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Everything posted by jnboudreaux

  1. I am not posting on here to start fights with other people. I just started using this site to keep up with everything including the PNG Football as I have two older boys who will play. I wanted to express my opinion on what i saw out at the tournament and see if anybody shares my feelings. I however did not expect to get hammered by somebody who does not know me. I agree the TC team did incredibly well and has great talent. I also want to know if anyone knows of a select team in the Golden Triangle Area for ages 13-14. Does anybody have any information on that subject?
  2. Why do you have such an attitude. I actually am very involved with the league. I dont "grip" or "gripe" about everything for that matter. There is alot of talent in the Golden triange area and stretches beyond that i am sure. What i am not sure about is why you are so arrogant and cocky. This are children that deserve a chance to be kids in a sport that they love. Not to be pushed or yelled at by adults that missed their chance a long time ago. I compliment your teams and you still have an attitude. As the choice of Groves American changing its name to something else to include more children. What is the harm in that? I wish Vidor the best luck in state, and hope they represent the Golden Triange well.
  3. It is obvious you cant read. I said this was our first year in All-stars. We also have nothing but respect for TC even though we lost to them as well. It was just easier for my son to lose to them becuase it was a fair match up and his team gave all he had. It is the attitude of the parents that is causing the problem. The kids have nothing to do with this. Vidor has great talent. Those kids deserve a chance at state as they worked hard. It is people like you that take it too far.
  4. I am a mother of a child that made all-stars from Groves. This is the first year that he has played allstars and the second year in baseball itself. Before the tournament on the weekend of the 21st he was so excited to finally get to be an all-star. We practiced everyday in the yard and he gave everything he had at his actual practice. Going into the tourney that weekend I saw the light in his eyes and his passion for the sport go out of him when we heard that Vidor had put their A-team as the B-team. That put a train coming down the path of my sons team. Just the thought of the A team playing his B team (yes he is smart enough to know what the difference is) upset him. He knew (as did the team and the coaches) that they were going to get beat right off of the bat. In turn I had to console him after the first loss as to why a city with so much talent would do that to other 4,5,and 6 year old kids? Why would they crush them like that? Just to win, what does that teach their kids? I am starting to agree with some other parents on this thread. I am not sure next year, if he is chosen that i am going to let him play. But ultimately it will be his choice. My son has incredible talent and i would hate for him to hate the game or quit playing because of an experience like that. On the other hand, we played TC on Sunday. It was more of a fair match up against our team. The kids were actually the size of 4,5 and 6 year olds. Again incredible talent and we had absolutely no problem with the fans. Both sides cheered for all the kids on both teams. I think Vidor is the one with the problem.
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