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Everything posted by bobbycat

  1. Tryouts and drafts are completed, with schedules coming out in the week.Registration numbers have been great in all age groups, 250-300 kids, but we still have a couple of open spots to fill teams to their max number.If you are interested in filling one of those spots contact me,  at  [email protected] the league is for softball/baseball ages 5-15 and the season will start on Aug. 24th and finish Oct. 14th., this will give everyone 12-14 scheduled games played on Monday,Tuesday or Thursday.We have teams from Buna,Nederland,Groves, and Orange playing with us this fall and the schedules will be posted on our league website, bcll.org, in the coming days.
  2. Tryouts are still on for tonight @ 6 p.m.The fields are dry and we will be able to get all of the tryouts that are scheduled for tonight in.Tuesday and Thursday we will have the other divisions tryouts @ 6 p.m. as well.If you did not get a chance to make sign-ups last week, you can still sign-up at tryouts.We have teams from Nederland,Groves,Orange and Buna coming to play in the fall league, so if you live near one of those towns we can place you on one of the teams they are bringing.
  3. With the Jr. boys sectional taking place this weekend we are going to move tryouts to the following days. Softball-    Ages 6-8 Thursday @ 6:00 p.m.                       9-12-Monday  @ 6:00 p.m. Baseball    Ages 5-7 Thursday  @ 6:00 p.m.                   8-9    Tuesday  @ 6:00 p.m.                   10-12  Monday  @  6:00 p.m. Registration is going on this week  Today thru Friday at the ballpark from 5-9 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.The turnout has been great in softball and baseball.Contact me @ [email protected] if you have any questions.     
  4. With some of the high-schools doing summer leagues, it would be tough to get one team, much less a league.
  5. Reminder that Registration will start this Monday-Friday from 5 p.m.- 9 p.m. at the Little League ballpark.
  6. The most asked question has been, "can we bring a team from our area" and the answer is yes if they are all from your your city.We want to try and keep the league balanced across the board, so if all of the kids are from your city, then they can come as a team.If you have any questions send them to [email protected].
  7. The registration dates and times will be July 12-16 from 5-9 pm at Bridge City Little League with tryouts @ 9 am on the 17th at the Little League.You can get the registration forms from www.bcll.org or at the ballpark.If you have any questions you can e-mail them to [email protected].
  8. We did 13-15 in 08'
  9. The age date is what age you are on April 30 2011 for boys and Dec. 31st 2010 for girls.We are not cancelling out 16 yr. olds, it is just wit NBR going on and most kids that age playing, it is hard to field a team of 15 and 16 yr. olds. It works out where 15's can play with 13's, but 16's cannot play with 13's.We have found out that it works better to have one strong program, rather then 2 weak programs.We would like to have more 16's playing, it is just hard to compete for that small group of kids that still play league ball.Would like any ideas that would draw a large group of 16's back to the program.
  10. The fall ball program will be offered for ages 5-15 for Boys and Girls.The Jr. boys program will be 13-15 yr. olds and Girls program will be for 13-15 as well.Registration will be July-12th.-17th at the ballpark from 4p.m. to 7 p.m. and tryouts will be on the 17th.
  11. We are looking at the older ages, we are just not sure if we will get enough interest at those ages to fill the teams.We are not ruling it out at this time, I am just posting what we will be doing for sure in the fall league as of right now.If we get enough interest at the older ages, then we will do it.The registration costs will be $65.00 for the first child in a family, and $50.00 for each additional, and no concession stand or fund-raising fees.
  12. Bridge City Little League will be offering a Fall Ball program this year.We are still working on finalizing the details, but here are some items that are for certain.We will offer Baseball and Softball, it will be for ages 5yr.-12 yr.(next years playing age),we will play on Mondays,Tuesdays, and Thursdays, and it is open to anyone,regardless of boundaries.The league will provide shirt,hat, and umpires.Registraion will start around the first of July with the league starting around the end of August and will finish first of October.We will be putting information on our website,www.bcll.org, and I will be posting more information in the coming days with contact information as it is finalized.
  13. Bridge City's Jr/Sr program is for 13-16 and since Nederland does not have a Jr./Sr. league program any kids from that area is eligible to play in the next closet Jr./Sr. program in their district which would likely be Bridge City.So any kids that would like to play Jr./Sr. ball can either have their league.(example-Nederland LL,PNLL,Groves LL,etc...) charter a Jr./Sr. program and can get a team and inter-league with BC or they can sign up in BC and play on a team in that league.It looks like BC will have 6 teams of JR's. Anyone interested in playing can go to bcll.org and contact a board member about registering.
  14. BCLL All-Stars beat Mississippi in 6-5 Tuesday in extra innings as Chase Shugart hit a walk-off HR in the 7th. See more on our Sports Page. Listen to the Championship game against Texas West Thursday at 7pm on KOGT!
  15. Well it looks like the kids have implemented what they have learned from the coaches, at G.T.B.(NEVER GIVE UP).It is amazing to see these young men compete at such a high level.With them winning today that makes then one of only 32 teams in the WORLD to make it to the regional finals.If they win Thursday then they are in the top 16 teams in the World out of about 7200 leagues.Great Job!
  16. Great job to all of the board members and the voulnteers of BC that helped the league have a season this year. It is amazing to see the work they did in the off-season to have the fields in playing shape for opening day.Kuddos to you guys.
  17. Did all of the kids on the B.C. 12 yr. old all-star team play for G.T.B. this year?
  18. Tuesday 8/11/09 10:00 am Texas East First Place Pool B vs. Mississippi Second Place Pool A Game 14 1:00 pm Texas West First Place Pool A vs. Arkansas Second Place Pool B
  19. What I have heard is just hear say so I do not want to put it down in writing, but there must be some truth to it if others have heard the same.I am sure that more details will emerge in the coming days, so stay tuned in. :-X
  20. I have heard in the past several days that there may be changes to how/who runs things at Ford Park.Has anyone else heard this?Is there any CREDITABLE truth to this?
  21. Article from KOGT Bridge City LL captured the 12 year old District 32 championship Monday night in grand fashion by putting the beat down on Groves National 18-0. BCLL collected 19 hits including 7 homeruns. They concluded the District Tournament going 4-0 outscoring their opponents 65-7. For the tournament they also had 57 hits with 14 homeruns. Up next for BCLL will be the Sectional round which will be played at BCLL starting July 17th. Team members are Ryne Shugart, Blake Pruett, Tryce Howard, Dillon Taylor, Kolten Bergeron, Blaine Slaughter, Chase Shugart, Chase Rutledge, Coby Roddy, Bryce Carey, Jonah Watts, Corbin Voegeli, and Matthew Kress.
  22. Beacuse everyone knows there is no BS in SELECT!!!!!!!!!!!! :
  23. How many tournaments did you play in this year GABL?
  24. Is the big kid still injured?Unless I am mistaking, if a kid gets injured during the season and misses games it does not go against his eligiblity.I think the rule is that you have to play in 50% or 60% of the games that you are eligibile to play in.If you are injured you are not eligible to play in those games so it does not go against you.Did he play in any games this year or did he sit the whole year?
  25. Bridge City is hosting the 12 yr. boys, 9/10 yr. girls and the 11/12 yr. girls.It will start July 17-20 with all teams playing on Friday and Saturday. This link has some of the brackets and places of some of the secitonal tournaments, with district 32 being in section 2 [Hidden Content]
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