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The Goat

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Everything posted by The Goat

  1. [quote name="Itch?Scratchit!" post="695223" timestamp="1257213966"] How do you applaude or smite?  [/quote]like this !!!!! :D I just hit the smite button!!
  2. The best part about that would be playing local teams, and the smack i could talk every week. i'm bored since the west brook game, but i don't mind driving to our games
  3. [quote name="akifan94" post="694840" timestamp="1257194593"] [b]Since we will not see a PN-G vs. PAM non-district game [/b] all we have are scrimmages to go buy. I think it is safe to say we know what happened the last two scrimmages. 21-0 after not even two quarters of live game play was not enough to convince some I guess. It is funny to dog on PN-G for WINNING games (lc-m, etc.) while PAM is out losing to a team that has not won a game all year. Priceless. [/quote]Since it's time to realign maybe we can get our coaches to make this thing happen. ;)
  4. [quote name="akifan94" post="694840" timestamp="1257194593"] Since we will not see a PN-G vs. PAM non-district game all we have are scrimmages to go buy. I think it is safe to say we know what happened the last two scrimmages. [b]21-0 after not even two quarters of live game play was not enough to convince some I guess.[/b] It is funny to dog on PN-G for WINNING games (lc-m, etc.) while PAM is out losing to a team that has not won a game all year. Priceless. [/quote]So i take it you missed the controlled part of the scrimmage when the score was 14-0 MHS? I'm not dogging any one I just said I think 21 5-a is differant from your league, and that the caliber of athlete isn't the same. So you're telling  me you wouldn't take a rb that was disciplined and ran a 4.4  a yes sir no sir type kid over a kid that did the samething he just ran a 4.7 that's all i'm saying it's different.
  5. [quote name="PNG1992" post="694433" timestamp="1257180129"] [quote author=The GOAT link=topic=61604.msg694423#msg694423 date=1257179516] [quote author=PNG1992 link=topic=61604.msg694417#msg694417 date=1257179184] [quote author=The GOAT link=topic=61604.msg694370#msg694370 date=1257177180] [quote author=PNG1992 link=topic=61604.msg694244#msg694244 date=1257166617] [quote author=scooter! link=topic=61604.msg693206#msg693206 date=1257049763] [quote author=bigd92 link=topic=61604.msg692779#msg692779 date=1257033538] ??? Coaching and the fact that Hines sat this one out. PNG is on a roll but bring that arse up to 5A and get that arse smacked around. [/quote]that's what happened the last time they were 5A [/quote] different times. you two are aware that [b]PNG prolly has more football participation right now than many 5A schools???? I know they have more than PAM so that "5" wouldnt matter as much as you think.[/b]  The Indians would have finish no lower than 3rd in the very top heavy 21-5A this year. [/quote]No you don't we have two jv teams two 9th grade teams and could have sophomore team if needed. We got caught looking two games ahead. I won't lie I was looking ahead myself forgetting that we still had to play the games. so i know the kids were that's the only explanation. And i think that five means more than you think. It means you have more quality coming off the bench. And you probably would have finshed in 21-5a [/quote] GOAT, if Im wrong Im wrong but PNG has over 200 kids involved in the football program right now. Theres enough kids on the sidelines every Friday night to field second JV team. (BTW the current JV team is undefeated so theres still talent playing on Junior Varsity) and the current varsity has ZERO players going both ways. Ill stick with my [b]opinion [/b] that PNG would easily finish no lower than 3rd in 21-5A this year. [/quote]That's the magic word. [/quote] The "magic" word that makes these forums what they are. I love a good friendly discussion, so who in 21-5A do you think beats PNG this year? Surely not Channelview or either of the Baytown schools?? [/quote]As we all know on any given Friday ANYTHING can happen. I put it this way central would preform better in 21 5-a than png, your new coach has done an excellent job but at some point the caliber of athlete has to rise. The only thing  MHS is guilty of is being big headed and not taking it one game at a time.
  6. [quote name="PNG1992" post="694417" timestamp="1257179184"] [quote author=The GOAT link=topic=61604.msg694370#msg694370 date=1257177180] [quote author=PNG1992 link=topic=61604.msg694244#msg694244 date=1257166617] [quote author=scooter! link=topic=61604.msg693206#msg693206 date=1257049763] [quote author=bigd92 link=topic=61604.msg692779#msg692779 date=1257033538] ??? Coaching and the fact that Hines sat this one out. PNG is on a roll but bring that arse up to 5A and get that arse smacked around. [/quote]thats what happened the last time they were 5A [/quote] different times. you two are aware that [b]PNG prolly has more football participation right now than many 5A schools???? I know they have more than PAM so that "5" wouldnt matter as much as you think.[/b]  The Indians would have finish no lower than 3rd in the very top heavy 21-5A this year. [/quote]No you don't we have two jv teams two 9th grade teams and could have sophomore team if needed. We got caught looking two games ahead. I won't lie I was looking ahead myself forgetting that we still had to play the games. so i know the kids were that's the only explanation. And i think that five means more than you think. It means you have more quality coming off the bench. And you probably would have finshed in 21-5a [/quote] GOAT, if Im wrong Im wrong but PNG has over 200 kids involved in the football program right now. Theres enough kids on the sidelines every Friday night to field second JV team. (BTW the current JV team is undefeated so theres still talent playing on Junior Varsity) and the current varsity has ZERO players going both ways. Ill stick with my [b]opinion [/b] that PNG would easily finish no lower than 3rd in 21-5A this year. [/quote]That's the magic word.
  7. [quote name="PNG1992" post="694244" timestamp="1257166617"] [quote author=scooter! link=topic=61604.msg693206#msg693206 date=1257049763] [quote author=bigd92 link=topic=61604.msg692779#msg692779 date=1257033538] ??? Coaching and the fact that Hines sat this one out. PNG is on a roll but bring that arse up to 5A and get that arse smacked around. [/quote]thats what happened the last time they were 5A [/quote] different times. you two are aware that [b]PNG prolly has more football participation right now than many 5A schools???? I know they have more than PAM so that "5" wouldnt matter as much as you think.[/b]  The Indians would have finish no lower than 3rd in the very top heavy 21-5A this year. [/quote]No you don't we have two jv teams two 9th grade teams and could have sophomore team if needed. We got caught looking two games ahead. I won't lie I was looking ahead myself forgetting that we still had to play the games. so i know the kids were that's the only explanation. And i think that five means more than you think. It means you have more quality coming off the bench. And you probably would have finshed in 21-5a
  8. I think no news is good news the news is killing my team right now. :'( :-[ :-X :-\ ???
  9. [quote name="bcjag09" post="692429" timestamp="1257006422"] What in the world happened? [/quote]I think it's more a team playing an 0-8 team and thinking they didn't come to play football. The game still has to be played. Getting caught looking to the playoffs when theirs two games left in the season. We are a running football team that should throw at least 25 times a game, because we have very good receivers. ??? :-[ :-X :-\ :'(
  10. I must be doing something wrong so I'm gonna be quiet till playoffs. MHS and I need to go refocus. For the sake of my sanity ALL media please say away.
  11. My Titans are not focused. We think that someone is gonna give us something, it's the mindset that a team is 0-8 and that they're gonna lay down for us, because we think we're good. Freak that nobody cares if you were in the news paper on the news. The is gonna freak with our heads now! I still say it wasn't play calling as much as it was dropped passes while wide open, fumbling while on the channel view 5 yard line. Cv Came to win. Can you  belive that crap!!!!!!! FREAK,FREAK, FREAK, FREAK
  12. Nope, The woodlands nor did northshore expose us, it was sterling who exposed us in the second half of that game. It's the inside trap & the option to the wide side of the field. then they hit us deep that's it. The wood  and ns tried run straight at us, we can handle that.The freaking inside trap has killed us for four or five years. I don't blame coaching for some reason channel view plays us tough every year, we won by 1 point last year, i think we looked pass them!!!!!!!  they just came out with  game plan and they did what they had to do. they were going for it on forth downs in the first quarter,and so the forth quarter they just had to keep the ball away from our offense. All they did is PUNCH US IN THE MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Matter fact they kicked the defense in the A$$ the first half. :-[ :-X :-\ :'( ???  >:(
  13. Now, you see wildcat what you've done to your karma :o. Right down the drain it went!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D Itold you not to ask. ;)
  14. [quote name="~old_wildcat~" post="690466" timestamp="1256919325"] How Many Post Do You Have To Have To Move Up From Freshman To Sophmore And On Up...[b]Also What Is This Karma..+ -..Thanks[/b][/quote]Man you don't want to start this conversation i promise !!!!!!!!!
  15. [quote name="Thunderlicious" post="690416" timestamp="1256916733"] i luv the fact that ya like to get in and mix it up with me...shows alot of spunk. But come on soulja?? 50?? Man, ok let me try and be open minded here. Ok..Vidor was "healthy" against yall. i think thats a bad excuse on Vidors part..."man if we could have stayed healthy, we were the best team that ever played high school football." I dont buy it and I know you dont either. The cream always rises to the top. Did Vidor loose it's entire team? The entire o-line? Naaa..if they were THAT good they could have easily filled in a gap or two and kept right on truckin. If I had to put money on it...i'll admit it..i'd put it on Central tonight.  BUT, if there is gonna be an upset this season it will be tonight with a Livingston win. No only that but I think it is very possible. I think Central is probably riding off of a wave from last year in the rankings, plus they have a good record. Doesnt mean they are the real deal. Probably more like a mid 30ish ranking would suit them better. PNG is the closest thing to a real deal in this district. I'll give ya a close game tonight with Livingston, but I still say PNG by 30. Defense wins championships. Central is too one dimentional to have ANY success against the Indians D. And I'll give ya the Caney Creek points...gotta take your lumps at some point...we do stink..I think we could beat Fannett though. Hahaha [/quote]I just smitted this dude for you soulja.
  16. [quote name="EAGLE07" post="690345" timestamp="1256913605"] [quote author=The GOAT link=topic=61509.msg690341#msg690341 date=1256913440] [quote author=Ron Burgundy link=topic=61509.msg689943#msg689943 date=1256865977] [quote author=The GOAT link=topic=61509.msg689600#msg689600 date=1256842900] Explain this to me. ??? [/quote] I smited you for asking this question  :D :D Karma really doesn't matter. Don't worry about it. [/quote]Yeah, if I could I would smite myself for starting this, now I'm in the whole big time with smites. :D [/quote] Don't worry, I just did it for you.  ;) [/quote]Shaking my head Lmao :D THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :D
  17. [quote name="Ron Burgundy" post="689943" timestamp="1256865977"] [quote author=The GOAT link=topic=61509.msg689600#msg689600 date=1256842900] Explain this to me. ??? [/quote] I smited you for asking this question  :D :D Karma really doesn't matter. Don't worry about it. [/quote]Yeah, if I could I would smite myself for starting this, now I'm in the whole big time with smites. :D
  18. Hopefully our schoolboard approve ours, so I won't have to listen to northshore WHINE about losing. ;D
  19. Snook i wore my rain gear to work, ;D so i can leave work and go straight to the stadium. ( I work three blocks away from the stadium, and i get off at 3:45) ;D
  20. [quote name="SgtRey" post="689749" timestamp="1256850635"] good question....now I'm curious....must be all the PAM and PNG fans I've been messing with... :D :D, CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG....WITH OUT THE SMITES!! ;D [/quote]Nope, and guess what...................................... you've just been smitted ( spell check says it is smittin) but smitted is funnier:D :D :D
  21. Man you guys are cold. Sorry I brought the subject up. Now!!! I just smitted everyone one this thread. ;D ;D ;D  Now I feel better. :D
  22. [quote name="Ranger83" post="689666" timestamp="1256845332"] [quote author=rollinac link=topic=61509.msg689640#msg689640 date=1256844381] [quote author=Ranger83 link=topic=61509.msg689618#msg689618 date=1256843497] I smite, therfore I am. [/quote] I usally smite Ranger whenever I remember the whole smite thing....just because it's fun. [/quote] There ya go rollin'! You're right that WAS fun! (Dang! Now I gotta wait a whole hour) [/quote]LMAO, I knew it was you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. [quote name="WeedBegone" post="689620" timestamp="1256843544"] Hey Goat--you need to test yours.  Look at this post and put your mouse on the word [b][size=16pt]applaud[/size][/b], just right under my screen name----then click the left button on your mouse.  Try it again in 1 hour and then some until you get the hang of it.   ;D [/quote] LMAO, Weedy your good,but not that good!!!!! :D
  24. O, I see, I know what happened then. Friday's loss killed me. MHS messed up everyones predictions so they took it on me!!!! Heck why me ,I'm just a fan????????? ;D ;D ;D ;)
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