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  1. I know what you're talking about. The most of our side did hush down. He means no harm. honestly. He was facing our dugout talking to someone and we had to tell him to hush. I dont think he realized someone was seriously injured... Once we did, he did hush down. He really is a nice man. We do have respect for the catcher who got hurt. It was a great attempt and hope he is not seriously hurt.
  2. Thanks everyone! It was some good ball today. Both teams were great to watch. Jasper was hard to beat... Can anyone let us know how the catcher is doing for Jasper? He got hurt pretty bad and left to the E.R. We'd sure like to know he'll be ok. Thanks... Go Hutto!
  3. Hi. I just wanted to say it was a great series. Hutto took games 1 and 3 as I'm sure yall are aware by now.... I just wanted to say that there hasnt been anyone that has moved into this varsity team. The majority of these guys have been on varsity since they were freshman(because of being a small school 4 yrs ago). We do not have anyone new on the team that has come in in the past couple of years. We have 11 seniors on our team... What a great day of some good baseball! Jasper did not go down without a fight.
  4. I wondering if all the Hutto fans are like that? It sure does belittle the school and the town to have someone like that speaking for it. But then maybe this person does represent the town and the school. I hope you get a real good welcome to 4a No............. all Hutto fans are not like that. We are embarrassed with some of these comments. We were at the game Thurs. Jasper is a well coached, well disciplined team. You dont get to the 4th round of the playoffs if you're not a good team. We are watching some great baseball at this point. You should give respect to each team you face for their accomplishments. Hutto is a class act town, school and team. Dont let some peoples comments ruin your perception of us. We look forward to a great series today. These are two teams with some great baseball players...
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