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Everything posted by badndn

  1. Yeah he turned them all around and has 6 playoff wins in 18 years to prove how great he is! So if Haynes is so great (with his 6 playoff wins) what is the knock on Stump (with his 6 playoff wins)?
  2. Exactly one deep playoff run, Semifinals is a deep playoff run. I am not knocking what the man has done, but he is not on the same level as Hooks or Barbay, yet!
  3. Break that 12-11 record down by year for us please! Also, WB had an Emergency Football Staff meeting after school today!!!
  4. What makes them so great? 1. Hooks has won in 5A, 4A and 3A with multiple state titles (and lots of years)! He is great. 2. Barbay has won at the 3A and 4A levels with multiple state titles (and lots of years)! He is great. 3. Neuman has built a good program at Nederland, no state titles and only one deep playoff run (lots of years). Not great, but very good. Now, would you have taken anyone of these coaches after four years of there career? Probably not unless you could see the future. You take a risk on a young guy based on what he has done in a short period of time and hope it continues as in Hooks, Barbay and Neuman! Stump has done a very good job in a short period in his first public school gig you can't deny that. And I am so tired of you saying that he wins because of the talent. The same talent was there when Rabb was there and he couldn't win! Plus Stump has won as many playoff games in four years at WB as your self proclaimed great coach at Hardin (Haynes) has in 20 years.
  5. I'm sure he got what he wanted out of having his name on the list and being publisized! wonder how much they bumped him at LH to stay. This is what's wrong with the list being made public before hand! Schools wasting time and money to interview candidates that really have no interest other than to squeeze more money out of their current employers.
  6. If Stump made the move they'd play in the big one each year! You sure your paying attention here? ;D
  7. I want a coach that sees if we have the athletes that throwing the ball is best, then do it. If we have the type of athletes to run the ball north to south down your throat then he does that.Whatever it takes to get a W. This is what I am talking about. I want a guy that adjusts to his talent each year. Not someone that is going to try and put a square plug in a round hole just because that is what he is used to! After researching, Danaher has mixed it up quite a bit over the years. I like that. I also like some of the different things that Faircloth has done with Permian and HP before (not sure about his involvement in the playcalling at Westlake, but I know he is used to winning!).
  8. Well, if that's the case, it's a good thing the applicant list got released. Now LH will know he is putting his hat in the ring for another job. Just think, if the list had never been released he wouldn't have had a bargaining chip. ;D ;D ;D From what I hear Danaher was the applicant that asked that they try and keep the list from the media. If true then it should say a little about his intentions. As far as Vance and is offense is concerned, PNG has been a run, run, pass, punt offense for so long now, I think alot of people are leary of running even more. I agree you can run to a state title if you are mixing it up and play good defense, but we had that here and it just wasn't getting it. I think we want something a little different. But if they do hire Vance I won't argue with the sucess!
  9. You asked earlier why he would want to leave WB other than $20K. 1. He is not AD at WB and won't be any time soon. Having control over athletics is a big plus. 2. PNG has better facilities. Even with BMT's bond issue and new stadium plans, WB has to share with Central and Ozen. 3. 5A elite talent gap is much wider than 4A talent gap! Easier to win titles in 4A. 4. Community support. PNG packs 'em in. WB not so much! 5. Doesn't have to share talent with other BMT schools. The middle schools are not under his direction because they go to different HS's. At PNG he could start his program from Junior league on up! 6. I hear that his 9th grade son might get one year on the Varsity level because of a Sophomore QB. Could start multiple years at PNG. Also someone posted that Stump only had one 10 win season, but least we forget that two of those four seasons (where they had only 2 losses) were hurricane shortened seasons. He has a 0.773 win percentage and is 6-4 in the playoffs. Looks pretty good to me.
  10. How old is Vance? Will his offense work at the 4A level? They run 99+% of the time.
  11. I think it is simple...If you can win at the 5A level you should win at the 4A level. Stump wins at the 5A level...You can finish the rest ;D
  12. WB record last ten years. YEAR DISTRICT W L T COACH 2008 21-AAAAA 7 2 0 Craig Stump 2007 21-AAAAA 10 2 0 Craig Stump 2006 21-AAAAA 9 4 0 Craig Stump 2005 22-AAAAA 8 2 0 Craig Stump 2004 22-AAAAA 2 8 0 Al Rabb 2003 22-AAAAA 2 8 0 Al Rabb 2002 22-AAAAA 4 6 0 Al Rabb 2001 23-AAAAA 2 7 0 Al Rabb 2000 23-AAAAA 0 10 0 Al Rabb 1999 22-AAAAA 1 9 0 Al Rabb And they lost to Katy and Cy Falls who both played in the state title game the year they beat out WB. Say what you want about the talent being better at WB than PNG (I agree), but the talent gap from the 5A elite to WB is much, much larger than the gap from the 4A elite to PNG or any other 4A program for that matter.
  13. Stump was at the college level! He ain't goin back unless it is as a HC. And if he comes to PNG and 10 years later he gets the HC job at a college that would mean that he kicked a$$ at PNG and won several state titles ala Dodge or Briles, I'll take that in a heartbeat.
  14. Figures were closer to 115,000 asked for but probably wont happen as he has way too much talent and time put into his program and just now starting to get going. So what is he making at this great job he has know at WB? Also, at WB he will have maybe three or four D1 athletes per year, which is more than PNG, but the competition for a 5A state title has D1 talent at each position! The talent gap at the 4A level is much narrower. It only takes two or three to win big at the 4A ranks. Plus the numbers participating in football at PNG are greater than the numbers at WB. And he won't have full control at WB (AD) nor will he have his own first class facilities. BMT would have to cough up $60K total to match a $95K offer. I can see them maybe justifying paying Stowers and Stump the extra $20K, but not the guy at Ozen.
  15. That article was from 2005. Alot has changed since then. There are quite a few over $100,000 in 2009, including Neuman. The $500K was in reference to Dodge sticking around until they boot him out at the college level! You don't give up that kinda money until they make ya.
  16. The name that is missing that I figured was the guy for the job is Stowers?
  17. While I agree that R4 is the weakest region, I would also point out that 31-4A is the toughest by far in that region. Flour Bluff Calallen Alice
  18. Some of you coceenuts keep pointing out that png broke the rules, but I have yet to see anyone answer Gabe or my enquiry as to which rule or law the PNGISD broke. Again I consider it good business practice to follow due process whan dealing with legal maters! And that is what the board did.
  19. CRAIG STUMP Another name on the list that has been successful so far is Darrell Andrus from 4A Flour Bluff (same district as Calallen). Young guy also. YEAR DISTRICT W L T COACH 2008 31-AAAA 9 3 0 Darrell Andrus 2007 31-AAAA 8 4 0 Darrell Andrus 2006 31-AAAA 10 3 0 Darrell Andrus 2005 31-AAAA 12 1 0 Darrell Andrus 2004 31-AAAA 9 3 0 Bill Schaake 2003 30-AAAA 4 6 0 Bill Schaake 2002 30-AAAA 5 7 0 Bill Schaake 2001 31-AAAA 3 7 0 Jim Garfield 2000 31-AAAA 6 6 0 Mike Crowe 1999 31-AAAA 2 8 0 Mike Crowe 1998 31-AAAA 2 8 0 Mike Crowe The program had never had a 10 win season before Andrus arrived at least not dating back to 1960.
  20. Once again, because their are rules,,,,,We may not like them, but we have to follow them..... What rule did PNG not follow?
  21. Good Lord, that's 15 minutes of my life I would love to have back! This Klein guy insinuated several times that the PNGISD Board did something illegal. They followed the legal process. Claim (FOI) - Request for ruling (AG) - Ruling - List! This guy sounded like a blowhard. I agree with Gabe. If PNG is stalling to get the best candidate, then so be it. In the end that's what matters to me most. The board works for the people in the district. If the people in the district want coach X and the board makes every effort to get coach X, then they have done their job and represented the people whether they get coach X or not, that's the bottom line for me! On a lighter note, I say we all chip in a few bucks to get Chad a shirt and tie! ;D
  22. Maybe Danaher is after a raise from CCC! Maybe this is one of the reasons that PNGISD did not want to release the list until after they interviewed. Maybe they wanted to find out who really wanted the job and who was using it for leverage?? Just a thought. Danaher's age is a big issue with me. How long would he stick around? Sure would like to know who the so called mystery interviewee is! Vance has a great track record so far. If the guy has a run oriented offense that is not predictable then that is OK. No one from PNG was mad that we had a run oriented offense. It was the play calling that drove us insane.
  23. That is just horrible news. Young man with children!
  24. On what grounds does the media have to "RIP" the PNG school board at this point? They responded to an FOI by asking for a rulling from the AG, which is legal as I understand it. Please correct me if I am wrong!!! And without any official statement from the board as to why they do not wish to relase the list until the AG makes that rulling (which I don't think has occured yet), anything the media reports in this stupid "round table forum" is either strictly opinion, and must be stated as such, or is slanderous. You guys in the media do realize how utterly ridiculous this makes the local media look, right. I have met many of you and think the world of you guys, but this I have to disagree on! I would like to know who is on the list just as much as the next guy and I have a stake in it because I live in the district and have kids in the district, but I am by no means upset that the school board has decided to withhold the names as of yet. And I don't think it cost me as an actual tax payer in the PNGISD any extra money to ask the AG for a ruling. The district I am sure has an attorney that gets paid one way or the other!
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