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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. That's the refreshing part...to know that people outside of our small little world ARE WILLING AND ABLE to look beyond the color of his skin. And, I truly believe that things are capable of changing...with a lot more resistance, but I think that it is happening (very, very slowly). As I told a very close friend of mine...I wish that abortion was my most important concern, but surviving happens to be my priority. Just my opinion. Only time will tell whether any of us made the right choice (or at least are willing to say we did or didn't make the right choice). I hope and pray for all of our sakes that things get better and I think that they will. Of late, we've found ourselves in situations that our generations haven't really had to face. As a society, one of our biggest problems is that we expect immediate gratification and that just isn't feasible. I'm sure I will not agree with all of the decisions that President Obama makes, but I've got to give him a chance as I did with Bush. Didn't vote for Bush, but I gave him that chance because he was my elected leader, my president. I personally didn't agree with alot of his decisions, but all I can do is voice my opinions and vote...which I do every chance I'm given because too many take it for granted and I realized a long time ago that freedom is not free and that many have died to allow me that privilege. Well, I'm done for the night. I have a couple of votes to cast tomorrow for school board and city council. Tomorrow will give me the opportunity to both vote and express my opinion. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  2. A chance to keep stirring the pot. Keep it stirring, it makes for an interesting evening. And most of you are in denial about the truth. Question, are udercover cops allowed to take drugs on the job? I remember a "former undercover cop" who was in a drug treatment program because he had become addicted to crack (if I'm not mistaken). He said that he was basically cut off when they found out that he was having addiction issues. Don't get me wrong, I know that there are boundaries, but this guy was telling how in order for the sellers to believe that he was good and not a cop, he had to prove it by trying the drugs and then, I guess, things went downhill for him from there. It's really a no-win situation, except for the law enforcement agencies who get convictions for these dealers.
  3. Actually I think they would have a harder time firing him now. Once he beats them in an arbitration hearing, it will look like retaliation on their part. That is the good thing about Civil Service and a contract. The department has to be able to back up a firing in front of an outside arbitrator. They can fire him again if they wish but they lost this bid to get rid of him for what appears to be a pretty severe accusation. If they can't fire him for having sex with a prostitute, what will it take to uphold it in front of an arbitrator? Now if he starts routinely showing up for work late, gets a lot of complaints for physical abuse, fails to turn in paperwork in a timely manner, etc., then he will make it easy on them and he will lose the next round. All that he has to do is show up and keep his nose clean and he will be almost untouchable. That was pretty much my point...he will have to cross his t's and dot his i's because I'm sure that someone will be dissecting his actions, paperwork, etc. Of course they can't just retaliate or even look like they are retaliating... but, where there is a will, there is a way.
  4. While we wait for Stang's reply, take a read. Interesting article...don't you agree? [Hidden Content] Oh so kind. Thank you for patience! Quite honestly, I think that there were as many black people who voted for Barack Obama because he was black as there were white people who voted against him because he was black. Barack Obama was not elected by any one particular group of voters. Sure, he had lots of black votes, but he also had lots of YOUNG VOTES, and contrary to what some think...WHITE VOTES. You can look at the red states and basically kind of deduce your own opinion of why those people in those states (well, at least the majority of people in those states) voted the way they did. The good ole' south, right? It's just refreshing to see us get over this hump.
  5. I have a feeling that everyone knew what was going on, especially the higher ups. While I guess that I would be happy with the outcome of my day in court, I would think that he has to be on his best behaviors, because I wouldn't put it past the powers-that-be to scrutinize everything that he does looking for a reason to fire him. This probably doesn't sit well with them. As far as the good ole' boy system...we'll never know because the CYA system was priority. Outside arbitrators or investigations are usually a good thing.
  6. Give me a break... ??? The comments above are the exact reason that many did not vote for Palin and the exact reason that she was on the ballot to begin with. It had nothing with her experience. Quite honestly, it was insulting that the GOP powers-that-be who chose her thought that women were not smart enough to realize that they were dangling Palin in front of them hoping to win the presidency. I have to say that I may agree with an earlier statement concerning the voting of SE Texans (at least most of them).
  7. It's unfortunate, but many of today's so-called "civil rights activists" do it all the time. Sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree. Perhaps, many of today's public, in-your-face "civil rights activists" do it all of the time, but there are more who tackle civil rights violation in respectable ways on both sides (white and black). They just don't require T.V., radio, or newspaper time so that people will know who they are. I could see the taxation thing in the past (probably not so long ago), but not now. Our forefathers, while very insightful, were also very weak in that they couldn't or didn't set up the constitution to truly ensure that all men were created equal because that's how many of the select families made their money...off of the blood, sweat, tears and hardships, and not only of black people, but white people too. Far fewer than like 10% were slaveowners. In November, 2008, our Constitution truly came to the point that it should have been when it was initiated. Regardless of anyone's opinion on the outcome, it was representation that finally the majority of Americans were past something that should have never have been allowed to happen. Martin Luther King, Jr. was on target with how he addressed issues that he disagreed with. Civil disobedience. Gandhi did it and it works because it does the same thing as when these clowns (all of them) get in front of a camera...it brought light to the issues. This is a great country, but it is also a country that took a long time to truly represent the very document and idealogy that it was founded on. We are there now and while I respect everyone's opinion because that is their right...I don't agree with anything that calls for any type of violence or bullying.
  8. Mustangs in Muskogee Eric Arnold, Josh Gloston, and Robert Jiles, pictured with new Offensive Coordinator Toby Foreman, signed football scholarships Wednesday to play at Bacone University in Oklahoma. The three will play for new coach Lloyd Spotted Wolf, who was the Off. Coordinator at Blinn JC.
  9. Come on Coop...gotta include all the names...the All-District Scholastic Team is as important as MVPs. Special Recognition Awards presented by Dr. Collins: Basketball Most 3 points: * Marquest Watson * Xavier Adams * Josh Simmons * Jacy Jones * Demetrius Heard Most Free Throws: * Donte Green * Dacolby Teate * Robert Redd * Paige Pollard * Demetrius Heard Football Kicker Justin Sparrow Scholastic All-District Athletic Team – Students must letter in a UIL sports activity at the varsity level and have an overall numeric average of at least 90 in all subjects taken. Cayla Adams Eric Arnold Kelli Bilbo Taylor Bonnin Adedamola Busari Brianne Cook Donavon Crochett Leigh Dallas Jordan Darnall Danielle Drouillard Kory Freeman Reginald Garrett Christie Gaskill Eugene Gill Crystal Haynes James Haynes Ortavious Hypolite Edward Ivory Shaquille Jackson Taylor Jaynes John Jefferson Jariah Jones Van Jordan Darius Mitchell Matthew Provost Rebekah Ragsdale Sarah Ragsdale Gabrielle Saucier Zoe Simien Michel’le Simpson Justin Sparrow Cornica Thomas Earlisha Thomas Cassie Thompson Kayleigh Thompson Amanda Ulbrich James Kendall Veitch Mishanequa Warnell Congrats to all on a job well done!
  10. I guarantee that if one our little Johnny's contracted is virus and just happens to begin showing s/s by next week, people would be complaining because it could have been prevented. As far as the "so-called leaders"...I love sports and was looking forward to Regionals this weekend too, but I think that they are doing the best that they can. Regardless if the deceased baby was from Mexico or the Golden Triangle, the fact is if postponing events for a little while has the opportunity to save a child, parents, teacher, coach, fan...then it's well worth it.
  11. Although it may be inconvenient and untimely for some, better safe than sorry because if an outbreak were to occur, everyone would be looking at the UIL and school districts wondering why someone did not do something that might have prevented it. It may be being sensationalized, but I would rather that than be the 23-month old baby's family in Houston who are probably wishing someone would have overreacted. Chances are that most will be ok, but I think that it is well-worth waiting a couple of weeks than risking even one child.
  12. I heard...one more year.
  13. I wonder if the police officer came up with his statement regarding his injuries all by himself. Just kidding. I am glad that he obviously wasn't banged up too bad if he returned to work the next day. As far as locking this thread because it's hearsay and can't be used in a court of law...that's so silly! While there is some hearsay, there are some who witnessed what happened. Sadly, there seems to be some deeper-rooted issues that will probably not be addressed when all is said and done.
  14. i guess the bottom line is the cop was injured due to an assualt(which is a felony) and someone was tased during the altercation. there has to be some sense of respect for authority and the law... two wrongs dont make a right but in some minds they make things even. also, what does this mean "but, what the heck...right?" It just kind of fits with the statement "whether he jumped the gun or not"...that's all.
  15. Again, I did not say that the kid was "innocent" or that the "cop inflicted the injuries to himself"...I did not say that that the kid should not be dealt with, but hello...everyone is fallible, even cops. I did not say that "the cop started it so the kid had the right to retaliate or anything else"...what I said is that if the cop could have handled the situation in a better way (which most of us don't know whether he could have or not)...then he should have to answer for that as well. The statement...whether he jumped the gun or not is not acceptable to me. If you expect a kid (which I do) to handle himself in a better way than what he did, then I also expect that authoritative figure has that same capability. Like I said, thank goodness he wasn't wearing a gun and mistakenly pulled it instead of the taser...but, what the heck...right?
  16. I don't know that anyone has said that this kid is "innocent"...I think that it's more about how things were escalated and handled. If the kid hit the policeman, then there should be some repercussions for that, but if the cop jumped the gun and could have handled the situation a little differently and it is discovered, then he should also have some repercussions. Trust me, I am all for people owning up to their mistakes, but I am all for everyone being held accountable. And, yes, I realize that cops have a stressful job, but that is not an excuse to overreact (not saying that he did). I am thankful that he did not have a firearm. As for the post about this kid probably having a prior record...nice stereotyping there. He is still a kid and if you don't know him then sometimes the correct thing to do is just not say some things at all. How would you feel if this was your child? I, for one, can say that I am anxious to see or hear from a reliable source what is contained on the videotape.
  17. Great points! I was thinking the same things. They should just review the tapes. I would really find it odd that they weren't taping. There is definitely a fine line here. If the kid was grabbed by the neck, sure he will be reflexive, but I would have hoped that he would realized at some point that it was a cop. Who knows? The sad thing is that it was obviously all precipitated by the swinging door. Could it have been prevented from escalating? And, cops are fallible (not saying that this cop did anything wrong because I, like most on here, was not present), but the viewing of the tapes would probably solve alot.
  18. Congrats to the Mustangs boys and girls, as well as their coaches, Coach Foreman and Coach Ivory! Way to dominate and represent WO-S!!
  19. Kudos to the photographers! Some great pics!
  20. All you have to do is attend a school board meeting and you can see the support we get from the powers-that-be. You would think that they would be eager to invest a little. I don't think we have had a pole vaulter in a few years. Don't know about the other schools in attendance.
  21. There were no pole vaulters. Good thing time wasn't spent borrowing that equipment, huh? Also, one less criticism for the host of the meet. I know we have done this track meet at Orangefield for several years. Kudos to Toby for making the best of a bad situation...what's the alternative...cancel it. That would be great for the schools and kids.
  22. Well, at least the kids got to participate. Way to go and the weather cooperated! What time did the meet end? Why did teams drop out and what happened to the Mustangs' 4X200meter relay team?
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