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Everything posted by hipster

  1. Just wondering how a school of this size would need 2 ad's.  Is this one for boy's and one for girl's?
  2. I read where Jim Singletary was a recent inductee into the Hall of Honor. Congrats. Anyone know of the other inductees?
  3. Why not do like Purdue and name him coach in waiting?
  4. Sorry about ;posting this twice
  5. Check this out [Hidden Content]
  6. Ex Silsbee High player Marc Henry new WWE wrestling champion. Check out TMZ.com
  7. Check this out about this athlete. [Hidden Content]
  8. Well why not set up a booth in the Student Center or new/old Mac and sign them up there. At least you get to see them on the hoof. I am sure there are some in summer school. You have to recruit them they will not just come to you.
  9. Hopefully this not the way we are going to recruit. How many potential athletes know of this site.
  10. Good luck H squared I am sure you will do good.
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