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Everything posted by Critter

  1. Still making BC Proud...... ;D
  2. Should Helmke get Nominated for a NO-hitter with no Strikeouts or, his Defense for their play.... ??? ???
  3. :'( :'( :'( R.I.P. VT Students..... :'(
  4. I say BC in Five 13-2.... ;D
  5. Good job Stangs in the Win......
  6. Where was "EARL" at Where was "PIERCE" at I'd like to know ??? ??? Maybe at BASEBALL practice... ;D ;D DID they fail classes ??? ??? If they are SOOOOO much faster why weren't they there ??? ??? Oh and one more thing for whoever...
  7. Should be a good game.....I'll go with O'Field 7-5
  8. I'm goin' wit tha Horns...... 8)
  9. I'm going to say the team with the most points at the end of the game is going to win...... ;D ;D
  10. 12-3 For the Brook...... 8)
  11. And he's a Freshman Hitter would have to be: Furguson
  12. Me Too......... ??? ???
  13. Glad to be out of the cold.....burrrrrrr it was frezzing....Great Job Cards on the Win.
  14. Yep, Never Underestimate your opponent..
  15. Congrats Hawks on the WIN........Must of stopped the Bunts.. ;D ;D
  16. BUNA in this one 13-1 in 5 innings..... ;D
  17. So you don't like the sound Metal Cleats make when walking on concrete.... ;D ;D ??? ??? ;D ;D
  18. Thanks Cat.
  19. If anybody has simple Directions coming through Port Arthur... Or down I-10 which ever way is faster...
  20. I'll take Teams for 1000 please. Question: "The team that beat Jasper on saturday" Answer: Who is Hardin-Jefferson..... ;D ;D 9-5 HJ
  21. Directions to HF Field ??? ???
  22. Sounds like a Great Idea....That would be COOL... 8) 8)
  23. Would have to say K'Ville or O'Field.......... :'(
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