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Cletus Escobar

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Everything posted by Cletus Escobar

  1. Welp, we put er to a vote and I lost 2-1. See y'all on the flip side!
  2. Hahaha. I get it! Make fun of the BDF schedule cuz they don't have teams on there schedule like the SEC ready Northwestern st and Austin Peay. Hahahaha!!! I'm so glad we're out of that crap conference. You sir are a good bull!
  3. Yeah, me too. With you and all your sip gear in it.
  4. Wait just a minute.why is this my fault? Your the one who gave me access to a computer in the first place. stupid sip. I hope your teams plane crashes on the way home after Maryland beats the snot out of yall. But not a serious plane crash, just a fender bender.
  5. Well I just heard Luichi and McKinney earlier talking like our run game is gonna wear down Clemsoms d line and our new TE. I cant spell his name but he's a hoss. Clemsom dont want no part of Kyle at night!
  6. Northwestern st is about as good as Maryland and yall sips cant even beat them. Jimbo got them Ags running like a well oiled machine last night. I'm real excited about this month. I bet if we beat Clemsom and Bama we'll be in the running for the Championship. Heck I bet Mond might even win the Hiesman.
  7. Hey y'all. I'm new here. I dont know about all them crabs and whatnot but my Ags made us proud last night. I bet ol Jimbo didn't even open up the playbook good as so not to give away to much to Clemsom. I bet we gonna beat the snot out of them boys next week!! Whoop!!!
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