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Everything posted by bellison1

  1. What teams are you referring to in that area? Name one that can compete with the teams you see on TV? What teams down there have the facilities to showcase like the ones that get on TV? Now I agree, teams from other states probably would not be able to compete against the Golden Triangle teams. Now, if you are stretching the area to Houston, some of those teams get on TV, but I am here to tell you, nobody down there can play with the Wylies, Southlakes, Planos, etc. Even your shining star Dayton lost in the state championship game to a team that got whipped by Longview, who in turn got destroyed by Lake Travis......Sorry to bring the bad news to you...
  2. You are right about that rhino.....Unbelievable facilities, support, and athletes.....LCM is not even close to what Carthage has.....but that new scoreboard whould sure bring some good applicants......lol
  3. The last two statements you make epitomize the problem there...... The reason it will be hard for an outsider to come in is because lil' Johnnie didn't get his way so now he is not playing....you will never win with those type o kids anyway....and kid's interest is back up? As a football coach, you want the kids on the field that are going to be there no matter what first and foremost....then the others will fall into place accordingly.....yes, there needs to interest but for the right reasons......
  4. Total package is salary, expense account, car.......Traylor is probably making more in Gilmer than PN-G is willing to pay, plus he is from there and has a beautiful house on the lake there......He turned down one of the best 5A jobs in the state a few years ago to stay so you can wish all you want to......I cannot speak for anyone on that list, but I would be totally surprised if any of them took the job....Of course, there is always the possibility they could use the job to increase their pay where they are.
  5. I am not saying to hire Burke or not to. Whenever you hire you are taking a chance that it will not work out. You improve your chances of it working out though if you have parameters that fit your district and know they have been through the fire. I can tell you that if Burke comes with Larry B's seal of approval, that would be enough for me to hire him as a top assistant. However, not having faced some of the things he would have to face not only as a HC but also as an AD, he would be difficult to hire in that position. I know you support athletics and want the best for the kids. But "we" have to trust in our decision makers to do the right thing. Hopefully they will. Even when Coach Moody was hired, I am sure it wasn't done with the idea he would fail.
  6. LOL!!!!!! This has gone from crazy to rediculous to idiotic. I can tell you from experience there is only one way to get kids out for a sport and keep them out.....W I N.......Yes, they may all come out at first bcause they get what they want.....but when it comes down to it, if the team is not winning, they will not stay out......everybody wants to be a part of a winner.....I have heard hire this guy because there is a petition and put these business guys on the selection committee because they know what's up.....Am I the only one that thinks they should create a committee with people that have direct affects by this hire......There will be applicants (not me) that will meet everything you are asking for and have great credentials......What do you do MMS panther fan? What if a position that is in direct correlation to your's came open and they hired someone that the only experience they had was an internship.....Or, for whoever wanted those business men on a committee, your new boss was hired by someone that had no clue about your business or how to run it......I am an LC-M graduate and I want to see them return to a respectable program..... And I have never seen a petition work when it comes time to hire.....In fact, it tends to hurt the applicant
  7. Having a M.Ed. does not make you a great coach. However, it can help in the administrative aspects of the AD position. A coach is much more marketable when they have their master's and we all know that. If you want to be considered for one of these "major" jobs, get your master's. It is not that difficult if you work at it.
  8. I can vouch for the Dicus info.....Total package is close to 120,000......There is not one thing about PNG that is better than Duncanville....You can try to get Traylor from Gilmer, I will be completely shocked.....If Long and Credeur are turning you down, how in the world do you think you can get folks from these types of programs?
  9. I cannot talk about what Coach Keeling will or will not do. Wherever he is, he will be successful. I can tell you that Everman's facility (other than the playing field) is not very nice.....YET!!!!! You should see what they are doing to it now though. It will be top notch. WTB is correct, the Metro-plex is the place to be as a coach. The talent, the facilities, the competition.......Some of the schools down there should bring a group of folks up the D/FW. Go to Aledo, Everman, Lancaster, Hachie, the list goes on.....Atheltics is an important part of the school program and it shows in their facilities and schools......I can promise you, PNG will not offer any more to any head coach in the D/FW area than he already has and then some.....
  10. I hope LC-M gets exactly what they want.....and it works out for you......I have said all I am going to say on this thread (unless prompted by others of course).......Good luck in your search LC-M......You are going to need it.......
  11. Dang it Larry, you trumped my post as the best post on this thread....hahahahahahahahahaha......you know the man better than me and if you say he can get it done then I am sure he can......you are a good judge of character and I know you know what your talking about when you talk football......I really do hope they get someone in there that can get it done......If Josh Rankin applies, that is the guy they really need to take a look at.....If Mike Stewart applies, same thing......there is a list of guys that have a vested interest and great background that if they apply, should have a great shot.......I have had a few folks ask if I would apply.....my response is "not a chance in hades." lol.......I am in a great situation and really don't see me going anywhere else for a while.....College football is great and a lot of fun to coach......Take care all.......Good luck in your search
  12. They better hire someone with head coaching experience from at least a 3A level or have good 4A / 5A coordinator experience......that is what it is going to take......
  13. I agree completely.......and they wonder why that attrition rate is so high.....
  14. What are you saying wow to? What is sad?
  15. He may be a great guy and a great coach......but if his only experience is Jr. High, he ain't even close to ready to be a varsity head football coach and definitely not ready for the AD hat......that is not just him, that is any young coach that only has Jr. hi experience.....Hire who you want but just remember all these posts when you are ready to run off the next guy.......Which is a point not dwelled upon. LC-M ran off the only coach that had long term success and deep playoff runs......wow, maybe you should just go the intramural route......lol
  16. Good grief.....no sense getting upset.....If caring about the kids and wanting to be there was all you needed to be successful, go down to the pop warner league. You can find the same thing I am sure. There will be people apply that have that have those qualities and the background to run a football program and an athletic program. I guess MMS Panther fan doesn't believe me about Moody's background. Ever hear of Euless Trinity, Ed Hickman, Tam Hollingshead, Temple.....all are synonymous with Texas football. Again, he just wasn't a fit for LC-M and that is OK.......get over it and move on and let the next guy come in and do what needs to be done to create a winner. And just so you know, it may include coming in a cleaning house in the football program. That is the way it is in most places so just get ready for that to hoppen.
  17. The fact that this is even a discussion tels exactly where the district is. If you want to be come the laughing stock of the state, hire a Jr. High coach as the head coach. Now, if he has HC or coordinator experience, that is different. But if he does not, I am in shock that he will even apply. NO....Moody was the Jr. High mentor or laiason (sp?). He was a varsity coach for a guy that has several state champioship rings and some conference championship rings from a place called Texas A&M. I am here to tell you Moody's football background is quality. He just was not the right fit for LC-M and that happens in a lot of places. Whoever is making the decision should look closely at the resumes and make a decision and stand behind that decision. Don't hire someone because that is who everybody else wants or because you need someone fast. Hire the best man for the job and give him what it takes to be successful. Good grief there are some crazy posts on here.
  18. Completely agree elhector.......any parent that has a student involved in the athletic program there should voice what they want in an AD. I sure am not discarding that. It is the people without a dog in the fight that have zero say so as to anything that goes on in the ISD. I was the other sports guy in high school and other sport is how I went to college. I am a football guy now but have been on that other side and know what a good and bad AD looks / acts like........
  19. That is exactly correct......I was talking to Coop the other day and my comment was "Too many chiefs and not enough indians." Too many people think they have a say so in what happens in the overall program at LC-M. When the only ones that have a direct say so are the parents, about their student. No more and no less. I know the argument, "I pay taxes so I should have a say so." You do in the democratic process of voting for board members. No Joe Blow off the street should have one iota of a notion to walk into the Supt. office or the principal office and get to tell them what they think. However, that tends to be the norm. If I am wrong, I appologize but I think I am not. There are good people in the district.
  20. This was all I was trying to address......If you want a quality football guy(s), you have to make it a great deal......there is something to be said for experience and age......To work through the politics of LC-M takes a lot of character, diplomacy, and tact.....They need to hire someone that knows how to manage that type of situation as well as be an x's and o's guy......those folks are in high demand and you get what you pay for.....
  21. Thanks sixman....I sorta figured that was a little off......The law is 45 minutes a day or 90 minutes every other day......Athletics should not count as the coach's off period......I do not know how it is set up and really don't care to be honest with you.....Again, I was just stating what it would take to get a quality AD/HFC in there......That is all
  22. WOW...this is crazy......Yes, if the head coaches at LC-M are teaching 3 classes in a 4 period day, that is absolutely rediculous. In fact, it is against the law. When is their planning period? If their planning period is the athletic period, some coach is assigned to the athletic class. If the school is in that bad of shape that they cannot hire enough teachers to teach and allow the coaches into the athletic periods, you got bigger problems than football. I am not trying to bash LC-M or say do this or do that. I am just expressing my opinion about what can be done to attract a quality coach. This is not just something LC-M would have to do, it is any school. You can take it or leave it, it doesn't matter to me if you agree with me or not. But I (and a lot of others on this board can tell you) know what I am talking about.
  23. I do understand that all sports are important. I was that other sport guy. I am just answering responses on the football aspect. It is crazy for a head coach of any sport to have to teach more than 4 classes in a 7 period day. I think most AD's (or at least the ones I have been around) are very supportive of all sports. A coach that is AD/HFC that goes 2-8 or 3-7 year in and year out will lose their job no matter how good of an AD they are. That is reality and we all know that going in.
  24. What's up my man? I dropped a card off at S's office last spring when I was recruiting in the area. Never heard from you guys.....I will be down over Christmas break with the kids.....message me your number so I can give you a call.....A good seeeeegawr sounds good to me....
  25. If you want your football program to be successful, you will have to do what you highlighted in my first post. I am not trying to say anything about the other sports. Ask Coop about my background in other sports. I am just telling you how it has to be if you want to run a quality football program. LC-M is a big school. It is 4-A so that is what you need to be thinking like. If you think small school, you will look small school. No disrespect to small schools intended so please do not start jumping on that comment and hammering me about it. Any coach can tell you that big school and small school are two totally different animals.
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