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Everything posted by TXHORN_ET

  1. Chavis def finally gets a stop. Might be kyler Murray time.
  2. The 'roll' was me just being a tad facetious. Then again, I won't be surprised if ATM keeps on winning.
  3. Johnny Football returns to give a rousing pregame speech. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Aggies roll the Tide early and often, build up a big lead, then hafta fight Bama off in the final seconds. LSU will have no trouble with Florida.
  4. Bringing in another RB is not the answer to the problem. I'll say this for Garrett...he does a good job of clap clap clap clapping.
  5. It's going to be real interesting to watch these kids develop over the next few years.
  6. I figured the Lady Rebels would be ranked.
  7. As poorly as Haines plays, he doesn't need to call anyone out.
  8. I guess I forgot how bad TCU was when they joined the conference. They definitely have grown up.
  9. Start burning redshirts. Get Duke Thomas, Haines, and any of the other upperclassmen off the field. It's not like we're winning with them. Plus Charlie won't be around to see these young kids play down the road if this keeps up. Well he might see them play from the opponents sideline.
  10. I think my old arse could torch the Texas secondary!
  11. Just saw the Pope give a thumbs up to the crowd. He must be an Aggie fan. This just might be there year!
  12. 'Ol jerruh jones might have a say in the outcome of this one. He'll gladly take all that aggie $$ while his razorbacks miraculously find a way to win. I really can't see that happening. ATM by at least 2 td's!
  13. Did Chip Kelly and the Eagles hire Shawn Watson to run their offense?
  14. Spent many a summer night listening to gene elston and loel passé on the transistor radio hoping the colt 45s would win.
  15. Gotta give the Horns credit, but a loss is still a loss!
  16. So briles was going to have the bears kneel it and run out the clock, but his players wanted to score again?
  17. You can't say take away this or that and it would've been 28-28 because you don't know what would've happened when Texas had the ball on those offensive series.
  18. Better go with heard early and give locksley a look too. But then again, they might burn the shirt.
  19. Swoopes still starting this week against Rice. Is Strong wanting to be fired or what?
  20. Bottom line is the head coach and his coordinators did not and have not put their team in position to at least be competitive. There is still no offensive plan whatsoever. I figured they at least knew how to use various formations to make the defense adjust...which I haven't seen in the last 14 games. If we line up like this, the defense has to do this, and we can do this. I'm not even going to tackle the defensive side of the ball. Maybe that was the wrong term to use seeing there were very few tackles made by Texas. What the heck did they do all off-season. Oh well. It's not like anything is going to change anytime soon.
  21. I don't think I can take another year of the S-O-S!!!! But appears I will.
  22. It's bad when it's 1st and 10 and the call goes out for the punt team to get ready.
  23. We're stuck with swoopes now. Heard shaken up on his 1st carry. KRAP!!!
  24. I'm not real sure Watson or Bedford have a clue on either side of the ball what's going on.
  25. Maybe David Letterman can toss the coin when aggie plays ball state.
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