yes it was an amazing comeback and i don't think any of the posts dispute that fact. ozen did make errors but so did other non-players on the field. errors are a part of the game and it was smart for vidor to capitalize on them.
it is idiotic to think someone else's post is idiotic when ozen played their hearts out as well without many vidor fans acknowledging that fact. we respect what vidor did and it would be judicious [antonym for idiotic] for those who think some of us are idiots to acknowledge the fact that the panthers gave it their all.
many panthers put their hearts on the mounds, at the bases and at the plates over and over again for almost 4 hours. just as vidor did. and the best team won. but another great team should have earned more respect from those who didn't think they'd make it this far coming in to this year's baseball season.
the kids read these posts. way to ruin their already not-so-great day, you adult. both vidor AND ozen deserve congratulations and respect. best of luck to the pirates in their playoff race.