if you dont want the job...and if he is this unsure then i wouldnt want him anyway He never said he didn't want the job nor did he ever say he wasn't interested. If he needed time to think about it so be it, looks like Stump didn't mind giving him more time. WHAT????? I dont think anyone said he wasnt interested in the job or that he didnt want it.... We were curious as to why a person would show this much interest in such a high profile job without thinking the decision through and being 100% sure you want to make that change if given the opportunity. In reality, him being indecisive has cost BC not only time but it really casts a dark shadow on the powers that be and the way this was handled from the start. Why in the heck do you think he has taken so long!!!!!!! To think it through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe Stump is allowing him to take his time. I believe Stump is allowing him to fully think it through! Oh please you either want it or you don't. It's time BC quits feeding Greens ego.
  2. Billy makes more sense with his mouth closed than Green does with his open.
  3. Maybe I should say Green doesn't make any sense. That article would score a 1 on the takks test.
  4. Could you please let us know just what we'll know Monday. This article doesn't make much sense. The time table has come and gone so what does he have to turn down? I hate to quote Shakespeare on a sports board but I think Marcellus and Hamlet have the answer. "Something smells rotten in the state of Denmark"
  5. Well, I don't exactly live in BC but I have attended many athletic functions in BC.
  6. Was Jagneaux offered the job? Technically to turn it down, you must first be offered it. Didn't know if it got that far with him. Maybe the new athletic director has to answer to the group that is really calling the shots in BC. Parents & grandparents change every few years so are they also groomed through little league to run the show at the high school? Or is the entire town just 'kin' to each other? Just my two cents......... And you don't think that parents influence the athletics at BC??????? Have you just moved to town? I think the athletic director should run the show without having to put up with all the bs that goes on. But let me ask, who DOES call the shots in BC in your opinion? And perhaps they are groomed from little league to run the show at the high school level.................you said it not me but take a long hard look at the situation and it does seem that would be the case for the past several years. But the one's who benefit from this sort of thing would like the show to go on as it is wouldn't they? It's just a shame that all this mess goes on in BC, the kids have to deal with it, the coaches have to deal with it, the athletic director deals with it and it never stops. We are the laughing stock of the community because of how thing go and it is pretty pathetic. But the right person will fix it hopefully. I am sure BC is not the only town that has "parent" involvement. Every small school is alike. Pat the parents on the back that have such "influence". Looks like they have done a good job. Trips to state in baseball, all district baseball and softball. Cross country does very well. Volleyball and Powerlifting are competitive. I'm sure there are lots of small towns that would love to have great parents like BC.
  7. You can find a glove in a garage sale for 2.00 and a bat for less than that.
  8. So Jagneaux is the reason stump got rid of BB? NO! And i can't see Jagneaux taking a pay cut to come to BC from a 5A School. Jagneaux also applied to replace crawford at Deer Park. Has Deer Park named their new coach and is that what BC is waiting on to see if he will be "available". Deer Park has more $$$$$$ surrounding their baseball field than BC.
  9. So Jagneaux is the reason stump got rid of BB?
  10. Played at Panola in '57. So I'd say 70. 70? He must be close to retirement.
  11. Sounds like a lot of accomplishments. How old is this coach? Still would like to know why he would leave a 5a school for a 3a?
  12. According to channel 4 Brevell has pulled his application. It's Fackler not Thackler. Do you know something we don't ????
  13. How many jobs has Jagneaux had?? Surely BC wants a coach that can use the word "longevity" in a resume. Who is Jagneaux and where does he coach now? Jagneaux is from Nederland and has coached at many different schools. He is currently the head coach for 5A Westside where he has been successful. Why would you leave a 5A school for a 3A school?
  14. How many jobs has Jagneaux had?? Surely BC wants a coach that can use the word "longevity" in a resume.
  15. Ok BC which is it? Is it the supt hiring his best friend or the AD hiring his best friend? Are they the same person? Did Brevell leave the same time as his pitcher who later went on to throw a no no for the Redsox? Any program would go down losing a pitcher like that.
  16. I believe Delome left Buna to follow his son Collin through college. Im guessing that Stephenson has been a assistant or Griff for a long time or something what happened to Delome why did he leave Buna i know Kyle Green, Chad Landry, and Chris Fackler are all excellent coaches wat about Wayne Stephenson and Russel Delome are they good coaches also?
  17. Here are a few applicants rumored to be interersted in being the next BC coach Kyle Green Vidor Russell Delome ex buna Chad Landry HF Chris Fackler
  18. You are right coaching at this level is more than driving the bus. Good luck to you Coach Bryant and I hope you go all the way.
  19. Ding ding ding you are the winner. Everyone please read number 2 and that should answer all the questions about this MVP pick.
  20. Well you can't win the lottery without buying a ticket.
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