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Everything posted by badndn

  1. PNG had a kid move in this year from San Angelo that started on Varsity out there as a Sophomore, but he had to sit out the first 5 games. Makes a lot of sense now don't it?? PNG would love to pair up our Freshman class (10-0) with that very good Longhorn Freshman group! Walker and Halfin have been great moveins from HF!:)
  2. Once again the classless SC fans come out. Nederland is 5-2 in the playoffs the last two seasons, don't think they will be takin' much crap from a team with ONE playoff victory!
  3. Georgetown, Cedar Park and if Leander Rouse wins. All within a few miles of each other in the Austin area.
  4. Great season Dogs. One round farther than the 2011 Dogs. 2013 Dogs Semi-Final bound?
  5. I have to agree there rob. Sounded like Nederland abandoned the run too early. Defense has only given up 10 points to an offense averaging almost 50 a game. A score a stop and a score and the two can duke it out in the fourth. Dogs don't have to get away from what they do offensively yet. Pound it at 'em.
  6. Defense wins district championships. Offense and defense win state titles. Shame some of those great Bulldog offenses from the past were not combined with this great defense. Still got a half. Dogs gotta score on first possession.
  7. Kinda like A&M and UT!
  8. Anyway Malveaux and D Wash can graduate early? :) Signed, Your Purple Friends Across the Canal!
  9. I got an honest question and don't answer like an LU Homer, where is the WOW factor for the press and current members in the SBC in bringing back a former member that didn't WOW you last time before they jumped ship for smaller pastures?
  10. Christmas Parade?? And the City didn't move the parade to Saturday Night? Gonna be some empty streets.
  11. You mean 6A! All 4A will be 5A soon.
  12. Yea, ask Laporte how that worked out for them last year with an opponent they actually beat.
  13. Big 12 let in WVU from the sprawling media metropolis of Morgantown WV. Pac 12 let Utah in. Several are interested in Boise. I do understand that the power conferences want a proven D1 winner with a good fan base, because that's what they have already in the existing members.
  14. Worry about PNG?? Why? I don't worry about PNG at all because my children are getting a very good education in the classroom, on the field and in life. They are being taught how to behave with Honor, Pride, Class and Dignity in defeat and in triumph. From what I saw on both Friday night and Thursday night earlier this year and from what I have heard from Vidor and read after the GT game as well as a couple of (not all) misfit SC posters on here the Dawgs are not learning about respecting your opponent. May be this is why one of the truly talented 4A HS football teams in the state of Texas the past two years is 1-2 in the playoffs! And that's the last I'll post on SC this year. Good Luck Next Year. If SC doesn't make a run next year they won't for many years to come. Oh and before you childishly pop off about beating PNG again next year, just remember SC is supposed to win, so its not like your going out on a limb.
  15. I think the best two 3A teams in the state are playing in this one. Different styles, but great at what they do. Loser here has nothing to hang their head about. Keys to winning for WOS: 1. Pressure on QB. Chain Gang DEs are not big, but are very sound and fast, that and the DBs can cover like no other which gives that line more time to get pressure. Big test for them. 2. Stang offense needs to grind it out. Keep the D rested and the Rattler O on the side lines. Nothing frustrates a great offense and makes them get outta their game like keepin them on the sidelines for long periods. THIS IS MUSTANG FOOTBALL like I saw back in the late 80's. Good Luck Mustangs!
  16. Hopefully there was a bigtime (for LU) recruit from Indiana at the game, one that can score, and the kid walked away thinking he could start day one for this team! :)
  17. Lubbock is 3x size of Jonesboro and way out on its own. Lubbock is the Media capital of the panhandle (that sounds funny). Baylor is a Legacy so Waco gets a pass.
  18. Yes this is a PNG fan talking. What of it?  We were what our record says we were in 2012. We aint made one single excuse for our poor season or boasted about being better than anyone else! I'm also a fan of 20-4A, therefore I get to keep watching HS football games ;)
  19. This past weekend with the #1 and #5 teams in 4A squaring off in beautiful Reliant stadium, DCTF chose to broadcast from Royse City Texas watching Frisco Centennial and Red Oak (all three are Dallas Area)!
  20. So its OK to rag on the accomplishments of the kids from Georgetown as a 5A playing 4A, or the kids from Nederland who "Got Lucky", or the three teams from 20-4A that lost round 1 this year, but heaven forbid anyone rag on the SC kids for their accomplishments! Sounds like a double standard to me. Congrats to all of the 19-4A All District picks, apparently you can thank SC for bowing out early so that you could find out who made it before Christmas! :) 19-4A 2012 Playoffs 3-4(2012 & 2011 5-8) 20-4A 2012 Playoffs 3-3(2012 & 2011 9-7) To quote a Hall Of Fame coach "You are what your record says you are"!
  21. Baddog, that is well past seasons end for every state, but TX. Most states HS FB playoffs are 3 maybe four games and dominated by private schools who recruit bigtime (this will kill hometown HS FB in Texas if they allow Privates into UIL state playoffs). Congratulations to Brock. One way or the other on 12/22/12 you will be making a memory of a lifetime. Well deserved. I know we will be glad to see him Graduate! :)
  22. The only advantage is that the former 5A now gets to pick on someone its own size versus getting picked on. Southlake moved up to 5A and won 4 outta 5 state titles. Of the 7 teams left in DI not named Nederland, the average enrollment is 1922 which would be 444 more then Ned. Ned is at 1478. Next closest is 1840. Poor pouting Humble Summer Creek is at 2019, which would put them behind only Guyer of the remainings. In fact SC has an average 530 student advantage over the other 8 teams in 19-4A, but I didn't hear them whining about it all year. Nederland took down Dawson (2032) and Connally (2004) in the last two rounds, so win or lose to GT with 1990 you will not hear one complaint from Dog fans. It's called CLASS. Take out the C & L and you have SC!
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