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  1. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [Hidden Content] DALLAS (AP) - A police officer was placed on administrative leave Thursday after pulling over an NFL player who was rushing to see his dying mother-in-law, drawing his gun, threatening the player with jail and holding him in the hospital parking lot as the woman died. Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle apologized to the family of Houston Texans running back Ryan Moats over the March 18 incident in the Dallas suburb of Plano and announced Officer Robert Powell would be on paid leave pending an internal investigation. "When we at the command staff reviewed the tape, we were embarrassed, disappointed," Kunkle said. "It's hard to find the right word and still be professional in my role as the police chief. But the behavior was not appropriate." Police officials said Powell told his commanders he believed he was doing his job, and that he drew his gun but did not point it. Kunkle said Powell was not necessarily acting improperly when he pulled his weapon out, but that once he realized what was happening should have put the gun back, apologized and offered to help the family in any way. "His behavior, in my opinion, did not exhibit the common sense, the discretion, the compassion that we expect our officers to exhibit," Kunkle said. Moats' wife, who was in the car along with other relatives, said Powell pointed his weapon at her. "He was pointing a gun at me as soon as I got out of the car," Tamishia Moats told The Dallas Morning News. The Moats family did not immediately return messages left by The Associated Press. Powell did not respond to requests for comment through the Dallas police union. Powell, a three-year member of the force, stopped Moats' SUV outside Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano after Moats rolled through a red light. Video from a dashboard camera inside the officer's vehicle, obtained by Dallas-Fort Worth station WFAA-TV, revealed an intense exchange in which the officer threatened to jail Moats. He ordered Tamishia Moats to get back in the SUV, but after pausing for a few seconds, she and another woman rushed into the hospital. She was by the side of her mother, 45-year-old Jonetta Collinsworth, when she died a short time later from breast cancer. "Get in there," said Powell, yelling at 27-year-old Tamishia Moats, as she exited the vehicle. "Let me see your hands!" "Excuse me, my mom is dying," Tamishia Moats said. "Do you understand?" Ryan Moats explained that he waited until there was no traffic before proceeding through the red light. When Powell asked for proof of insurance, Moats grew more agitated and told the officer to go find it. "My mother-in-law is dying! Right now! You're wasting my time!" Moats yelled. "I don't understand why you can't understand that." As they argued, the officer got irritated. "Shut your mouth," the officer, 25, said. "You can either settle down and cooperate or I can just take you to jail for running a red light." By the time the 26-year-old NFL player received a ticket and a lecture from Powell, about 13 minutes had passed. When he and Collinsworth's father entered the hospital, they learned Collinsworth was dead. Kunkle said the video showed that Moats and his wife "exercised extraordinary patience, restraint in dealing with the behavior of our officer." "At no time did Mr. Moats identify himself as an NFL football player or expect any kind of special consideration," Kunkle said. "He handled himself very, very well." The Moats family, who are black, said they can't help but think that race might have played a part in the white officer's behavior. "I think he should lose his job," Ryan Moats said. When the exchange was at its most contentious, Powell said he could tow Moats' SUV if he didn't have insurance and that he could arrest him for fleeing because he didn't immediately stop when Powell turned on his sirens. The pursuit lasted a little more than a minute. "I can screw you over," Powell said. "I'd rather not do that. Your attitude will dictate everything that happens." The exchange soon ended and Powell returned to his cruiser to write a ticket. A few minutes later, another officer approached Powell to tell him a nurse said the mother-in-law was dying right then and Moats needed to get into the hospital. "All right. I'm almost done," Powell said in response. Texans spokesman Kevin Cooper said the team had no comment. The ticket issued to Moats was dismissed, Dallas Police spokesman Lt. Andy Harvey said. Moats, a third-round draft choice of the Philadelphia Eagles in 2005 out of Louisiana Tech, was cut by the Eagles in August and later signed with the Texans. In three seasons as a backup, he's rushed for 441 yards and scored four touchdowns. He was a standout at Bishop Lynch High School, a private school in Dallas, rushing for more than 2,600 yards and 33 touchdowns as a senior.
  2. Congrats, indeed! Way to go and represent WO-S up there!
  3. I remember in elementary school (McLewis Elementary), there was a Jehovah's Witness family who would step outside of the room when the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. They just didn't participate in it. I don't know that that is the answer, but I don't know what the answer is. I understand the separation of church and state and I believe that you really have to be careful with it because at what point does one particular religion dominate the others (which could ultimately lead to the exact situation that our forefathers fled to America from in the first place). All of these different religions are based on different interpretations of the Bible and I think that it would be virtually impossible to come to one consensus. I think that the coach should be able to pray with his team, even if it means in the fieldhouse away from all of the eyes. Should you have to "hide" your belief in God? I don't believe it's right, but I do understand why some rulings are made. I believe that if the members of a team or any group wishing to participate in prayer should be able to. I'll tell you that me, personally, will pray when and where I want to pray and hopefully without offending anyone. I do care about atheist and I do respect their right to not believe in my God.
  4. Did someone disable the spellcheck button? Go Earl! Keep it up. Hope to see the UT vs. TT game this year and see you and Deon vs. Colby!!
  5. Kicker was Russell Turkel. Can't remember who the OC was...not sure if it was Glen Hill? Love the curls...LOL!
  6. It still amazes me that our forefathers were so insightful and knew the importance of church and state. I am wholeheartedly a Christian (and a Democrat), but separating the two was vital because I think that it was meant to deter what was happening in England/Europe and Catholicism. I don't like it that this coach cannot pray with his team, but I also agree with the post concerning how many might feel if the Muslim faith was involved. I have always said that I don't have to be in church for God to hear me... I pray in many places (including driving in my car because I spend so much time in my car and it's just me and God!) The problem with allowing religion to govern our laws is that ultimately, there will be issues with the varying religions and which ones should be followed or used as a basis of something like prayer. What if the majority of the kids were Catholic and recited the rosary? You would probably have at least one kid whose parents would be at the school complaining that the rosary was being recited and their child is a Baptist or is Lutheran or whatever religion that child and his family is. That being said, I have thought about trying to start a movement of sorts where perhaps a small group of parents/fans begin reciting the Lord's Prayer from the stands before games (the moment of silence) and see how it would go. ;D
  7. Did someone measure the wind at 20-30 mph? Who's to say it wasn't 10 mph? Way to go Trey because he is just a junior and unbelievably fast...with the wind or without? Amazing that there is more talk about "the wind" vs. how well he ran.
  8. Awesome! It's in the genes...wow!
  9. While I think that both statements are true... the coaches make the kids look good and the kids make the coaches look good...coaches and a good chemistry among coaches lends to a program's success. The fundamental key to WO-S' success is DISCIPLINE! Without that, players are just kids with talent.
  10. Should have because there were other kids in there. It just doesn't look good to walk in immediately after a vote. My biggest pet peeve about the meeting process is that board members have continuously thrown out false information during the meeting and that noone is allowed to speak up. I don't necessarily mean there should be running dialogue, but it is not fair when erroneous information is given out and allowed to stand as fact. I can tell you for a fact that other extracurricular activities do offer transportation from competitions because my oldest son participated in choir and academic activities and was asked while on the bus if he needed a ride home. It just so happens that most choir and academic students' parents pick them up. The busing decision was made in haste and I would not doubt that whoever put it up to vote was probably smart enough to know that once it was voted on and approved, it would be difficult to overturn. I just don't like to see politics in any level of school activities and this is truly wreaking of it.
  11. Maybe the Mustangs shouldn't even waste their time showing up. I know that I have been guilty of downplaying the effect that the other team has on my team's poor playing, but you gotta give Coach Quinn and these players a little credit. BTW, congrats Silsbee on the win, looks like another year, another playoff run.
  12. No, I did not miss your point, but if someone could devise a way to FORCE parents to be parents, then they need to let everyone know because it is a well-kept secret. If there was a way to make parents be responsible without a child suffering the consequences, then I am all for it. These kids (whose parents don't care) suffer enough and I think that it says a lot that they at least try to be involved in something extracurricular. While it is not mandated, it will affect some kids who try really hard to make their way in life on the right path. Maybe not an entire team, but if five kids at all levels of UIL events cannot secure transportation from games and practices...any school district has lost much more than $25,000 or athletes or academic students. It's almost a no-win situation because either way...it will cost. I just think that it is not fair to a child who may defy the odds to try to participate in any UIL program that might eventually lead him/her to a diploma and possibly an education at the next level because their parents don't care enough or can't provide something that seems so simply and taken for granted by many of us...transportation. And, while it may not be mine or anyone else's direct responsibility to take kids home...I live by the idea that: if it were my child who needed anything to keep him on the right path, I pray to God that someone will do the right thing to help them out. So far, I can truly say that I have been very fortunate. That's all I'm saying. It's really about KARMA... It seems that the old addage, "It takes a village to raise a child" has been replaced with "that's not my responsibility. I have my own to take care of without taking care of someone else's."
  13. After reading your post on both WO-S threads, you seem to have the "poor me" attitude. If the school board cannot afford public transportation, it will be left to the parents. That's a fact you cant argue. I posted a message a few months ago.....after my divorce, quit a job that required nights and got a day job Mon - Fri with a serious enough paycut to have to sell my house. The benefit is I have 1/2 custody of my child and I'm off when hes not in school. We can't do as much financially, but we got each other. I'm not super dad, have made my mistakes, but at least I know what is important....taking care of my kid! There are a lot of national problems, rape, robbery, murder, etc.... We don't have to let them effect our communities. I agree and respect several WO-S posters, they all seem like great people. My son plays youth football and WO-S has some great athlete's. The parents that have the issues with the transportation needs to make some noise at the schoolboard. Its going to take more than 20 people. Mr. Chippy, You'll have to find someone else to throw that title on because I'm far from the "poor me"-type. My point is transportation is vital to many whose parents aren't there for whatever reason to get their kids for whatever reason. I can tell you that my kids probably wouldn't have been able to been active in any UIL events that they were involved in if it had not been for transportation at certain points in their school years. Honey, there is nothing pitiful about me or anything that has happened. I am just stating the facts and in a perfect world, all parents would be involved in their kids' lives more. Kudos to you for doing what you had to do as a parents and feel fortunate that you were able to do those things because some people just cannot do it or will not do it. No pity expected or accepted. Nice try though!!! ;)
  14. I'm kind of shocked to see a Of poster on a WO-S football thread and not an Of basketball thread...wonders never cease!
  15. ?? What's this got to do with this thread? Oh sorry aggiesarewe...did not mean to violate the oops I screwed up and posted on the wrong thread clause that I'm sure I either agreed to when signing up for this board or will be soon included in the clause that I agreed to to be allowed to be a poster on this board. My bad! To the subject at hand, believe it or not, most WO-S supporters/posters have realized that we do have more than one subject that we excel at (thanks to the kind and all-knowing posters on setxsports.com). Thanks! Zack Quinn is an excellent coach and guy and he is doing a pretty good job. (Is that more satisfactory and within in the guidelines of commenting on the right topic? Dang it, once again I have probably failed to meet people's standards because I didn't post this on the correct board. I will copy and paste it. Did I pass?) Barely. But I'll give you a break on the lack of reading comprehension. To quote Mr. Muyagi in Karate Kid, " No such thing as bad student, bad teacher." As for your statement on most WOS supporters, you couldn't tell by the posts on this messageboard, and that was my point. A brain fart, perhaps...but, not reading comprehension. Thanks anyhow!
  16. Congrats to all for being nominated and to both who won! Kevin Robinson is pure class to go with that heart! Not bad for somebody that was probably considered by most as an underdog from what I read on other threads! Way to go!!!
  17. ?? What's this got to do with this thread? Oh sorry aggiesarewe...did not mean to violate the oops I screwed up and posted on the wrong thread clause that I'm sure I either agreed to when signing up for this board or will be soon included in the clause that I agreed to to be allowed to be a poster on this board. My bad! To the subject at hand, believe it or not, most WO-S supporters/posters have realized that we do have more than one subject that we excel at (thanks to the kind and all-knowing posters on setxsports.com). Thanks! Zack Quinn is an excellent coach and guy and he is doing a pretty good job. (Is that more satisfactory and within in the guidelines of commenting on the right topic? Dang it, once again I have probably failed to meet people's standards because I didn't post this on the correct board. I will copy and paste it. Did I pass?)
  18. Donovan Harris? Sure, he wasn't great like Dess but still, the dude can play WR. I watched Harris when he was a junior and he was very good and I thought he would be the best reciver in SETX when he came back for his Senior year but he got in that car wreck and that took some pep out of his step a little but he was fast..........fast enough to win state in track and a good kid also........... Desmond Doss on the other hand could jump high to grab the ball & was fast.......... he was good in basketball also...... plus Desmond Doss only played football his senior year and turned some heads and got to go play football @ Blinn College for a little bit...........So I would say that Doss was slightly better than Harris....... Speaking of Donovan Harris and track...did he go last year? We were there when he won state in the hurdles and we even screamed his name across the field and he just looked very perplexed...like who's hollering for me in the WO-S section. He was awesome then and I remember him getting in the wreck. Just didn't keep up this year like I usually do. Where did he end up going to school?
  19. I tell you, the meeting was very informational. There was a very interesting email that was circulated that made my blood boil. Actually, in the words of Skip Moore...I bleed BLUE and my BLUE BLOOD is boiling. Until the next school board meeting...
  20. How and how much information are parents entitled to see for themselves involving the finances of their school district?
  21. Still trying to figure out how he escaped the consequences from the last incident. I will only say that if he was involved (which I would find it almost unheard of for a star athlete to be accused of two separate, serious incidents and not be somewhat at fault), LaVega coaches need to grow some and do the right thing. Of course, isn't this the same team that intentionally lost their last game in order to go D1 because they thought that the path would be easier?
  22. Couple of things... yes, it can be challenging, but all of the creativity in the world doesn't provide many parents with vehicles or time or a day-time job or even the WANT TO to pick up your kid(s). I have had as much want-to as you or any other parent, but for almost a year, I didn't have a car. For two years, I went to school from 8-4 and went directly to work until midnight, and I do not have any family to help. So, again, count your blessings that you are an oh-so-fortunate soccermom because not everyone can be you.
  23. To the genius who stated that parents should step up and be responsible, I have to ask if you came to that conclusion all by yourself? This problem is a national problem. I have read all of these comments and keep thinking...duh, like we don't know that many of these kids' parents are not active because they just don't care. So, I am to ASSume that the solution is to make teenagers (most who are not old enough to drive) pay the price for their parents' not picking them up? That is so absurd...I suppose those who believe that also believe that children who have serious healthcare issues that overwhelm their parents (whether insured/underinsured/uninsured) should pay the price by not being treated due to inability to afford the treatments needed. Maybe one of their parents was addicted to a drug (alcohol, cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, etc.)...since that parent obvious did not care enough for their child to stop using the drug of choice, how about we just don't treat that child's ailments. I know that some of you may find this hard to believe, but there are actually some parents in the world who really don't have anyone to help them or maybe everyone that they know just can't take up that slack. Hard to believe, but it's true! Really! I take kids home all the time and I have for 7 or 8 years now (probably even longer), but I will also tell you that in 2005-2007, I attended school during the day and worked until midnight every night and my kids would have been unable to participate in any UIL events had it not been for transportation. Judge me on that...in fact, judge parents who don't have a car, or work in the afternoons/evenings, and while you're judging them, hope and pray that your particular situation doesn't change for the worse placing you in one of these situations. If you are fortunate enough to not have these problems...count your blessings. Football and academics are attached at the hip, as our superintendent said at the December board meeting. My sons would not have been the respectable, disciplined young men that they are today if it weren't for benefiting from a busing system that enabled them to be involved in sports. My oldest, who attends A&M, would not have been the well-rounded young man that he is and would not have gotten the scholarships that he got if it weren't for his athletic career rounding out his academic career. Trust me. The point is, WO-S is not Vidor, BC, OF, LCM or any other school for that matter. And, guess what, I know that most of us Mustangs are okay with that, but we also understand that we differ from other local school districts in more ways that providing transportation. I can tell you that PA schools, Beaumont schools, Cypress school district (a wealthy district outside of Houston) and many other school districts in the state of Texas do provide their UIL participants with transportation. It is a safety issue. I can tell you that on December 18, 2008 after my youngest son's basketball game, my oldest son called me to tell me that there was another Stallion student who was walking across the MacArthur bridge and it was during the spell when we had the fog. My son asked me to come and pick him up because he wouldn't get into the car with him and he might get in the car with my youngest son since he knew him. I had to drive 15 mph with the flashers on and my windows down to even see this kid in the fog. For anyone familiar with this stretch of street, the city just installed flashing lights (not yet activated) due to all of the MVA/pedestrian/bicyclist accidents that have resulted in ADULTS dying. Responsible, of-age adults who were attempting to cross the street or even on the shoulder...KILLED! I don't want to see this happen to somebody's child who did absolutely nothing wrong except want to be involved in an extracurricular even and have parents (for whatever reason) who could not or would not pick them up. What happened to IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD? I can tell you that this parent/villager will do her part to ensure that I do unto your child as I would have them do unto mine.
  24. Congrats to all, especially our Mustangs!!!
  25. Looks like one can argue. As far as the luck of the draw...that might fly for a game or two, but not enough games to reach the state finals. Central as come a long way in the past several years and it if a coach can get his team to the STATE FINALS, I would have to pick him too! Oh yeah...CONGRATS TO ALL!
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