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Everything posted by Volley_baller2010

  1. Last game sr night @Buna also known as the diamond against anahuac panthers starts at 6:30 p.m. [move]Playoffs here we come[/move]
  2. What i ment was buna will go to the state tournament
  3. State Tournament Pirate baseball your prolly just mad cause they beat yall. although yall did put up a big fight they put it up bigger and made ya walk the plank lol good luck to yall tooo
  4. i have seen shana play she is a great champ she represents duh and she is a GREAT champ in the area every1 has a bad game EVERY1 even you BABOLAT2
  5. how did shana do at district this year anyways????
  6. well we dont see that kind of stuff down here in 2a we keep it kinda simple and throw in a twist every now and then to spice things up ;D
  7. idk about this one because newton has good athletes pretty much born to play football and are good at it strong fast and know what to do with the game but kville is comin from 3a and they went pretty far this past season in the playoffs i will most deff have to watch that game if we get that friday off [move]HMMMMMMMM who will win[/move]
  8. Why not be good and look i mean look at Maria Sharapova she is an awsome tennis player duh and she is beautiful.....
  9. Shana and Deaver are prolly the best champs around here!!!!
  10. Those 2 girls worked extremely hard for what all victories they had this year as appose to last year placing one time the whole year and getting 4th in disctrict and bein seated at every tournament. 2nd at a kville tournament. and this year placing at every tounrnament that they were in... ;D
  11. well i didnt see it at a high school level but at college level i wantch the islanders and nichols state i think it was idk but the islanders did a very good job at it and they won with it sooo yeah its cool to play... ;D
  12. idk if anyone plays the austrailian way and idk if i spelled that right but if you can play that way you can phsyc some of the other teams out trust me on that i have seen it played before
  13. Buna district champs baby 2 years in a row o yes!!!!!!!!
  14. Cato-DeLome did pretty good and represented 24-aa very well
  15. Kick serve-better than a slice but not flat and HARD to get to Slice serve-fun to have when your in need also HARD to get to if your slow Flat serve- personaly i love this serve i get alot of aces you can put alot of power into it. i think i had about 11 or 12 this season idk i lost count
  16. Bunas girls doubles did great this year they placed at every tournament Cato-DeLome placed second at all of there tournaments and Aranda-Hickerson placed first at a tournament and second at Cato-Hughes advanced to regionals as well asAranda-Hickerson this year pretty good i say
  17. I plan on hearing alot about Cato a ;D
  18. I agree A-TOWN if your not in the powerhouse district butt out
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