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  1. The problem is that there are no requirements for running. Literally any idiot who lives in the district can sign up and run if they want. You can have the I.Q. of a moron and be elected if people like you well enough. There are no education requirements. In the district where I live, most of the elected officials only have high school educations. Their only "knowledge" of education is their own experience and/or their child's. For their particular field, this is all that is required, but they really have no clue as to what really goes on in a classroom. It seems that their only concern is the "appearance" of the school district to the public instead of the quality of education the district is providing for the students. This is not right. There should be some requirements for being on school board. I agree with someone not being allowed to run if they are related to someone employed by the district because that tends to cause conflicts. We have this problem in our district. Someone in a previous post stated that one person cannot control the board and that's not true. One member can convince the rest to vote their way. It happens all the time and has been for 30 years here. The same family has controlled the board since the 70's.
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