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Everything posted by BC87

  1. Not the first time this has happened between these 2 teams........
  2. That is not what this call was. He was not called out for being on the plate. I agree they are watching it, but they need to know the rule if they are going to call it because the way they call it is not the rule.
  3. I don't think that it made a difference in the game either. I am merely voicing the fact that the umpires are not calling this correctly by the rules. I wasn't watching his feet either (honestly no one is), but I know where he puts them on that count which gives me the certainty that he did nothing wrong. you keep saying that they lost a run on a bang bang call at first base. I agree it could have gone either way, but the back pick was also missed that allowed a run to score. You can beat those to death. Fact is, umpires in this area do not know the rules in regards to the batters box.
  4. You just made my point. You were watching the ball, not the foot.....
  5. thats not where it is located. It is a "point 2"
  6. You can, but not where is foot is. Were you not at the game last night? Based on the call last night, his foot would have to be on home plate for him to be completely outside of the chalk. Period
  7. True, but this is not what was called in this instance. It is about the inside line. the inside line is 6 inches from the edge of home plate. As I have stated many times, you cannot be completely outside the chalk and not be on home plate from inside.
  8. 2017 NFHS Baseball Rule Book, Rule 7, Section 3, Art 2 states "Hit the ball while either foot or knee is touching the ground completely outside the lines of the batters box or touching home plate." Since you cannot be completely outside the lines of the batters box and not touch home plate, there is no way he should have been called out. Not to mention both of those individuals should be watching the ball, and therefore cant see the feet.
  9. But its the wrong call, according to the rule book
  10. Another very good questions that they cannot answer
  11. Doesn't solve the problem. That line is gone very early in the game. Problem is that umpires do not know the rule. You could have the heal of your foot on the chalk and as long as your foot is not on the plate, you are still considered in the box. With any normal size foot, its impossible to be completely outside the lines and not be on the plate.
  12. Only happened once to this kid. He fouled the previous pitch off with 2 strikes, so why not call it then. Why wait until a base hit? Why not call the the game by the rules....JS
  13. Player was not on home plate. That was not the call. The call was for being completely out of batters box, which is an impossibility without being on the plate. The umpires in this area have no clue to what the rule is.
  14. More than likely because the ball got away about 12 feet on third base side
  15. It was 2-2 count and it was a swing, damn near full swing, which should have been the third out in the inning with the throw down to first. Umpire in the field should have seen it, even from his location, it was so obvious. However, the supposed SEC umpire behind the plate, didn't advance the count to 3-2, so the next 2 balls made this at bat a 5 ball walk. Jack threw a hell of a game. No doubt about that.
  16. 3.17.2017 Schuyler Thibodaux Bridge City Junior (1)
  17. Moved to Wednesday
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. Strictly for players that missed their scheduled time.
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