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Everything posted by BC87

  1. [quote name="Chester86" post="1017884" timestamp="1307822869"] Do you have all of your coaching spots filled for Jr. Boys (13 - 15)? [/quote] No.  Just go to the website (bcll.org) and download an application and turn it in at registration.
  2. [quote name="Long Ball" post="1017383" timestamp="1307635463"] Do you know of any kids from Lumberton area (Pee Wee Boys) coming to play? Curious for car pool possibilities. [/quote] I have not heard of any, but we will know more once we have registration.  However, if you know of 10 or so boys then you can bring a team over.  :-)
  3. [quote name="Sammy" post="1017248" timestamp="1307561514"] I heard a rumor that Big Barrell bats can be used. Is that correct? [/quote] We are looking at our Major Boys playing in the Little League pilot program of 50' mound and 70' bases, which would include leadoffs, running on dropped 3rd strike and big barrel bats.
  4. We will have games on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  That does not mean that every team will play every night.  You will have 1-2 games per week to make the 10-12 game schedule.  This is all dependent on how many teams that we have. Last year, practices took place before the season started, then once the games started, there were not any practices.
  5. We play on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, so it will conflict with some of the games on Tuesday and Thursday.  BCMS football practice is in the early morning, at least it was this year.
  6. Bridge City Little League fall league will be open for Boys and Girls ages 5-15 (As of April 31, 2012 for Boys,-Dec 31, 2011. for Girls).  Games will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Starting August 27th and finishing around October 14th. This will not be Select or All-Star teams.  Kids will sign up with BCLL, and we will do what we can to get kids from the same league on the same team, but there are not guarantees. Teams will play a 10-12 game schedule. We will be taking registrations starting July 11th-16th from 5-9 p.m in the boardroom at the ballpark, with tryouts being on July 16th  at the BCLL at 9 am. [b]COST[/b]:  $75 for the first child in a family and $50 for each additional player.  Each kid will receive a team shirt & hat. No concessions stand fees or fundraising. All players and coaches will be covered under a league insurance policy.  We will provide umpires & balls for each game. [b]Tee-Ball Boys/Girls[/b] - Ages 4 & 5 (as of 4/31/2012) Teams will roster bat & hit off the tee.  Everyone will be placed in the field on defense. [b]COACH PITCH BOYS/GIRLS[/b]:  Ages 6&7  (as of 4/31/2012) Boys. Ages 5, 6, & 7 for Girls ( as of 12/31/2011).  Teams will roster bat & a coach will throw to kids.  Standard infield & 4 outfielders. Kids get 3 swinging strikes or 6 pitches total to put ball in play. [b]PEE WEE BOYS(KID PITCHED)[/b]:  Ages 8 & 9 (as of 4/31/2012).  Regular Little League Baseball rules.  Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 46’ with 60’ bases. Will follow Little League pitching rules (pitch count). [b]PEE WEE GIRLS[/b]: AGES-8,9,& 10- (as of 12/31/2011).  Regular Softball rules. Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 35’ with 60’ bases.  Will follow Little League pitching rules. [b]MAJOR LEAGUE GIRLS[/b]: AGES-11/12 (as of 12/31/2011).  Regular Softball rules. Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 40’ with 60’ bases.  Will follow Little League pitching rules. [b]MAJOR LEAGUE BOYS[/b]:  Ages 10, 11 & 12 (as of 4/31/2012).  Regular Baseball rules. Teams will roster bat & pitchers will pitch from 50’ with 70’ bases.  Pitchers will follow Little League pitching rules. [b]JR. LEAGUE BOYS[/b]: Ages 13-15(as of 4/31/2012).Regular Baseball rules. Teams will use substitution, pitch from 60’6” and bases will be 90’. [b]JR. LEAGUE GIRLS[/b]: Ages 13-15(as of 12/31/2011)Regular softball rules. Teams will use substitution, pitch from 40 and bases will be 60’. [b]COACHES[/b]-We are taking applications for the fall league now. Go to www.bcll.org and download an application and either mail to the PO box on the application, or give to a board member in the coming weeks.
  7. [quote name="BBDad" post="996860" timestamp="1302708091"] Thanks T,  they are a fun group to coach.  Well, I am not sure how much "coaching" i do...but they are fun to be on the field with. [/quote] What do you mean, I think you do an excellent job sitting there on the bucket!
  8. YES
  9. [quote name="BigRedMachine" post="932943" timestamp="1292344552"] We will be holding tryouts January 9th for ages 9 - 14. Tryouts will be held at Hitter's Inc. Baseball Academy in Bridge City. All of our teams are professional coached and trained. We are looking to add to our existing teams (9u,10u,and 14u) as well as field teams in 11u, 12u, and 13u. For more info and times for your age group please email [email protected] [/quote] Who is coaching 12U team?
  10. We are almost full, so if you have a team and want to play, you need to contact me at the above number for entry.  Rules are on our website ([url=[Hidden Content]]).
  11. We will be having a Ragball Tourment Benefitting the 11U GTB Prospects Saturday December 4, 2010 at the Bridge City Little League Ball Park.  Teams will need to consist of at least 3 women.  Entry fee is $175 per team.  For more information call Brad Thibodaux 409-201-8655 or check [url=[Hidden Content]]. Please come help support a good bunch of kids that love to play Baseball.
  12. We will be having a Ragball Tourment Benefitting the 11U GTB Prospects Saturday December 4, 2010 at the Bridge City Little League Ball Park.  Teams will need to consist of at least 3 women.  Entry fee is $175 per team.  For more information call Brad Thibodaux 409-201-8655 or check [url=[Hidden Content]]. Please come help support a good bunch of kids that love to play Baseball.
  13. Still taking teams.  We will leave it open until Wednesday.
  14. We will be having a Ragball Tourment Benefitting the GTB Prospects October 30, 2010 at the Bridge City Little League Ball Park.  Teams will need to consist of at least 3 women.  Boys 12 and under are welcome to play and would count toward the female requirement. Entry fee is $175 per team.  For more information call Brad Thibodaux 409-201-8655 or check www.gtbprospects.net. Please come help support a good bunch of kids that love to play Baseball.
  15. GTB Prospects 11U will have tryouts for the 2011 Season on Sunday August 22nd at the Bridge City Little League ball park starting at 4pm. We are looking for kids that have a good attitude and give 100% to fit in with our existing team.  For more information, please contact Brad Thibodaux by email at [email protected] or cell phone 409-201-8655.
  16. When will all other age groups try out?
  17. Great job to both the Gulf Coast Storm teams.  I know you guys have been working hard.  Keep up the good work from GTB Propects.
  18. Congrats to both teams from GTB Prospects. 
  19. Congrats from the GTB Prospects 10U.  Sounds like yall played very well.
  20. GTB did it again this weekend.  The 10U GTB Prospects won the 10U tournament at Cypress Mounds in Baton Rouge.  Second championship in as many weeks for GTB at Cypress Mounds.  Went 4-0, scored 47 runs, and only allowed 12.  Boys include: Blade Broussard        LCM Brandon Cluck          Nederland Brett Fregia              Orangefield Case Babino              Nederland Chandler Lancon        Nederland Cole Feltman            Nederland Jacob Rainey              Bridge City Justyn Romero          Bridge City Kyler Bertrand            Bridge City Ryan Snell                  Hardin Schuyler Thibodaux    Bridge City Great Job guys!!!!!
  21. Thursday night I'll be watching ESPN 2 with the TV on mute, listening to Stelly call the game on the radio. Can't think of a better way to catch a game. Special thanks to Gary Stelly and KOGT. The work he does covering youth sports is truly amazing. I agree it doesn't get any better than that, but I heard that ESPN will not allow Stelly to broadcast the championship game. ESPN has exclusive rights. It might have changed, but that is the last I heard on it.
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