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Everything posted by 5GallonBucket

  1. I havent seen ec this year but I have seen OF and I was thoroughly impressed with their team ball. very unselfish….makes the extra pass, court/spatial awareness.
  2. why has Lumberton only made the playoffs with him only being there?? So u think Lumberton had the kids to beat central, memorial, Ozen, Nederland, lee, goose creek lol come on, Brock was a soph in 2019, he didn’t even start all the games, say all good coaches who want to build something want good assistants and didn’t he beat that guy twice the next year?? Mitchell didn’t have him as the assistant the other 2 times, seems like hating to me, lumberton has been 3a and 4A like 97 of percent of the time and he had to coach in the toughest 5a district for 4 years with 3a type kids and say if ur going by maxpreps for scores and records remember teams play 35-38 games a year maxpreps isn’t always right
  3. Well the enthusiasm issue: many factors….parents not pushing their kids and admin issues as in admin tries to have more say over team than actual coaches…..and that’s just one issue. when you make up stuff to get rid of Jacks(girls coach) after he got them to the playoffs all because certain people s daughters didn’t get to play as much your not going to attract coaches there. warren is a stepping stone at best
  4. what do u mean something deeper?? Lumberton didn’t have a a div 1 player the other two times Lumberton made the playoffs..the kid worked hard and then became one..and let’s be honest He s at Lamar. Bottom of d1 as of now. If Lumberton didn’t make the playoffs with such kid then I can understand the hate, but they did make the playoffs as well won a DC. Lumberton had made playoffs 4 times in 60 years, their head coach been a part of all 4, 3 as head coach and 1 as a player why so much hate?
  5. Yeah cause quickly putting a leader in place is more important than putting the right person in place…..that doesn’t working out anywhere where a leader is needed. So if you love it then do you agree with this mess below??? BLM, abortion, changing the sex of kids, defund police….crime riddled cities, open borders, economy, forced covid, weakens our military, oil pipeline, Afghanistan, elicit and porngraphic kid library books, parents are domestic terrorist, inflation…..I could keep going What is a woman?
  6. Exactly liberals think that way…..but none of them will ever admit it
  7. Let’s place blame where it belongs figuring out a speaker isn’t gonna change the mess the other side has created.
  8. Like I said the trashyier (🤷‍♂️)party would have to have a complete character change in order for them to reach across the isle…
  9. Trash party…. so because not everyone is falls in line and in step makes them trash Here is a glimpse of trash Party…..BLM, abortion, changing the sex of kids, defund police….crime riddled cities, open borders, economy, forced covid, weakens our military, oil pipeline, Afghanistan, elicit and porngraphic kid library books, parents are domestic terrorist, inflation…..I could keep going
  10. What’s happened? Nothing much has ever happened.
  11. Why not? the liberal party is the party of the future. Look how well it’s been going with them controlling 2 of the 3……just imagine how well our country would be better off with liberals having all 3
  12. “Whims of extreme” what are you considering extreme? Most true conservatives are going to be consider extreme due to the lack of backbone and those that had one has let it erode. the middle has been moved to the left so that the true conservatives seem extreme.
  13. Mental health is real but also over used.
  14. Shows the character of the party(along with most of their policies)…..only in name are they sanctuary.
  15. They come from (usually)a worse off environment/economy to the US where there is endless opportunities and apply themselves. they more than likely endured actual oppression in their own country as well they didn’t receive handouts.
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