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  1. Great job guys...you both did AWESOME!!! ;D It was exciting to watch y'all play!!!
  2. Congratulations guys!!!!! I will be there in Austin cheering you on!!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!!
  3. Baron Tubb is a sophomore from Woodville....don't you know anything????
  4. DUDE! What is your problem ??? Apparently you have some kind of beef for Carnley.... you need to chill out...he's one of the only ones you have been dissing on here. Where's the love? I LOVE YOU CARNLEY!!!!
  5. Ok.....and who are you "garsnare"? I can say I'm NOT from Warren, but I agree that Word and Carnley are THE BEST doubles team in the area. Yes they have been beaten by Kelly, but any team can be beaten on any given day. Yes, they have played easy teams at some tournaments, but I would say they've played just as many good teams as they have bad. And as for this Houston area crap....DUH you are going to find better teams there, but who is to say Word and Carnley haven't improved? We will see who is doubting who once the state tournament rolls around.....Oh and by the way......."wen't" isn't a contraction..... ???
  6. I would venture to say that Warren Doubles team Word and Carnley will definately dominate this area. They are an unbeatable combination. Although I am not from Warren, I will definately be rooting for them. :-*
  7. The game on friday was changed to nacadoches also.
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