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Everything posted by PNGFan

  1. Why don't the community start holding these chemical plants that are making billions accountable in helping to rebuild the community?
  2. All these current and former athletes that come from PA, instead of holding camps for kids that will never make it to the next level why don't they take some of that money and teach the value of education? Invest some of that money in the community? Build business downtown or in the PA city limits?
  3. PNG has a new Supt. That deals with enrollment. Heard he has cracked down on people falsely enrolled in the district. As a tax payer I am happy for this. You want to live here, be a tax payer!!!
  4. A 5'3 DB against a 6'+receiver is not a good combination!!!
  5. This game shouldn't even be close!! But I'm glad it's close to downsize the kids head and learn some adversity!!!
  6. PNG 14-7. Lumberton scored on fumble
  7. We're killing ourselves. We should be up arm least 28-0
  8. They need to turn the volume up on the speaker system!! Cannot hear anything the PA Annoucer is saying.
  9. Not impressed with either team right now. #3 for Nederland is their whole offense right now.
  10. Not impressed with either team right now. #3 for Nederland is the whole team right now.
  11. Or Section8 Arthur
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. I have a question. Everyone is praising Corps like Apple and Walmart for removing the flag, but it's okay for these companies to buy products from Slave Sweat Shops?? It only matters when it comes to Black Slaves? Are these Companies Hypocrites? These companies can honestly care less about a flag, its about the bottom line and greed!
  14. King of Jordan has balls, our King doesn't!!!
  15. The only thing Biggirl has is Obama is black...period!!
  16. Sumlin is all about offense and no defense. Dang, that sounds like us here in PN!!!!
  17. O-V-E-R-R-A-T-E-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Mine has skyrocketed!!! Deduductable has tripled and reduced coverage!! As long as we take care of the welfare and deadbeats.
  19. The Aggies DB's are pathetic!!! If Arkansas would not of choked last week they'd be on a 2 game losing streak.
  20. I asked the post master in Port Neches if they gave testing to the postal workers because they can't read or know numbers. My mail carrier has been screwing up my mail for years. Told him now I know why they are bankrupt because the workers are idiots.
  21. You think he's stupid now? Put some $$$ in his pockets and you'll see the real stupid.
  22. I now people wanna know what's wrong with NFL players. College is just a stepping stone.
  23. Winning bidder on Ebay.
  24. He's an idiot!!!!! Plain and simple!!! The Union Organizer has no clue how to lead....
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