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Everything posted by PNGFan

  1. So we shouldn’t tackle at all in practice. So no contact at all?
  2. Yes, so does Nederland and Vidor.
  3. My issue isn’t whose playing defense my issue is the lack of teaching fundamentals in practice. They run the same drills over and over with NO contact. You play how you practice. Watching the CB’s the other night they had no idea how to cover the WR’s and we’re lost most of the night!
  4. It’s Trumps fault!
  5. I’m still saying our Defense is weak. Our DB’ s are very weak in fundamentals of pass coverage. They never find the ball and all they do is chase after the receivers. We are afraid to lay the wood on anyone and try to hand tackle. This goes with not actually tackling in practice. When my sons played a few years ago they never live tackled in practice. You play how you practice!
  6. Would not had been the go ahead TD, PNG was up 8 and PAM would’ve had to convert 2 point conversion.
  7. The lack of coaching real tackling in practice translates hand tackling in Games!! That was the worst Defensive Coaching jobs ive seen in years and I’ve watched this coach try to coach defense for years!! PNG does not tackle in practice. They pretend to!!
  8. Johnson set him up for that hit. Can’t loft a slow pass on a fast team. All PAM has to do is hand ball to Hines and we’ll touch him with our hands when he runs by!! Sure won’t hit
  9. The lack of teaching the fundamentals of tackling and containing the corners will be exposed all night!!
  10. Only way to beat PAM is stopping the run, but I question if our D could stop my grandma! Hines could have 200 by halftime!
  11. Prayers.
  12. Hope he keeps grounded. He is a good kid.
  13. I think if CS meets a team with a good defensive cord. They'll get yards, but think with a good cord. They try to make him beat them with his arm.
  14. Agree with the spy, I thought our defensive coaches would've been smart enough to had done this and make Perez beat you with his arm. I was impressed with his running, but wasn't very impressed with his arm. CS defense will be their Achilles Heal.
  15. No we received opening kickoff
  16. We can't contain the corners and the DBs are to afraid to tackle! We need to have a spy on the QB
  17. Guarantee it wasn't someone from PNG!
  18. But it's frustrating watching him applying for other jobs every off season
  19. Faircloth has brought a mediocre program out of the dark ages.
  20. Many in the community rather be 1-9 and beat Nederland than be 9-1 lose to Nederland and make the playoffs. PNG is one of the most political (Daddy Babies) programs in the state.
  21. I'm not going to lie I've been unhappy with the defensive philosophy since Kroeker was let go. My youngest played for him. He was let go because he wanted to play hard nose defense and wasn't given the players. They were wanted on offense and defense was changed to bend but don't break style. Play DB's 20 yards off ball and try to score more points than your opponent. Special Teams have been a Achilles heal for many years. I made a comment about defensive coach but he's the product of the system. I think Faircloth is a good coach but he's still getting schooled by other coaches and clock management. I have always supported him, but the program is getting political again like the last few years with Burnett. Like I said above my son started for 2 years during his first 2 years and feels the same way.
  22. Remember 2010 when we were the big underdogs against Manvel and we scared the pants off them. 21-21 at half and a few bad breaks in the 3rd quarter we were in the game. Final 56-46
  23. Please don't talk about our secondary I was crucified for it!!
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