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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. I can't get it on my computer! Keep the updates coming!
  2. Wow...what a game! Come on Tigers...GO!GO!GO!GO!GO! 8)
  3. Sorry fellas...I have a commitment at the Follies tonight, but maybe next time!!! As for having the last word...silliness. If being the last one to comment is that important to Pluto...have at it. I'm so glad that we are all grown-ups here... ;D
  4. All I can say is WOW! Truly sad and embarrassing, especially for his daughter. Wasn't there an incident several years ago in football (maybe during or after a practice or something? you know, I love sports as much as the next person, but I just can't imagine. Here all this time I thought that this was all about the the kids...
  5. Congrats Lady Eagles on an awesome season.
  6. I know that racial bias rears its ugly head in every aspect of life...I just asked because the only thing that I have heard about the refs regarding how they called the rest of the game was that they didn't call a tight first half. I would think that if he was calling racial calls then he would have done it more than the last play of regulation.
  7. Actually, I would really appreciate if you would just tell me how your shoulder chip surgery turns out first. ;D Seriously though, I really don't have a chip on the old shoulder...I promise! 8) As for you coaching numerous WO-S kids, I sincerely thank you...but again, I've never said that you didn't.
  8. Once again...NO ONE IS SCRUTINIZING ANYONE'S CHARACTER. I simply stated my opinion that names should not be named or called. This has nothing to do with how great of a person bobcat is here...I don't think that anyone was questioned the content of his good deeds. I would hope that most who post on here do good deeds.
  9. And in the words of stang4life...I never said nor implied that you ever said or implied that any of these girls could not afford to play and pay for AAU. Here is what I said: THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO PUT ANY NAMES ON HERE. WHY can't you just say that the call was bad (like it was said in the beginning) without bringing race into it at all. You seem to desperately keep looking for things so that you can get your rocks off...I guess in an attempt to make us look bad. For what...I don't care WHO anybody paid for or played on this team or that team. It is a mute point. If you want to call someone stupid...then have the "gump"tion to just call them stupid...the Forrest Gump thing is getting kind of old (btw...I love forrest gump and he was alot more than just stupid ). Actually, I would think that the mods would frown upon that kind of stuff. I do seem to notice that there aren't many who name-call...can you say...conflict resolution?
  10. Saw him run in Austin last year at State...really exciting! Glad to see that he rebounded so well! Best of luck!!!
  11. And, once again.............. my primary issue was with the fact that he put the girl's name out there. Not necessary. And honestly, if this "proves" that they're not racist, then how can it be said that the ref made a racial call based on one call. That's why I said, I give them both the benefit of the doubt. Wonderful, great, awesome that he is paying these kids way. We should all be reaching out to ALL kids because they can benefit from all we have to give. Maybe the world would be a better place. Perhaps, someone could pick a couple of girls from WO-S who show potential and let them play AAU.... ;D
  12. Yes Gabe. You have done your job and done it well, for OF and WO-S. My point was that it was posted in one of the vast number of threads that Navasota's girls were not to blame for the ref's call (which they weren't) and for adults to take pleasure in seeing girls the same age as their teams' players lose...what if those girls visited this site. What if they posted something similar on another site regarding OF. Yes, you did post the quirky little title...the emicons spoke louder than the words. Again, not on a high horse so stop attempting to put me up there! These are just the types of threads that leave a negative effect on the area. Sincerely with my feet FIRMLY planted on the ground!!! stang4life
  13. Tell you what's pitiful....is you up there on your moral high horse. A few people who might get just a tiny bit of satisfaction with the outcome of the game considering everything they went through isn't the end of the world. Seems like you are the one who keeps bringing your argument up over and over again? We've heard what you had to say....know how you feel about the subject....and are ever so thankful that you blessed us with your vast knowledge of all things right or wrong. Now, why don't you see if you can find a WOS thread somewhere to wax poetic about the morality of choosing to root for a certain team or not? I mean I'm sure you couldn't find many WOS fans who bought La Vega t-shirts after your earlier than expected playoff exit this last football season. Sister girl1, Moral high horse? That would be kind of cute if it were true...you know...the Mustang=horse thing, but I beg to differ. You only wish I was the only one bringing this up. While I don't have vast knowledge about "all things right and wrong"...I do have an inkling about adults being happy about a group of kids (the same ages as their own players) losing at the state level. If I find a WO-S thread or any other thread that I want to post on, trust me I will (just as you and everyone else that comes to this website does). Duh...that's what it's here for. Were WO-S fans glad that La Vega won? Hmmmmm....this one could take awhile (about as long to ask yourself if you were glad that OF lost to Navasota)...of course not. I know that I pulled for LaVega and so did my son and several other players. They beat us...no excuses or reasons other than they were the best team that night. The earlier than expected remark...can I tell you a little secret...we did much better than most of us thought so that equals...they exceeded our expectations. 8)
  14. That is so awesomely great...you were pulling for Canyon the whole year (not over the Lady Bobcats, right?) JK Believe it or not...I know that he works for a newspaper. Shhhhhhh...don't tell anyone else, k? I sincerely believe that that wouldn't have made it through the final edit with that headline. Did I want OF to win district? Well, considering that WO-S was having a down year, it really didn't matter. Does that mean that I didn't want them to win--absolutely not. I knew that we weren't in contention. Same with HJ...they have a really good team. I try and support anyone who represents SE Texas...because I live in SE Texas. It's kind of a neat concept. I also support most Texas teams (if not all of them), but of course, I have my favorites. Just wanted to clarify that!!! 8)
  15. Yes people. Bashing is reserved and only tolerated on the threads at the top of the page!!!
  16. Wow...how and why is that good news? See, this is what I am talking about. For moderators to be "happy" or "content" with the fact that the Navasota girls' basketball team lost is childish and uncalled for. What kind of example are we setting here fellas? So, so much for fairness and all that jazz because I was under the impression that it was a LONE ROGUE REF who was to blame, not the players. I can see that obviously that is not the case. Pitiful, I tell you...pitiful. I am ashamed for you.
  17. And I agree with you wholeheartedly...THAT is what it is all about. As far as Brittney...that's her...pure class and respect. I know that I read a name or two on the thread by whoever said that they paid for them to play or whatever. The race thing was brought up a week and a half after the game was decided. As far as making the comment to prove you're not a racist...it just didn't have to go there. It's great that you do what you do and I am sure that you do have a lot of kids who thank you for it. That's awesome because it takes a village to raise a child. Did someone actually call you racist? I would give you the same benefit of the doubt that I would give the ref in question. There were not any other comments about his officiating the rest of the game except to say that neither of the refs were calling a tight game in the first half which benefited OF because they didn't have the depth that the other team had. I honestly do hate that the game ended the way it did too because then there is so much gray area that honestly, may never be resolved. You take the good that you can from it and learn and at the same time, take the bad and learn. Please don't read anything other than sincerity into this post because people speak of misconceptions about other people's post and I think that that happens more than it doesn't.
  18. Bucster, you said it well. Bleed...there are politics at every level of the game (in any game). That is an unfortunate price to be paid when you strive to be the best and to play at the best level.
  19. Thanks!
  20. So, who are the teams from 3A who will be playing in the state tourney?
  21. Yes, congrats to all of the girls because you DO DESERVE IT. It is a simple recognition that conveys to you that your hard work has paid off. These coaches have a job of selecting you that I wouldn't want.
  22. Regardless of whether people can afford something or not should not even be on a message board, but neither should names of players that someone paid for this or that for. This is not the place for that. If you do something for someone, then the only recognition you should get is from the Good Lord above because if you truly do something for someone because it was on your heart to do it, then that should be why you did it. Not to receive pats on the back from yourself or anyone else. I would like to think that I have impacted some kids life in a positive way, but I would not dare say "I did this or I did that" because I do the things that I do because I hope and pray that someone would return the favor if my kids (and grandkids in the future...hopefully, WAY in the future) someday. I'm not saying that the person that posted the post about paying someone's way for AAU did not do it out of the kindness of their heart; what I AM saying is that if they should have never mentioned it on here. And, you are so right bleed...it is funny how people read in to something that's not really there. I would hope that you understand that we ALL have read things in to posts that are not there because while words might express our emotions and opinions powerfully, they also are words left to the reader to subjectively take or leave what they want from it.
  23. I have a 13 year old (soon to be 14 in April) who is interested in running summer track. Does anyone have any information about it? If so, will you pm me the info? Thanks!
  24. Savor every moment...these are the times that will last your lifetime. You've earned it, so enjoy it!
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