Did sumlin come back to Aggie and coach the 4th quarter. Nope, that was Jimbo. Will hafta wait at least another week to become bowl eligible. Thank goodness for that out of conference schedule!
A loss brings out the gloom and doom in the best of us. Texas may very well lose several more games this season, but Herman has the program on the right track. The future is looking better.
Don’t know if it’s true or not, but I heard everytime someone orders the Macho Plate, a Village People Tribute Band breaks out singing Macho Man! Difficult to believe!!
And if they do make the playoff and possible championship game, we’ll see a replay of what happened when they made it last time...get themselves steamrolled by Bama again. At least I think it was the Tide. If not, I stand corrected.
Might hafta start putting a movie rating on these games with Gilmore announcing. With all the love he’s showing Brewer and the bears, we’re approaching an ‘X’ rating!
Baylor got the first down which would’ve gotten them out of the half. I know you play to win, but you’re gonna get the ball to open the 2nd half. Oh well.