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Everything posted by HR4MEK4U

  1. LONGMONT THE TOURNAMENT TO BE IN FOR 16U. That just puts you in line for the Independance Tournament for 18u great job Jaiden. Not the fireworks, but Indy!
  2. what was the team name? hospital band?
  3. if your players contact coaches they will come. We played at Burroughs and had a crowd of coaches both games we played there during the daytime hours. I felt like the coaches showed to be more at Burroughs this year , than Spring Klein. We had several from all divisions mostly D2 THOUGH
  4. Where is Galena Park North Shore? How About Pearland? What about Barbers Hill? This poll is a joke!!! Come on guys /gals you are all scratching your heads and cant figure out why Dayton is # 11. Me either this poll is a joke! Folks this poll wont go away so stop by any time for a few laughs. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  5. Texas Storm Gold (Dixon) is looking for a shortstop for the Independence Tournament in Boulder, Colorado. The Shortstop for the Storm has already signed with a school and has decided not to go. This is a huge opportunity for a shortstop needing/looking/wanting exposure. All calls will be kept confidential. Please call Pat Hendrickson @ 832-275-0697 for more information.
  6. great job by everyone. Several good points were made. Some solid fact were reintroduced. Math lesson learned. History lessons learned. Stirring the pot. Some in the mix that was not needed or kneaded set the oven at 180 or 144 whichever you prefer and see the results in the Independance Tournament.
  7. Sure I want to help in that way too(building) Yes you may have been talking to Big Daddy and yes this is a public forum too. I was talking college schools recruiting at the Boulder tournament, more than 80 heck more than 180. Big Daddy, JOhnny T, Rangerdad (coaches standing in line) are talking about recruiting about how many schools ETC.. Do you have a player looking for a team?
  8. I think you just figured it out................did'nt you? PM not needed
  9. The Independance Day Tournament is probably the second most attended, ( by college recruiters), tournament in the nation. (ASA Gold being #1) It is extremely hard to get into, ( almost impossible ). If you are able to play with this Storm Team and are interested in being recruited.... you would be a fool to turn down the opportunity. I think there were 180 teams there last year. Maybe I should have sent YOU a PM!
  10. 13 - you are talking teams playing in the tournament. We knew that! We are talking schools(teams)colleges that are there recruiting.
  11. Nope not sensitive here. Clearly more than 80 teams!!! At times you could count as many as 30 - 40 different schools at one field. Dan did not list each school. listed ,yes, around 80. Not to give you a history lesson, thisquote is just above the listed teams " During the 2007 tournament, 342 coaches representing 217 colleges signed-in at our college coach registration table. Listed below are the colleges and universities represented. Most are NCAA Division I schools, but Div II, Div III, NAIA, and JC were also in attendance".
  12. 13 - Not sure of the angle or question you might have? I posted the quote from the website how many college teams Dan mentions(words) not teams listed. It is easier to be removed than to get in. Coaches want the best and to see the best! Storm (Dixon) as a reminder has been there since inception and that carries clout. Some neigh sayers who have left and have begged to take them back.
  13. During the 2007 tournament, 342 coaches representing 217 colleges signed-in at our college coach registration table. Listed below are the colleges and universities represented. Most are NCAA Division I schools, but Div II, Div III, NAIA, and JC were also in attendance. These are the facts. Big Daddy is correct they do not let any one in this tournament. Every 18u coach that knows softball wishes he was in THIS tournament. With recruiting changes you can easily expect even more coaches there this year. look at it this way also. Sparkler ..... nice to look at , low entertainment short lived, too much movement by teams! anyone can get in! Fireworks..... bigger in entertainment, limited number of teams, coaches do attend, but they are fireworks, they do pop and the show is over. Independence......2 fields ONLY, invitation only (exception of 4) , only competitive teams allowed, their discretion! Most sought after by knowledgable 18u coaches. INDEPENDANCE , not a single pop(sparkler), not just a few pops with occasional ooohs and aaaaahs(fireworks) all day everyday, Independance Day.
  14. Still looking for a pitcher and 2nd basemen. Great group, solid hitters, good catching crew. Come out and take a look for yourself.
  15. Pat's email is [email protected] Barragan is still on the team Lusca plays for express Maples already mentioned. the other girl left last year some time really not sure who she is.
  16. no, she is playing for a team out of Dallas or somewhere in that area.
  17. Team is looking for a 2nd base now due to injury. Team will be in Alabama in June looking to fill this position ASAP. Team wish list 1 = pitcher 1 = 2nd base Texas Storm plays Gold and exposure tournaments if interested just call 832-275-0697
  18. Texas Storm Gold(Dixon) will be putting together some games either Sat 23rd or Sun 24th or both. 18U game times will be 90minutes. Texas Storm will host younger ages 6u,8u,10u,12u and 14u note: eteamz "Blood,Sweat and Gear" for more information or call 832-275-0697
  19. Texas Storm Gold (Dixon) out of Deer Park. Coach Pat Hendrickson. Give him a call at 832-275-0697 he can answer any other questions you might have.
  20. The team that outscores the other team in the same game. One team will have more points than the other team when the game is over. One team is declared a winner the other team is not the winner at the end of the competition.To compete as a team or individual and having a point value system to determine one better or more value than the other has at the end of competition. Team A vs. Team B more points scored by Team A = WINNER in this example. My team beat your team! My team is better than your team. Now pass the popcorn!
  21. Where can you view a team list ;D
  22. A friend has asked me to post. He is looking for a 18u pitcher if interested give him a call 832-275-0697. The team will be in all the right places to be seen. Playing Gold qualifiers, EXPOSURE in Stars Over Texas, Plano and one of only a few Texas teams to be asked to play in the highly sought after Independence Day Tournament in Boulder Colorado during the summer.
  23. Posting this for a friend. Round Robin cost 50.00 plus P@P in Deer Park 4gg. Call 281-542-7970 or 832-545-2994. First 6 teams, 1 TEAM in looking for 5 more.
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