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Everything posted by TXHORN_ET

  1. congrats cougars!
  2. Congrats to the Hornets.
  3. Will Aggie step it up this week against the gators? Florida won't do as Bama did last week and not take aTm as a serious opponent. Should go down to the wire. I'll take the Aggies by 4.
  4. Surely not! It wouldn't surprise me in this day and age. I guess tradition has no place in college fb in today's game.
  5. Baker going Al Bundy stuck in his high school days. Making the comment that Sam was 0-3 against Lake Travis while at Westlake. Someone please tell Mayfield this isn't high school anymore. He can talk all he wants when, and if, he's able to shake and bake the Longhorn defense on Saturday, unlike his inability to do the same against that Arkansas police officer, or Iowa state for that matter.
  6. Aikman doesn't want any QB, especially in Dallas, to steal his thunder.
  7. One would think the packers were the home team today with how loud the crowd seems to be reacting in their favor.
  8. Aggies sitting at 4-2 after a good effort in a losing cause against Alabama. They've been here before. If their recent history is any indication, they'll be looking at a 4th place finish in the SEC West once again.
  9. Trinity played a good game against Buna the week before. They are not as bad as their record.
  10. Good defensive performance by Chief and his players. He seems to have a great plan against Bama more times than not. 26.5 point spread was way out of line. I wonder how much $$$$$ changed hands after this one.
  11. WE'll take it!!
  12. Or the ole jump pass...put toe nails in coach!!!
  13. Run off tackle
  14. OK 1last negative statement. Don't put it on the kicker to win this one!!
  15. I gotta drop the negativity!
  16. Oh my...now he'll make this one
  17. K-state shouldve gone for 2 and the win in 1st ot
  18. And Aggie gets a moral victory..put it in the win column!!!
  19. True that on kstate kicker..he can hit from midfield for sure.
  20. Good kick Rowland...lol
  21. I came near close to throwing the remote through the tv . It's just a game..it's just a game.
  22. It's now or never Longhorns. LOSE this one and you can kiss the bowl season goodbye!
  23. Rowland would never see the field again.
  24. Where is #30? No offense in red zone. Holy crap another missed kick. That's what happens when you play to tie and hope for overtime. And to think I had just stopped cursing!!!
  25. Pitch and catch too easy..better tighten up Texas!!
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