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Everything posted by Volley_baller2010

  1. Lcm Finished first in the Girls A doubles and Silsbee Girls Burel and Easly Finished Second i think Silsbee Girls B doubles won thier bracket also.
  2. Buna East Chambers Kountze
  3. Thats a tough one
  4. Buna girls Cato and DeLome
  5. Finally someone gives them credit. Kountze is ranked very high in state i've never seen EC up high in rankings maybe in district...
  6. [shadow=red,left]All the way BABY ;D[/shadow]
  7. Thats funny lol i'd love to see that...
  8. HJ. EC aint gonna be much this year without tramain or that other guy... ;D
  9. how many sr's are they loosing? ???
  10. same here it hope its nour off week
  11. 24 2a is now 23 2a im guessing that is what you ment.
  12. that was the first time i had ever seen snow lol
  13. [move][/move][glow=red,2,300][/glow]good luck LT
  14. i was wonderin why my posts werent showin up lol im glad i read this thing lol
  15. Buna on top of course. They only lost 2 starters so there isnt anything for them worry about they have an awsome team coming back... no doubt they'll be district champs this year and making it all the way to state i think they'll go all the way this year and come back state champs baby Good Luck to Buna and others of course:)
  16. Kville will win there district no dout about it Buna will win there's in girls doubles and in singles Bates will take it if she plays hard...
  17. hahahahahahahahaha kville will not even beat Buna this year if kville gets out of district then WOW im shocked there they wont beat Buna kville isnt a baseball school you just have to except that one:***( sowwy What does that mean. Kville is not a baseball school?? yes they have a traditon of winning on the football field but people are missing the whole point here. times change. I can remember beating the snot out of Kirbyville in football when i was in school. That would not be the case now. The big factor is Kirbyville dropping down to 2A. There is a big difference between 3a and 2a. Last year Kville entered a 2a tournament in Kountze and won it then prcieded to win only one game in district. Kville returns 7 starters including a all-state plalyer so they will be competitive. they will give buna a run for their money!!!! Kville better just start running now they wont beat buna unless there is a miracle... just except it how it is:)
  18. hahahahahahahahaha kville will not even beat Buna this year if kville gets out of district then WOW im shocked there they wont beat Buna kville isnt a baseball school you just have to except that one:***( sowwy
  19. hmm were are you playing????? Hey lets leave baseball out of this since no one on here is affiliated with a team that can beat Buna. Bucof2010....loud mouth kid...you are dismissed son. Whsalum....inferior gene got you posting. Stick to golf its the only thing your good at. Dismissed son WOS92 ... I beat you every year even when you where #1 and we were two 20-14...dismissed son Kville 99... Where was Kirbyville without Alvarez...he's a great coach and the reason Kirbyville is doing well...Ya’ll had a few run but nothing like Alvarez has given y’all. Morgan is just as important as him to Buna. Quit living in the past your high school days are over. And you probably sucked...dismissed son Nike 09... Come on, decent... Decent is Kirbyville, Buna is next level.. Buna has gotten better in football and baseball. You need think before you post you will sound smarter if you don't post...dismissed son. BCoogs... Sorry for the misspelling errors. I'd rather be a loud mouth kid with somthing decent to say than a loud mouth idiot. Dismissed son. Hey Vballer 2010 were at LCM gonna show anahuac the way home And littlesting for your information a coach does make all the difference and yea i might not have been great a football but i bet youd think twice about coming my way. baseball was my forte and buna couldn't handle this man on the hill in baseball in '99. Soo since your so good at baseball what team are you playin for now??? no one cares this is a football subject not baseball... and i know that yall play at lcm i plan on attending to... been planing on going since i heard yall were playing anahuac..
  20. Kville will have to have the most off night to get beat by anahuac otherwise anahuac will be slaughtered idk if i spelled that right i just know itll happen
  21. hmm were are you playing?????
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