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Everything posted by TheKDawg

  1. I might be the only one in Southeast texas who doesnt know but i canno tkind out if they won the third game from last week! lease let me know as soon as possible.
  2. Kelly Defeated them 4-1 in 7 innings. they will play tomorrow at 4:00 ounce again at the University Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton. Anthony Fazio pitched a complete game and struck out 12. And only gave up 2 hits. please come and support us tomorrow. Please also pray for another win tomorrow!! Go Dawgs
  3. We are getting ready to go to Waco!!! We leave tomorrow morning at 10:00. We would like for all of yall to cheer us on as we make the trip to the State Tournament. Also pleasse pray for us safe travel and for the game. Ounce again we are playing at 4:00 pm at Waco I.S.D #1 field Thursday. If we win we will play at Universtity of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton at 4:00 pm Friday. Please come and watch us play.
  4. Kelly will play Central Catholic Thursday at 4:00 at Waco I.S.D. #1 field. We Would aapreciate if everyone made the trip and come and watch us in the semi-finals. If we win we will lay for state at UMHB in Belton, north of Austin the next day Friday May 9 also at 4:00 p.m. GO DAWGS!!!!!
  5. what inning are they in and what is the score?
  6. Read it wrong sorry!!! Thanks for the Correction!!
  7. this is a final just in!!! Kelly is Going to State!!!! Final 13-0!!!! We will play next Wednesday in Waco in the semi-finals at state!!!
  8. Kelly was winning 13-0 in the bottom of the 6th so hopefully they are on the way to wining and advancing to state.
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