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The Goat

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Everything posted by The Goat

  1. No, coach Matthews did that when decided to warm up at another stadium. Who's ever heard of or done that?
  2. My Titans will be at full strength this time around. We must get pressure on that qb. He likes to stand in the pocket and throw it around. Give them a heavy dose of hines spinkled with Jones, Hull and Francis. Regional finals here we come!
  3. Easy work! Moving on!
  4. Grasping for straws here!
  5. Will the games be streamed?
  6. His helmet was ripped off. Don't go complaining about officiating now.
  7. that was 20 years ago.
  8. Jones is THAT GUY for the Titans. Everyone is in trouble!
  9. Temple or whom ever it is will a lot of Hines which they missed last seaon. Not to mention Hull.
  10. Those guys also said Jones should be the qb over Harrison the last two seasons.
  11. I say no, his ability to run is nice to have. Plus his passing has gotten better as the season has gone on. He has more zip than ever on the ball and his a load to tackle.
  12. He lost to katy and lamar with Brandon Lafell and Brian Arakpo
  13. 29 pt win and Wesley didn't play! 33 pts from J Jones.
  14. This is comical!
  15. The question is who can consistently defeat us is this district?
  16. Ha! This isn't the Indian defense we're talking about.
  17. Ball has some size the Titans need to come out this game healthy. Hines and Hull will be a major factors along with the defense in the next round.
  18. Temple didn't see Hines and angelle (graduated top reciever) last year. It will definitely be a different story this year with the addition of X Hull!
  19. A Blure as well.
  20. The addition of the new/ old receiver (Hull the track star) is huge. TITANS going a long way in the playoffs.
  21. Xavier Hull just made the Titans even more EXPLOSIVE!
  22. Holding was being called down field specifically on the outside receivers. Just because dbs are taught to throw their arms up doesn't mean its a hold.
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