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Everything posted by JoelHowell

  1. Amen Chief. Baseball is a game of chance and strategy, and I know from personally knowing Coach Terrier, and knowing how much of his time he pours into his program, even down to mowing the field, there is no better man to make the calls for the Cougars. Waiting after the walk and HBP to make the change didn't cost them the game. Nothing did. They played excellent. Someone had to lose though.
  2. No, I wouldn't have. The fact of the matter is that Hillin started to show some signs of wear even in the 6th, as stated by the commentator on the live feed, which is uncharacteristic of Brandon as shown by his regular season/post season record of 10-0 before this game. The commentator also made a comment something to the extent of "It looks like Hillin might have stayed out a bit too long". Are you going to point the perverbial finger at him as well, claiming that he was making an attempt to coach the cougars? I think most people on this forum will agree that your accusations are completely out of line, and your comments hold absolutely no weight at all. This is a forum, and is here for people to post their opinions about sports, not for degenerates like yourself to post opinions...ABOUT PEOPLE POSTING OPINIONS. Do yourself a favor, and get a life. I am terribly sorry that you feel the way you do about my comments, and hope that someday you can find it within the depths of your soul to suck it up, and move on from what is, in your mind, a travesty. Let me make it known to you that I support all Cougar athletics, and hold Coach Terrier in the highest regard, not only as a baseball coach, but as a friend and mentor to his players, and as a wonderful teacher as well. Joel Howell Jr. PS-Thanks for calling me "Jr.", I'm damn proud of it.
  3. Lefty, You sir have lunch on me at Howell's Campus Corner!
  4. First of all, don't question myself or my families dedication to this town and it's athletic program, as you are in no place to do so. Go back and read my posts, and recognize that I was only engaging in conversation pertaining to this game. It is my personal opinion that Hillin should have been pulled a couple of batters earlier, and Clark put in. Both of these kids are OUTSTANDING athletes. However, no one can tell the future, it's part of the game. Also, I am not the coach, nor was I making an attempt to be. Now, I suggest that if you want to pick appart my comments in an apparent attempt to defame me or my family, you do it properly in a way that will not bring reproach on whatever name you want to use in order to publish your bull attempt at an intelligent comment. This is a sports forum, I just joined and even I knew that. It isn't here for people like you who are only on for means of a personal agenda, it is here for people like me, who talk about...you guessed it..SPORTS. Now you claim that I question Coach Terrier's call, which if you read my posts is false. I simply said "Shoulda pulled him after the walk or HBP". That is obviously, to a person of comparable intelligence, a personal opinion offered by me, not even MENTIONING Coach Terrier. Once again, my family and I, especially my father who is the owner of Campus Corner, support the Cougar Athletic Program possibly more than anyone in this town, if you want to get down to it. My dad wears Buna blue, (or LSU purple and gold) EVERY day without fail, maintains a great relationship with coaches, players, their families and their teachers, and makes regular and frequent donations to the program, INCLUDING a donation so that YOU had the privilege to listen to. So, in closing, read my comments, try your best to bypass your simple mindedness and understand what I was saying, and think twice before you make an adolescent attempt at bringing my family into your childish statements. By the way, thanks for the spellcheck. At least your good for something. Have a great day, Joel Howell Jr.
  5. Congratulations to Buna on an excellent season. WTG.
  6. It'd be nice if carrell has another triple in him right now.
  7. <---Agrees w/ Wildcat. Josh Clark has nasty stuff.
  8. Did anyone put blame on Coach Terrier, an excellent coach? No. I didn't hear it.
  9. Shoulda pulled him after the walk or HBP definatley.
  10. He should. He generally dosen't have any problems making it through 7.
  11. Kind of sounds like Hillin is losing steam. Control is fading. Not good.
  12. I registered just so I could post on this game while listening to the feed. C'mon Buna!
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