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Everything posted by texcoug

  1. Stick around and watch Vidor 2 make a run at Vidor 1. David v. Goliath -- maybe we can find a smooth stone!
  2. Easiest way (not the fastest) is to exit Main St. in Vidor, turn RIGHT and continue over the RR tracks. Take a LEFT immediately after the RR tracks (Old Hwy 90) and stay on that (going under I10) until parks appear on RIGHT. The park we are playing in is the very last one so it is best to take the first road AFTER the park and drive until you stop (at a stop sign). Turn RIGHT and then you will turn RIGHT into the park.
  3. TC 1 defeated TC 2 20-9. Orange 1 defeated Groves 24-22 as Groves had the bases loaded with 2 out, down 2 runs, in the bottom of the 6th. The MVP catcher of the Groves team lined out on a great play by the Orange SS. Great game. The Groves catcher (G.B.) stole the show again throughout the night, capping it off with a solid break dance routine to Crazy Frog. I love that kid. So, Orange plays TC tomorrow night to advance in the bottom bracket while the two undefeated teams, Vidor 1 and 2, square off at 7:45.
  4. Actually, that is just a PONY league all star team. But, they are fantastic.
  5. Correct -- sorry about that. TC 1 plays TC 2 at 6 PM and Groves and Orange play at 7:45. And yes, Rob, it was a great game yesterday. Both teams are fantastic. Orange has some big hitters too.
  6. Grant Boucher is still hanging around -- Groves beat ORG 1 (really ORG 2) today. The next game was between TC1 and Vidor 1. Great game and it came down to the final inning. Vidor trailed the entire game but managed to hold TC to only 4 runs in the top of the 6th. In their half of the 6th, Vidor, with 1 out, rallied to score 5 runs to win the game. The nightcap was between Vidor 2 and Org 2 (really Org 1). Vidor 2 won 31-20 and advanced to play Vidor 1 on Tuesday. ORG 2 (really 1) will play Groves tomorrow night followed by TC1 v. TC2. Good luck to all the teams.
  7. Vidor 1 beat Orange 1 (really 2) 20-8. Orange 2 (really Orange 1) beat TC2 26-15. Groves plays ORG 1 (really 2) tomorrow. Vidor 1 plays TC1 tomorrow. Vidor 2 plays ORG 2 (really 1) tomorrow night in the final game.
  8. TC A (1) kicks off the tournament against Groves A (Groves only has 1 team this year). Vidor A (1) follows against Orange B (1) (Orange A went in the bracket as Orange 2). The final game of the day is Orange A (2) vs. TC B (2) (second team). I will post results later.
  9. bump -- where is the talk??? Who is going to challenge Vidor? How does Orange look? TC? Where is PA? Did Groves take the best All Star catcher of all time (the one from last year's tournament)?
  10. Congrats and good luck.
  11. Starts this weekend. Vidor is hosting. Both Vidor teams are good with the first team winning the Battle of the Bridge last weekend in Breaux Bridge. Lots of sticks on that team. How many teams are entering? Orange with 2? TC with 2? Groves? PA?
  12. Congrats to Lance and the boys. That is a tough collection of players. And, the next 12 8 YOs in Vidor are pretty stout too.
  13. My feelings are hurt.
  14. And I will make sure and distribute a full scouting report to GOAT and whomever else!!! Looking forward to it. You guys will have to go easy on us. See you tonight.
  15. Good luck tg. Lots of talent in Orange. Are you still trying to have your cake and eat it too? (play USSSA and league AS) We are playing our first tournament this weekend -- Governor's Games. Looking forward to it. We will play the World Series the same time as the Pinto All Star Tournament.
  16. DD is back on the board. You disappeared for a while. Vidor is set with 2 teams. Both teams will be very competitive.
  17. Congrats to both teams.
  18. Confidential until Friday.
  19. Congrats for Colin.
  20. Vidor Astros won in a close game against the Vidor Angels. Two straight Director's Tournament Championships for that squad. Congrats to the kids and good job by Coach Jason Sylvester.
  21. I guess you don't have to count the practice one anymore...congrats to Colin.
  22. Vidor Astros beat the TC Storm Orange Indians beat the TC Bees Vidor Angels defeated the Vidor Pirates Vidor Tigers defeated the Groves Indians in a nail-biter,17-16 with the winning run scoring in the bottom of the 5th from 2b with 2 outs. So, the Astros will play the Orange Indians in one semi-final and the Angels play the Tigers.
  23. Kudos to Larry Dial, Toby Strother, Ashley Adams, Jason Sylvester and everyone who has helped maintain the Shetland field this year -- it is in great shape thanks to them. Same is true to Byron Lee for the Pinto field (the field at the back). Byron has done a great job. How those guys got the field looking so good after all the rain on it late Saturday is beyond me, but it looked and played great today. A lot of the Pinto coaches have helped with the field, books (moms, etc.). Hal has done a great job mc-ing down there. I think that Vidor has done a tremendous job with this tournament. Still a lot of baseball left. Tough game tomorrow between TC Storm and Vidor Astros. Also, the Groves Indians will play a tough Tiger team. The other matchups will be tight between the Angels and Pirates (they have already tied twice this year) and the TC Bees and Orange Indians will be a dandy. Good luck to everyone.
  24. (Updates follow the brackets -- from the Shetland Field side of the brackets): Vidor Angels advanced. Not sure what happened between Orange 2 and Groves 1. Vidor Pirates advanced. Not sure what happened between TC 4 and Orange 5. Not sure what happened between TC 5 and Orange 7. Final 2 games were moved to Sunday because of rain. (From the Pinto Field side of the brackets): Vidor White Sox advanced. TC Storm advanced (play White Sox today) TC Express advanced over Groves. Vidor Astros advance (play TC Express today). Orange Indians beat Vidor Royals in a close game. Final 2 games moved to Sunday because of rain.
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