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  1. Kaitlin McFarland, sophomore at Hardin-Jefferson High School and Aces Express Gold player accepted an offer to attend the University of Mississippi and play softball! She will be a REBEL! She would like to thank all of those in SETx who have impacted her softball career. Special thanks to Trout, Craig Soignet, and Jimmy with GT Shockers as well as Shug and Brad with Orange Crush. Also thanks to Cody Trahan for the advice on recruiting early on. Hotty Toddy!!
  2. HJ's Kaitlin McFarland made an impressive jump from 8th place after squat and bench to 2nd place and a trip to state after deadlift. The show of sportsmanship from the Orangefield and Hampshire-Fannett powerlifters and thier parents in the stands, by cheering for Kaitlin on her final(state qualifying) lift, was first class and thanks to all of them. She even surprised dad on that one! Good luck to Kaitlin and the other girls that will be representing District 21-3A at state.
  3. HJ falls short in the 5th. Lost 3-2.  Great season and a great group of girls. I enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you all!
  4. HJ down 2-1 after 3.
  5. Hey, Hey. Let's not talk about parents! I am an Aces Express Dad and not nuts! AEGold. My daughter played in GT Shockers organization, and Trout has helped her any time we asked - even while she was playing for Orange Crush. Good people in both organizations. But the best thing about playing in a reputable organization in Houston is that the Dads are taken out of the decisions. We get to just be Dad! We were given some advice once -  to play on the highest ranked team that you can get on. She set a goal and made it, and we will always appreciate those SETX organizations who have helped her along the way.
  6. I will be rootin for HJ but just seeing the excitement in my daughters eyes this week talking about the game is what makes it all worth while. Good luck to both teams and GO HJ! Hawk Hecklers will be out in full force tonight.
  7. Roper- Can you update the district standings as of 10/10. Thanks.
  8. Not sponsored by TPS but can tell you it is an obvious difference for my daughter. If something better comes along we will definately give it a try. Have never been a big Demarini fan so I can't give you an opinion on those.
  9. Have learned over the years that softball players don't choose their bats because of how they look. Next time your at a park where the 'Big Girls' (18 Gold) are playing, look at which bat is used by the majority of the power hitters. My daughter is playing for a Gold team now and every player on our roster has at least one Xeno in their bag.
  10. HJ will take down Orangefield in the second meeting of the season and share the district title. The rest of your order looks acurate.
  11. Kaitlin McFarland(Freshman), Taylor Thomas(Junior), and Abby Maxwell(Senior) qualified to advance to the State Powerlifting Meet on March 17th in Corpus Christi. Great job by all the HJ powerlifters and Good Luck to these ladies at State.
  12. Winner will face HJ. Hawks won 78-64.
  13. Win or not the excitement never ends with the final buzzer at the HJ/Silsbee game. I get just as much entertainment out of reading all the posts(excuses) that start flying following the game. Keep the good stuff coming!!!!
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