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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. EVERYBODY...just want to keep it general!!!!
  2. My biggest problem with him receiving a scholarship is that he likely would not have had the football and track success without cheating. You have kids that bust their butts everyday the good ole fashion way who might not be as impressive, but probably just as worthy because they possess something that he obviously didn't...work ethic.
  3. Saturday or Friday? I'm getting kind of confused... ;D
  4. Well, whatever it's called for how ever long it's been done by whoever... it doesn't take much for the fans to get excited about football around here. It's just a prelude. ;D
  5. I was told that he got a scholarship to a JUCO in Kansas. Perhaps the same one or two of his former teammates. It is a shame because it just totally sends the wrong message to our young athletes.
  6. Well, he "sacrificed" his senior season, but I've heard he gained a football scholarship at the collegiate level. I agree with testing of EVERY athlete. I agree that sadly there are some parents who know about it. There was a story on one of the primetime news shows not too long ago about parents who sought out someone with access and willing to inject their son from like age 11 or so. It was just sad that parents are that desperate that they would risk their child's life for this "advantage". Heck, look how many athletes do it the hard way...good old fashioned WORK. Most of all, I agree that the source of this crap needs to be found out and make an example of them...ALL OF THEM. Not just one to get the point across. I don't think that anyone is judging the entire Cardinal team, but anyone familiar with BC's football program would probably wonder the same thing. Again, not judging, but understandable.
  7. Wow, now that's how you represent your community... ;D
  8. Talk about...that is, if the refs are firm, fair, and consistent. And, yes...I don't think I have seen too many games when at least one of the coaches was not on the field.
  9. LOL! Oh how true!
  10. All everyone needs to remember is...Coach T's DEFENSE! Still look to take this one...Mustangs for the "W"
  11. Toby is such an asset to our program. He has a great rapport with the kids and goes the extra mile to get these kids to camps and noticed.
  12. Honestly, I believe that the number one reason for declining enrollment at WO-S is that there is not land in our school district that can be developed...not like in BC, OF, LC-M, Lumberton, Silsbee. If you look at many of these "booming" towns, you should notice that they have houses going up everywhere. So, when families are tired of there old homes and want to upgrade, guess what? They generally have to leave the city limits. Orange encompasses more than what folks think so it would be helpful if people spouting off about student:citizen enrollment ratios...understand that Orange has students in BC, OF, LC-M school districts (I probably missed some). WO-S is generally known for their football program, but I don't agree that that is all it has been known for. As far as the education, I have chosen for my boys to attend WO-S and not other surrounding districts. I can tell you that my oldest two boys got as much as anyone attending other local school districts from WO-S and they were just as prepared as anyone else to hit college. I think that the difference is that WO-S has more single-parent households, lower-income families, and issues associated with those two things than our surrounding districts, but I hate to get on here and see so many on the outside stereotyping these kids and their families based on the fact that they aren't like ALL of the great parents in other districts. That's bullcrap. Sure there are some parents that just don't care, some that just don't know HOW to care, and some that just do the best that they can...just like everywhere else. I have said this so many times...WO-S' football program is an awesome asset to many of these kids because they teach them much more than plays on the field. These coaches were my boys' father figure and they were awesome. They teach these kids respect, discipline, kinship. And, I'm here to tell that for the kids that can endure the program, have gained something very special. I'll also say that many who cannot hack it end up at LC-M. Well, I gotta go. Headed to Hackberry to crab!!!
  13. whelp...WO-S by >1 point!!! 8)
  14. Wonders never cease....amazing. One thing (well, I guess two) will change BC's baseball program. Someone should be getting paid to make predictions... :
  15. Nothing. You still keep your job if you know what you're doing. :D Sounds good, anyway!
  16. Do you KNOW that the guy was from West Orange or are you just assuming that he is? I don't condone those who smoke, drink, have nice "rims" and then ask for welfare. You and buc fan are blind and prejudiced if you think ALL "poor" people are that way and/or that there is an overabundance of that at WOS. You should have told the guy to go sell his rims to get his child some food. Enough said. I am through with this conversation. I have NOT said that there AREN'T kids at WOS that have cell phones, blah, blah. I have said that there are a lot that cannot pay to play!!!! Some of you can stereotype if you want, but unless you are involved in the kids' lives who attend and play football at WOS.......shutup. Hey read the last sentence of my post. Im not blind you are blind...i have driven past there highschool and i have seen many cars with 22''s and all that stuff, maybe those arent the kids that have it rough but you make it sound like these people are living like a third world country. Couple of things that I disagree with on here... First of all, which gas station in West Orange did you stop at? JW because that list is quite short. Second of all, I have dropped my kids off at the high school for about 5+ years now and I can tell you that you might see "some" cars with rims, but not too many. My earlier response to this thread was in response to a comment made by someone who stated that more poor kids have it better than the kids who parents work. As I posted, most of the kids in this district have parent(s) who work, but they are still considered poor. I am one of those parents and therefore, I took that posts offensively. As for the stats, they don't tell the WHOLE story...trust me.
  17. Typical excuses, Cardfan. Your kid didn't get much playing time because he/she was not very good. He/she was not very good because you and your husband failed to spend the time necessary to make them good. Tossing the ball around a few times is not enough, so quit blaming politics/money/coaches and put the blame where it belongs. Wowheee....enlighten us westend1 (that could probably explain a lot)...where would that blame belong? I would like to clarify your statement...it's not "you and your husband failed to spend the time necessary to make them good"...that statement should read...you and your husband failed to spend the money necessary to make them good. Gosh...how did my son ever make it? : (That was actually a joke!!!!!!)
  18. My first reason would be...because I can be on here. The real reason is that right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of whether I like something or not. Let me know if you get that...ok?
  19. I did not question his coaching abilities in my post. Anybody that has been through Coach Bryant knows that he will tell you himself it is not his job to get a player a scholarship and usually will end the sentence with "nobody helped me get mine." Maybe if you would put all your energy into your own school's baseball program it may once again be something to be proud of. Quite honestly lagnap...baseball is probably my least favorite sport and I can honestly say it is because everything about it (especially most of the parents and the politics). As far as our baseball program, they don't have to win for me to be proud of them. They just have to finish what they started. I hope that Coach Rojas can get the program turned around, but if he doesn't...I'm a proud fan...win, lose, or draw. ;D It's nice to know that WOS has parents and politics just like every other school. ;D Oops...I suppose I mislead you. I honestly don't know about the "politics/parents" at WO-S because my eldest son played his senior year and I was only able to make 1 or 2 games. I was really speaking of little league, etc., etc. Nice try though!!
  20. Not a closet...just a really HUGE RUG!!! ;D
  21. Are you confusing wos with pam? Come on its not like WOS is poorville or somthin. You really shouldn't speak of what you know nothing (or not much) about, mr.buc
  22. I don't know what that last little comment is supposed to mean, but as far as the first one, well, you need to open your eyes and see reality. The "poor" have as much "stuff" as the kids of those who work for a living, and maybe even more. I see the "poor" driving around in cars with $1000 spinner wheels, talking on cell phones, texting, eating expensive fast food, and wearing $150 shoes. Don't even try to say this doesn't happen, alot. As I stated, ignorance still abounds. First of all, my eyes are open and trust me when I tell you that I see reality as well as live reality. I could accept your statement if you simply added that SOME of the POOR have this and that, but it's pretty befuddling when you say ALL/THE POOR. Sadly, most of these poor children have parents who work for a living just like the next person. They may not make as much money, but many work. That doesn't mean that they spend it the stuff that you mention above. I can see a parallel though...those who spend what they really don't have (the poor) are about even with many who spend what they don't have ("those who work for a living")...seems that both are just trying to keep up with the next person. You should really not just STEREOTYPE ALL POOR PEOPLE because many work just as hard as you do. I can say from personal experience that we might even have an edge on you because we sometimes provide what you might not to our children.
  23. An old tire tied around a tree is great for pitching practice. Well, golly-gee-whiz lag...and here all of these people spend all of this money hiring people to make their children better. While I have thrown the ball with my boys (in the past), I never played baseball or softball, so my boys wouldn't gain much from me pitching to them. Besides, as I stated earlier, I just never really cared much for the whole little league baseball experience. pf...I will only say that your comment was not a surprise. :
  24. I did not question his coaching abilities in my post. Anybody that has been through Coach Bryant knows that he will tell you himself it is not his job to get a player a scholarship and usually will end the sentence with "nobody helped me get mine." Maybe if you would put all your energy into your own school's baseball program it may once again be something to be proud of. Quite honestly lagnap...baseball is probably my least favorite sport and I can honestly say it is because everything about it (especially most of the parents and the politics). As far as our baseball program, they don't have to win for me to be proud of them. They just have to finish what they started. I hope that Coach Rojas can get the program turned around, but if he doesn't...I'm a proud fan...win, lose, or draw. ;D
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