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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. Good luck Broncos! Represent Southeast Texas well!!!
  2. Amen admin, amen. Coach Crouch's offense is three rounds deep in the playoffs and still unbeaten. I know the defense is great yet give the man some credit. Saying the Mustangs offense doesn't run like it should also in a way slaps some great players in the face who have some gaudy numbers this year. DITTO! From this TRUE MUSTANG FAN...I couldn't agree with you more. My eldest former Mustang said it best...it doesn't matter WHO is calling the plays...sometimes the players just can't execute the plays and in saying that the offense is this and the OC is that is almost a cowardly way of downing high school kids. Most of us fans are very upset when we don't win, but I'm tired of hearing how bad we are and our coaches are because we ONLY make it to the 3rd round of the playoffs. I doubt seriously that any of these internet coaches could do much better...on the lines of the Wizard of Oz...we're not playing in little league any more!
  3. Wonder if this has any chance of being the game of the week?
  4. Well, I wasn't at the game and did see a tad bit of video, but none of that really matters. Most youth sports have parents who desperately try to live their dreams through their children (and this is not just boys' sports). I just think that this is extremely sad. And, recall, I said most sports in most towns. While it does matter who started this unfortunate incident, it also matters that this continued on and I firmly believe that incidents cannot progress unless more than one party participates in the incident. It does not matter that one person started it, it matters that grown adults have to behave in this manner and anyone involved apparently did not have enough respect for any of the kids on the field or off of the field, therefore, they should be banned from the league. Not the entire team, but all involved (adults that is). I heard on the news that no charges would be filed and I can honestly say that I was not at all surprised. I don't agree because I think that these types of voluntary, irresponsible actions should be made examples of...these were adults. Charges should have been filed and followed through. I have to believe that if this had happened some other towns, the outcome might have been a tad more drastic...as it should have been.
  5. I agree that our energy in the 2nd half will be the least of our concerns. I stopped going to 3adownlow several seasons ago because they just don't respect any one outside of their area. I don't think that this week will be a cake-walk and I don't think that anyone else does either. One thing that most know is that the Mustangs can handle the 2nd half pretty well. I have faith in my Mustangs and I think that we'll pull this one out by at least a point. ;D
  6. Congrats Mustangs for the win. You know, JUST making it to the third round of the playoffs every year is no small task. It's comical how that statement always ends up on our threads. I wish we would win state every year, but I;m always proud of our players for JUST MAKING IT IN THE PLAYOFFS. Hopefully, we'll do better this year. As for our district, until realignment this year, we had a pretty tough district. We are fortunate that we did not end up tied up for district this year (Silsbee game). As far as "class", our coaching staff has it. They expect it from their players and you would be hard-pressed to find another program that expects the discipline that WO-S does. I have said before, these coaches are much more than coaches and this program is about so much more than football... That, I know.
  7. I would have to say that Silsbee should beat HJ. While HJ did have some speed and good tackling, I just don't see them beating Silsbee. Some of my opinion is probably based on Silsbee's past performances, but I feel that they will win. Kind of like I would probably have to go with HJ in basketball...reputation. Sorry...JMO! And to the poster who called all of Silsbee morons...why the name-calling? I guess that they aren't much of morons on the field, from where I see things, at least!
  8. If his name were Osama, maybe so. But, it's not and he is not a Muslim. As far as a head coach, I think that OBAMA would be the best because he would be very motivational and I don't see much wrong with allowing everyone on the team to see the playing field. I am sure if anyone had a kid who was a part of the team who worked hard everyday and did what he needed to be a part of the team, just like his fellow teammates, but perhaps wasn't as good as his teammates, would appreciate his child getting a chance to play like everyone else. But, just like the "real" world, I think that greed sometimes takes over and the real name of the game is "winning".
  9. Then in 2000 we went to the State Championship. I guess I'll leave it at that. That was all defense Homie. Defense got us there in 2000 go look at the scores from that year dude Its always been defense. When Coach T left for those few years, what happened? Defense is the steak and offense is the potatoes. You won't send your plate back if the steak is great and the potato is just good. You eat your plate and be thankful for that meal. I just don't see why people start negative talk. Why is there this man-crush on Toby? I'm happy with being undefeated. I totally agree. Heck, I'm just happy being a MUSTANG! Winning makes it all better, but our players take away something more than wins from their experience at the Corral.
  10. Well, they were in the state semifinals in football two seasons ago. They went three rounds deep last year. As far as other sports, I believe we were in the state semis for basketball just two years ago. Right? What the heck are y'all talking about? Let's not forget track. We won the Regional Meet in 2007 with field events and relay teams. Not to mention, we have medaled at state how many years?
  11. It seemed like we scored more on defense than offense. We did not run up the score and it wasn't a fake punt.s What people need to realize is that we are not just playing a district game...this gives us an opportunity to work on plays that we wouldn't normally run especially in games like Silsbee.
  12. Kudos to the Mustang coaching staff for making a statement by benching Quinny. Love the kid to death and he is an awesome athlete, but everyone has to respect somebody and while disciplining one athlete, you prove to the others that disrespect, lack of respect, missing class, whatever the issue may be...will not be tolerated regardless of who you are. I hate it for him, but better to learn now than later.
  13. Hmmmmpppphhhhh... You know my son is in the Aerospace Engineering program at Texas A&M and he has told me that he is seriously considering getting his degree and maybe even becoming a coach because our coaches had such an impact on his life...he wants to give a little of that back. I think that's awesome. Is it just me or is there a little bit of stereotyping on the boards as of late? JW
  14. Wonder how our local school districts would handle it? Just curious. ???
  15. Would he receive DAEP before a trial? Not sure how that works.
  16. Way to play Mustangs. JV woke up after Ned scored their touchdown...some hard hits tonight!
  17. Well that is the morals, or lack thereof, of a majority of the black youth (and more and more whites as well) today. Don't work and save for anything...just steal it. Don't try to make good grades in school, just get out of school and steal or deal drugs. Go to a Marshall Middle School dance sometime and you'll see what I'm talking about with the lack of morals among the black youth (wearing pants that hang down to their knees, wearing shirts with marijuana on them, wearing belt buckles that say P-I-M-P, acting like they are humping one another on the dance floor, etc.). Also, what's even more pathetic, the leaders of the school condone it by not stopping it. Sorry, this is a sports forum...I'll get off of my soapbox. I might have been able to accept this post if you would have just said that MORE AND MORE YOUTH OR PARENTS OF YOUTHS THESE DAYS ARE LETTING THESE KIDS (NO MATTER THE COLOR) GO TO POT, but I for one find this a little stereotypical. I know lots of BLACK youth who do go to school and make the right choices and find success in society...not dealing or doing drugs. I would say that YOU are as much a problem as the leaders of this school where these things happened if YOU KNOW FOR A FACT (which leaves me to assume that you might have witnessed this firsthand) THEY HAPPENED AND THAT NOONE ONE STOPPED IT! My question to you would be...WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP IT?
  18. Who is Dayton's QB? What's his height and weight? Dayton just outplayed us last night. They're ranked high deservedly. I guess until tonight, I didn't realize that we lost quite a bit, but we usually do...I think that it was a great thing playing a top-notch team like Dayton in scrimmage because it definitely let us know where we're weak.
  19. As for chances, for the most part, people get second chances. I guess I look at this entire situation (isolated) as athletes who cheat by using steroids and get caught... (I'm being as general as I can be)...they performed well in their respective sports (say, football) because they were doing steroids. I remember seeing someone post stats from football and the fact that he was a part of the track team...those stats and accomplishments were under the influence of an illegal substance. In fact, at Regionals 2007, I don't recall seeing anyone bumped up from 4th place to take their rightful place at the Regional meet...I could have missed it, but I really don't think so. He will get second chances, but I can name some really talented Mustangs who paid their dues the hard way...hard work (on the field and in the classroom) and weren't necessarily given a chance to play at the next level. Our younger kids could very well look at this entire situation and say...Hmmm, you know that kid that was doing steroids and got caught. He only a slap on the wrist and still got a collegiate scholarship. That's worth the risk. I agree with whoever stated that time should tell as to what teams really do the work and earn their wins the right way and who might have had some help.
  20. When my oldest two boys played, I'd watch Friday Night Lights until the state game and turn it off. We also have "crunk" cd's with some really great songs like Nelly's Heart of a Champion! ;D
  21. Gotta go with Dayton. They are consistent. No disrespect to Lumberton, just don't think they're at that level just yet.
  22. I can remember Coach Anderson saying: Run boy run. Get your head out of your a..!
  23. I agree. If anyone knows that any kids (especially 5 per school) are using steroids, your duty is to report them. In not doing so, you are as much a part of the problem as the problem itself. As for people waiting for dirt on anything that goes on in BC, that is ludicrous. Honey, I have known of plenty of news-worthy stuff that has gone on in BC that never hits one airway. In fact, before this, I would have to say the last major news breaking from BC would have to be the Veteran's Memorial ordeal.
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