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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. War will never cease...not everywhere. Pelosi is how far from the presidency? I think that politicians lie...heck... I think that most people lie or at least have. How far from the presidency was Bush when he justified (lied to us about) invading Iraq because they had WMDs? And, I think that most people look to blame others for the ills of the world. It's really not that new of a concept.
  2. It is a big deal. It was a big deal when Hitler was conquering lands. The Constitution DID NOT guarantee everyone freedom because at the time it was created...not all were free. The fact that you state you see no slaves today is how it should have been from day one. Didn't many people come here to escape religious persecutions and to be able to form a democratic society where all should have the rights to all that the Constitution represents? I guess all of the formerly oppressed groups should just feel blessed that we've come so far? Sorry, but if the foundation of our country states that ALL are guaranteed freedoms and liberties...ALL is a fairly defining word. While I am glad that I am here, the fact that one group of people profited at the expense of another through oppression, abuse, neglect, murder, separating families...that turns my stomach as I type this. I think that walking in other's shoes "may" change people's views. Kind of gives a new perspective on things. No, the Constitution did not create slavery...in an indirect way, I would have to respectfully disagree that it did not condone it because through inaction, that's essentially what happened. The fact that slavery existed...so. Religious persecutions and dictators and all of the other potentially harmful ways of the world were also here before the Constitution was here, but again...those were also ideals and things that our forefathers believed should not be a part of our America. The United States might not have lost 140,000 lives had slavery not been allowed to become a disgusting part of who we were supposed to be. We just executed Saddam Hussein because of how he treated his countrymen (and others) and the atrocities that he masterminded and followed-through with and we want to lead these other countries to be a democratic society where freedoms are a "guarantee"...yet, it took us how long to guarantee those freedoms to our own citizens and countrymen? How would you feel if you were a slave (a mother) whose "master" stole her child and sold that child to another owner because he was so determined to break her? Not much different than what Hitler and the Nazis did during WWII. I would ask you to think about that for a little more than a minute.
  3. Honey looks REALLY tired! That's a great-looking group of kids! Way to go Mustangs!!! Can't wait to see you run in Austin!!!
  4. Honestly, how truthful is ANY politician?
  5. Just wondering...how do you feel about many former dictators torture techniques on others, namely Americans? I guess that's why I just don't agree with trying to lead other countries to follow suit behind us, but it's ok if we participate in these kinds of activities since we're doing it to keep our country safe. I just don't think that we can credibly/fairly want others to model themselves after us when we are doing the same things that we are preaching against. Dunno...
  6. Wow...finally threats of thread deletions...I was wondering if those were idle actions of the past. A friend of mine were talking the other day and she mentioned that she had not been here in a while, but that she was shocked and somewhat appalled that all of the negative comments (mainly against the mother of the Laday man) were just allowed to stay on here when before if you put steroids and bc in the same sentence, you were either banned or at the very least your post was deleted. The fact is that most feel that the "other side" is brainwashed. Truth is each of us is swayed by our belief and support of which ever party we align ourselves with. We are not all supposed to think alike...that's what is great about our being able to each have our own opinions. As far as the comments about how we came to America. I've thought about this and we did bully our way into this country. As far as the Indians not having anything showing what they owned...by whose standards? Just because our forefathers came from lands where pieces of paper or boundary lines or whatever separated people's property...I don't think that that is how the Indians' way of doing things worked. We did some pretty horrific things to "get our way" and before someone says they did too...naturally they did...they were defending THEIR homelands. The way we took over is not so different than how some disgusting dictators in the last 70 years that we have seen and defended against. And, before someone says if you don't like it, yadayadayada...I am proud to be an American, but I am not proud of everything we have done and I believe that that's ok. As for the forefathers, yes...they were so insightful (still amazes me), but they were also a little cowardly that they drafted this amazing constitution that was the basis of what this country stands for. Wait, I'll rephrase that...it was a constitution that guaranteed freedoms and liberties for some, but not all. That cannot be downplayed. They were not willing or able to do what was necessary to make it work...because, you can't write this document and guarantee every person freedoms and not include everybody...African-Americans, indentured whites, Native Americans, and women. Not including EVERYBODY negates the whole purpose. I can't make up for what I think were wrongdoings of anyone who oppressed another...I can pretty much tell you that my family was probably one of the indentured families, but I will admit that these were mistakes that should have never happened. Anyway...these are just some of my independent opinions. They really aren't related to the left side or the right side...just my side.
  7. Looks like they're off to a good start! Go 'Stangs!!!
  8. And, in a perfect world, that would be acceptable and you could rely on parents to do that. The fact is that for a variety of reasons, parents won't test them. If I suspected my child of doing any type of drug, I would drug test them. In fact, I have, but I know many parents who would not or do not have the resources to do it.
  9. Hey COOP, Rumor has it that this new concession stand or stands are costing like $1,000,000. Hope that that is just a rumor. I didn't attend the last board meeting, but I did read through the agenda and saw where the board was discussing new buses. I was a bit confused because I thought that the buses were sold and contracted out. Last I know of was Student First, but I've heard that someone new took over. Anyway, I don't think that anyone is surprised at the new elementary. I think what the poster was questioning was why build a new elementary with numbers declining. I, personally, don't have a problem with the elementary or updates. And, I personally don't think that WO-S will shrink much more (in the near future). There are many reasons for the declining numbers, but I think that the largest factor is the fact that there just isn't much land to develop in the WO-S school district like many other areas. Hopefully, the new construction on the East Side will help. The truth remains that academics IS/SHOULD BE the primary reason why kids attend school. The sad reality is that there are some kids who probably wouldn't even attend school, let alone pass classes if it weren't for extracurricular events. Trust me...I LOVE athletics (especially Mustang sports), but anyone who knows me knows that I think academics is the KEY.
  10. No. Say it ain't so. I wonder how many actually stopped. I'm sure some. I hate this because I don't think that you can put a price on a life, but maybe it was an awakening to the dangers of steroid abuse and an educational plus for parents, teachers, coaches, athletes, etc. Besides the fact that it is a form of cheating. I had a discussion with someone the other day on how many middle-aged professional athletes had died in the last several years. You just wonder if they ever used steroids and if somehow it was a contributing factor in their death. ???
  11. Sounds familiar. And we wonder what's wrong with the kids? Moms who play captain save-a-... Better wake up because the real world is a booger-bear and momma will have to stop breast-feeding at some point. I don't necessarily agree with some of the things said or how they are said...but, that's why I sit in the stands because I have two out three who have gone through the Mustang program and I can tell you that that program made respectable, respectful, disciplined young men out of them.
  12. It's the teacher's responsibility to provide every student with the best opportunity for them to succeed in the classroom. It is NOT "up to the teachers" to see that every kid passes. There are a lot of variables mixed into each kids situation. I wholeheartedly agree...NOONE can MAKE these kids pass. And, yes, there are a variety of reasons why these kids don't pass. What I think that a lot of people on the outside (heck on the school board) miss is IF YOU CAN'T GET AND KEEP THE KIDS IN SCHOOL...THEY SURE AREN'T GOING TO MAKE THE GRADES. And, unfortunately, there are many kids who go to school because of a extracurricular activity. Yes, they have to pass, but if they're not there...you get my point. If a kid playing volleyball, track, baseball, softball, basketball, football, singing in the choir, playing in the band, participating in UIL math, science, prose, poetry, journalism, etc, etc, etc. is MOTIVATED by their participation in ANY extracurricular event to ATTEND SCHOOL...they are there. They are in school and class and has a better chance of doing what it takes to pass class and TAKS. Is it sad, yes, but is it the truth...sometimes.
  13. Well, hallelujah...now they'll only be testing half of the "safe" kids in the schools. I can call my friend in BC and tell her that her daughter may actually go at least 9-12 m just onths without having to worrying about peeing in the little cup. Too bad they can't slash that darned TAKS test...perhaps, they could just give it to all of the kids who they know will pass.
  14. No, trust me, I am not MISSING any PARTS. One does not have to serve on a school board to put his/herself on the line just as being on the school board does not ensure that you will ensure that programs that are as influencing (if not more) on keeping some kids in school can function properly. Most who have disagreed with the school board have no issues letting them know our opinions. In fact, I think that most of us participate in various ways with the kids coming up...more than most of the board members. One vote = one voice = one goal = change We may not have won this round, but our willingness to participate will not stop trying. P.S. You wouldn't happen to be one of the puppets, would you? Trying to be slick?
  15. That was a pretty good catch, but that's the kind of game I like to see. Besides the WO-S school board election this past Saturday, I would have to say the game vs. Giddings in 2005 (I believe). Coach Foreman (Mark) was due to retire and said that he couldn't because he had to go one more year with the kids. Great, great man!
  16. Let me begin by saying that I and every other voter who voted AGAINST these two men DO HAVE A RIGHT TO COMPLAIN because we did vote. Like I stated before, it looks like we'll be witnessing the puppet show for at least another year. And, I do think that Mrs. Bellfield's entry hurt Erick's ability to win one of the two seats. No disrespect intended because I don't really know what Mrs. Bellfield's about. Of course, I voted for one of the two incumbents thinking that he would be FAIR, not even one-sided for either side...and, I have been appalled at the board meetings that he has actually been on time to. I try not to think that people are selfish enough to place their personal differences, agendas, etc. vs. the athletic program before what is best for the kids, but after some of what I have seen of late...I have to say that one or more individuals on this board have some serious issues with someone or something related to the athletic department. I hope that it is not something trivial like an issue with their child and a sport or coach. As I have said numerous times, these coaches have been many of these kids father figures, positive figures, etc. I cannot say that for the board members. I thought that at least one of them was a good role model to look up to, but I guess I was wrong. These board members need to take a good, hard look at EVERYTHING that every coach in every sport at every level brings to this school district...I promise that they keep our enrollment numbers higher than they might be without them. Far cry from the "genius-wannabe" who has suggested banning students who do not pass the TAKS from UIL/extracurricular events. I ASSume he thinks that the parents do not have sense enough to realize that this really hurts athletes more than anyone because from my experience, most parents in academic or fine art extracurricular events are more involved and readily available than the athletes.
  17. Did I read correctly...she is only suing two older students who were not indicted? If so, why would she not also include the boys who were indicted? Was their physical/forensic evidence? Or does anyone know? When the girl refused to cheer for one of those accused of sexually assaulting her...was that during the investigation or after they were no-billed? Were the accused in ISS or any other alternative classroom setting until the grand jury decided whether to go forward or not? Just wondering.
  18. Well, I guess that I wasn't offended by the whole goobers in beer joints comment like I was about the freeloaders from Section 8. My point is you can see it from the outside and develop your opinions, but until you live in that world...you have no clue. Seeing things from the outside doesn't compare to living in it. You might have been exposed to some of it (seeing it in your mom's line of work), but it still is not the same. Trust me, my opinions are based on my life experiences. I think that it would be a fair assumption to believe that most people do form their belief and value systems on their experiences. Again, it all goes back to what people experience. I, too, have seen kids of freeloaders turn to crime, but believe it or not, I have probably encountered as many who came from "non-freeloader" families who committed crimes, did drugs, etc. I have seen many times (personally and professionally) what crack does to individuals, their families, and society, but I can't tell you why people "choose" to continue doing crack because I have never smoked crack. It's too easy for us to sit on the outside and judge how & why people should act. I can tell you, though, that I have experienced Southeast Texas' ignorance on several issues...personally. Based on those experiences, I have concluded that most of Southeast Texas could benefit from learning to respect others' cultures (and, I am not just talking about white people learning about black people...it should be across all cultural, racial, and religious spans). I try to respect everybody's opinions...may not agree, but that doesn't mean that I won't voice my opinion. P.S. Could you please enlighten me on what new level we have suddenly reached? I've had a long day and my brain isn't quite functioning like it should be. tragichippy...I don't recall much racial anything being taught in high school. I would apologize for your thinking that I have been "racial double-standarding"...but, I don't believe I am.
  19. Sorry kids! Looks like more of the same! Puppets persevere! : Unfortunately, they are the incumbents.
  20. Seeing and experiencing are too completely different things. And, "all of the freeloaders" don't live in section 8...some of them are the reason that we are where we are today, economically speaking. Some of them pay big bucks looking for loopholes that allow them to continue freeloading. I guess that you feel that way because your candidate did not win. Just because Obama won does not mean that the people who voted for him were ignorant. Both sides did their fair share of playing on people's emotions and slogans. These "sad" times have been here for quite some time...we didn't just get here.
  21. Well, back to the proposed topic of this thread...I really do not think that race was a factor in this case. Ii think that it was more a CYA factor. 8)
  22. History and everyday events tells us that most individuals are selected based on their popularity or who they know. Or better known as the good ole boy system. I think the timing was just right for a person like Obama to come in and win (obviously). What I didn't like was the hatred that came out towards the man. And I just think that he had a very effective, successful marketing strategy. Sometimes, I think that life experiences are as important and vital in a leader as experience as an elected official. And, I would have to agree that his "marketing strategy" was very successful...but that doesn't mean that he will be any less effective than Bush. Besides, every campaign (presidential or not) is a marketing strategy
  23. Her experience is a Governor for 2 years and a Mayor for 10 years. Name me some of those bright, articulate, accomplished GOP women who have been doing big things in government and in the business world for years. You have NOTHING to support that argument. : : Partial List of Republican Women More Qualified to be President Than Sarah Palin posted by Gatemouth Fri, 08/29/2008 - 11:04pm Senators: Lisa Murkowski, Alaska(?!?); Olympia Snowe, Maine; Susan Collins, Maine; Elizabeth Dole North Carolina; Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas Governors: Oline Walker, Utah; Linda Lingle, Hawaii, M. Jodi Rell, Connecticut Members of the House: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Florida; Deborah Pryce, Ohio; Barbara Cubin, Wyoming; Sue Myrick North Carolina; Jo Ann Emerson, Missouri; Kay Granger, Texas; Mary Bono, California; Heather Wilson , New Mexico; Judith Borg Biggert , Illinois; Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia; Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee; Ginny Brown-Waite, Florida; Candice Miller, Michigan; Marilyn Musgrave, Colorado; Thelma Drake, Virginia; Virginia Foxx, North Carolina; Cathy McMorris Rodgers, West Virginia; Jean Schmidt, Ohio Cabinet: Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State; Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor; Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education; Mary Peters, Secretary of Transportation; Susan Schwab, US Special Trade Representative Judging by the way they've been voting recently, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins probably wouldn't have taken it and might not have been that committed if they had taken it. Kay Bailey Hutchison, although a very good candidate, is getting up in age herself, and would have added a card to the Obama Campaign's "youth and vigor" strategy. Besides, she's determined to run for governor. I doubt she would have accepted the invitation, anyways. Condoleezza Rice would have been the best pick, in my opinion, but the McCain Campaign was trying to set itself apart from the Bush administration, and she was in President Bush's cabinet, which could invalidate all of the women pointed out that were involved with the Bush administration. Then again, Condoleezza Rice would have made a great Presidential candidate, in my opinion. Kay Granger would have been a good pick, but I think that McCain was also trying to set himself apart from Congress in addition to the Bush administration. All of these points narrows it down to the four GOP female governors (your three plus Sarah Palin). Of these four, Sarah Palin was the youngest, and McCain was trying to add a "youth and vigor" edge to his campaign to counter the one the Obama Campaign had. Seems to me like Sarah Palin was the best choice, given the circumstances. Yep, she brought all the Goobers out of the beer joints And President Obama brought all of society's freeloaders out of their Section 8 housing. If we want to get into those kind of comments, we can go round and round. All I did was point out the strategy behind Senator McCain's VP pick. History and everyday events tells us that most individuals are selected based on their popularity or who they know. Or better known as the good ole boy system. And you think this was different with President Obama how? Actually, most people who are able to work who receive Section 8 assistance DO WORK. I'm sure that you probably don't know many judging by your comment, but there are actually some really good and decent people who receive various types of assistance...contrary to your view that they are freeloaders. :
  24. Very humble, well-mannered, dedicated young man! I remember seeing his dad, brothers and him running in the Anderson Elementary area at night. His father has done an awesome job! Great to see he'll be playing at the next level. A gem, he is! The coaching ain't too bad either!! ;D
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