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Matthew328 last won the day on February 3

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  1. For the record, I think Barbers Hill made a solid hire, Coach Simper is a winner and should do very well
  2. Accuracy is in the eyes of the reader so you dont have to believe its accurate, 100% your choice. What matters is if I believe its accurate, my track record stands on it's own merit and its a system i've used for nearly 20 years in the game, I went with it after getting confirmation from two different sources within the district.
  3. I did call the BH admin office and left a message but never got a call back, but lets keep in mind calling him is pointless because he's not going to discuss a personnel issue with a member of the media...fairly certain that's illegal. And you are assuming I spoke to Abseck and he told me that information, which is actually not accurate, I spoke to a current BHISD employee that I trust and another BHISD employee that I dont know as well and got that same answer. Coach Abseck's way too classy to tell me why he got let go other than "it was a mutal parting of ways" and that he was sad to go.
  4. Is it smearing if I believe its accurate? I haven't said much about the reason Coach Abseck left up until that post...it might be because I talked to folks I trust w/first hand knowledge of the situation...I posted that "rumor" because in my opinion I believe it is true
  5. It's Stepp, Tepp is a different person If you are referring to the rumor of why Abseck left Barbers Hill, well I dont think its a big secret that that rumor is out there, I'm simply acknwledging the rumor is out there. If you are asking if I personally believe the rumor, I 100% believe it based on the sources I've directly spoken with. And if you are referring to "That School" post I made, well it was posted in a public forum and is fair game just like most anything else....stuff from Smoaky gets posted here and vice versa all the time, considering the overlap it shouldn't be a surprise...
  6. Reply posted on BH-Baytown thread
  7. We all have biases, it is human. I try to eliminate them but that can be a challenge. If you have an example of my bias feel free to ask me about it, I'll be happy to discuss with you in an open forum or in private.
  8. Reply on BH-Baytown thread
  9. I forgot Coach Abseck's daughter is senior...then he's absolutely going to keep her at Barbers Hill....it'd be awful as a parent to yank her out of her school three months before graduation....I am sure everyone in Lufkin 100% understands why he'd allow his daughter to finish her senior year, attend senior prom and graduate w/her friends
  10. I've seen PAM play but not in Port Arthur....will have to see how many free Friday's I can get from the day job
  11. I'm already planning on making it down for a game at the new place
  12. "That School" is a choice
  13. Yes they are very nice...they got them 2 or 3 years ago [Hidden Content]
  14. Lindale, Tyler, Tyler Legacy have them....Longview and Chapel Hill are getting indoors
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