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Everything posted by BigRed44

  1. why do you think its taking so long to just get an stadium design? My theory is that they were starting small but have decided to go ahead and put in more seats..hence the delay in laying the turf..but this is a just my guess. I definitely think we are going FBS.
  2. I think you are right from a previous post..definitely agree that some behind the scenes talk of the Southland going FBS..its the only the thing that makes sense if UTSA joins the Southland in 2013 instead of going straight to FBS when they can.
  3. What would it take for the Southland to upgrade to FBS? It would seem the logical thing if they don't want to start losing schools like Lamar, UTSA, Tx State etc.
  4. Has anyone seen or have an update of the stadium plans that includes a horseshoe configuration? Today I went to take a look on the progress since the cam doesn't work and there hasn't been an update in a while and I noticed the distinct orange stakes and lines that curve and line up on both sides of the Montagne Center. The bulldozers were cutting it out. I have tried to attached a photo from today on this theory as it could be something else, but photo is too big to post. It definitely looks promising and would add to the capacity count. If anyone goes out to the stadium please take a look.
  5. Has anyone heard when they are releasing the stadium plans? I would love to see the details and how it will look.
  6. Any news or updates on when Cardinal Stadium plans will be released?
  7. Any news on when they will release the stadium plans including the suites?
  8. I am an alumni and missed the football team by 1 year. Will definitely be getting my season tickets and can't wait for Cardinal Stadium to be renovated. It has so much potential and look forward to the new plans hopefully released soon.
  9. My sister attends HBU and everyone is very excited about the acceleration of the athletic program. Dr. Sloan is the president and has kick started a lot of non athletic construction on campus as well. The rumor is that there are long term plans for football and even where the stadium would be. Nothing that can be confirmed just what I heard. But this looks promising for them and is evident with them moving up to D1 basketball last year from NAIA plus getting into the Great West conference.
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