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Everything posted by 5GallonBucket

  1. Ur not gonna find many football coaches wanting the job without being the ad. Would it better ktz athletics. Yes it would. Joubert can concentrate on the roundball. Ktz athletics is down all the way around starting in jh. Go back to the top of the page and see the overall record.
  2. Riff raff? Where that come from I didn’t say “ ALOT”. but if u actually think the athletes/ parents at United don’t see the bigger picture ur sadly mistaken. U wanna talk about the horrible regime at central. So does the U have it figured out. U got a coach past his prime and a hc in waiting that has won how many games? Winning and scholarships are what courts kids we all know that. U ll be surprised come August.
  3. I agree there are some that are veterans. There s definitely an issue there that needs to be dealt with. I mean illegals get better treatment then our veterans
  4. Many of the homeless are homeless based on their OWN life decisions.
  5. I don’t like it when people make excuses
  6. Let someof these dems have something happen to them or loved ones then and only then will they change their tune. It’s sad that there are humans-citizens in leadership roles that don’t protect the American people but I guess i can’t be surprised when babies are killed everyday. Bunch sick individuals. before long we ll be just like Europe.
  7. As he should. Him and his staff got that train rolling. I foresee wb making noise for a good while now. They better pay the man
  8. Especially from the south end. There’s already kids leaving for either west brook or neighboring districts due to the issues at bmt United
  9. There s a guy at South Park who used to be part of the central staff. He was either oc or dc I believe at one time. He wouldn’t mine just being a HC. All he wants to do is coach football. As well he ll bring some bmt kids with him. He connects very well with the kids.
  10. Sutherland was a football guy. Look at his success
  11. I agree. He ll still be the AD, more than likely. I know a few coaches who wouldn’t mine just concentrating on football. Pretty much all sports are down girls and boys. Parents have to get more involved and teach work ethic
  12. I agree. I talked to a long time resident of kountze who frequents athletic events and she told me that she has noticed this going back 5 years. She said that there are only a few athletes per grade now and of those some are trouble makers who have trouble making parents. And she was talking not just about jh and hs but elementary age as well. She s noticed the lack there of thru lil leagues
  13. I second that. People who make those type of comments must have never played sports
  14. Really. I know your more intelligent than that. U may wanna read up on history of fallen nations. U may wanna read up on the crisis in Michigan. You may wanna read up on the problems in Europe. The border has always been a problem go back and read old quotes from the significant dems. Schumer pelosi obama Clinton. Trump came in and is actually trying to do something about it other than talk about or put a band aid
  15. Illegals get better treatment then veterans
  16. I could get assistance for my family size. I chose not to. It’s not the govt responsibility to take care of my family it’s mine even if I chose to have 2, 3, 6, 10 kids.
  17. It’s all about votes. Dems need the illegals
  18. Is there a vaccine for liberalism
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