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The Icon

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Everything posted by The Icon

  1. West Orange-Stark until proven otherwise
  2. Lee 1-9 Ozen 1-9 HF 1-9 Not trash talking, just stating facts
  3. Once again, it's people looking for something to complain about without knowing the whole situation. Just going off past assumptions. I'm with Soulja - Wait for the facts to come out before jumping to conclusions.
  4. Be careful - I've seen people massacred for being critical of Haynes
  5. Any and all games at NRG i wonder if they'll accidentally sell alcoholic beverages like they did a few years back...
  6. It'll never cease to amaze me what some fans will say or do...
  7. Not sure how a thread relating to the upcoming PNG/CollegeStation game became a PNG/PAM urinating contest. PAM won that game, Gabe wrote a piece on BF's record and both teams are in the 3rd Round. Move on...
  8. From an outsider that doesn't know the ins and outs of Beaumont: 1) Where would the lines be drawn? 2) What would be the result? 3) How would demographics change or shift? 4) Why is it assumed there would be an uproar or backlash? By no means am I trying to stir things up, just curious. If my questions are misconstrued as inflammatory, a moderator is more than welcome to remove them.
  9. Interesting...
  10. I'd like to see Coach Flanigan and the Bruins continue to build on their success. It's nice to see Beaumont ISD schools do well and get positive publicity.
  11. Geez - give the guy a chance. They drew Carthage in the first round.
  12. Didn't they just hire that coach from Cy-Ranch during last off-season?
  13. Smoketown?
  14. Finish your season. If you don't want to play anymore, get out of the way of the kids who do want to play. Can't win for losing lately. Need to reevaluate the phrasing of my posts.
  15. Carthage
  16. Kids either buy in or they don't If you start something, finish it. If you don't want to be a part of something anymore, get out of the way of the kids that do.
  17. Coach Sloan is doing a great job over at HJ, but Giddings is loaded. Would be a fun game to go watch! Good luck to the Hawks!
  18. WOS by as much as they want
  19. PAM wins this one Can't wait to watch them play Temple, then possibly Manvel
  20. Crosby by a lot
  21. So... PNG vs FB Willowridge...
  22. I wasn't even referring to you specifically. It was in reference to recent influx of moms making comments about their kids' playing time, play or how other people's kids were playing. Im done with it and I know you're done with it. Enjoy spending time with your kids watching football. I mean that as sincerely as possible.
  23. Bridge City's on a roll
  24. Bellville over Salado
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