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Everything posted by pramoin

  1. Fall Ball registration will be Sept 12 & 19....ages 13, 14, 15. Cost is $50..Game will be played on Saturdays only
  2. 13 Year Old All-Stars: Jake Shipman Brian Feltman Preston White Jared Ramoin Chris bishop Deshawn Washington Travis Gallier Brenden Babino Korey Clark Osmar Mendoza Dylan chadler Seth Parker Freddy Olivarez Ronnie Eldridge Nathan Cluck Mgr. Anthony White Coaches: Leonard Ramoin Jeff Chandler Ricky Rogers
  3. I plan on bringing my laptop, hopefully I will be able to keep those of you wanting updates posted. Thanks for all the support! Lets go get em' boys!!
  4. [move]WAY TO GO COACH ENGLISH & THE DOGS!!![/move] Give it up!! Ok, first of all and most important, lets support our team! If the rules say no board permitted, (probably from the officials--not only school, but the ones on the court) then follow the rules, wear your "Dome Dummies" shirts, make lots of noise, and support the boys! What good are you to them if you get escorted out. I have been to many games, in many sports, where there are certain things not allowed into the games,...football- no air horns, soccer-red card for just about anything.. golf- courtesy, quiet please....no big deal. I think its awesome that students at NHS are such great fans and supporting our team, lets not take this away from the boys attention.
  5. txeastllhttp://www.eteamz.com/txeastll/news/index.cfm?cat=222986
  6. [move][/move]Nederland Little League 12 Yr. Old All-Stars beat Orwall tonight 3-2. All the boys did a great job! Preston White was the starting pitcher and was awsome, he pitched three innings, with the score of 2-1, then Nate Cluck relieved him for two innings, and did a GREAT job, Ramoin, came in the sixth inning and finished up for the win. Our defense was totally on tonight. This TEAM has united to become ONE. There are no individual trophies here. Team members are: Brian Feltman-catcher, Cameron Hernandez-pitcher/outfielder, Preston White-pitcher/3rd, Jared Ramoin-pitcher/2b, Chris Bishop-pitcher/SS, Deshawn Washington-3rd, Colton Weisbrod-1st/SS, Brenden Babino-outfielder, Jamiere Rogers-catcher, Dylan Chandler-pitcher/outfielder, Nathan Cluck-pitcher/1st, Jake Shipman-pitcher/centerfielder, & Osmar Mendoza-outfielder. One of our alternates who has came to all practices & games and supported this team is Travis Gallier. This TEAM has worked hard to get this far, again there are no individuals here, we are a TEAM. We have some that may shine more from one game to the next, but from game to game, different players have stepped up, and each and everyone has did their part and contributed at very opertunistic times. They have supported each other and have worked very hard to get this far. CONGRATUALTIONS TO ALL!!!!! LETS TAKE ONE GAME AT A TIME AND WORK TOWARDS A STATE CHAMPIONSHIP!!
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