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  1. From what I understand it's us that has a couple of guys sick. I'm pretty sure Ty is one of them.
  2. I thought we had him (Bruce) then he struck out 3 of our top 4 hitters. Have to give him credit. Great game . Hopefully we'll rebound today.
  3. Vidor's not better than BC. BC at five is good but i'd put Vidor 8 and move WB to 4. How do you know?
  4. The field is really looking good.
  5. P-Hicks C-Parker 1B-Bellows 2B-Bruce SS-Pitts 3B-Robertrson LF-Hester CF-statum RF-Johnson DH-Leger
  6. Does Pitts know Vidrine is the SS?.... News to me..
  7. Don't really care for the hitting in these camps. It's not that they don't know what they're doing because they do. The thing is, the kid is only there for a few days and they change their swing and then there is no follow up and the kid is more confused than anything. If you want to hit I would suggest getting with a coach and sticking with him because it takes time. Alot more than a few days. JMO.. Good luck.
  8. This is the Orange Leader Team, Covering just Orange County. No kidding. Looks like the all BC team.
  9. Great year guys!.. Hang in there Ty. Our prayers are with you.
  10. At least you're consistant... BC biased as usual.... lol
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