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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. Best of luck to the Lady Eagles! P.S. Where the heck is POTH?
  2. Wow...now it's racial! I haven't heard anyone talk about the rest of the game and his calling. I take that he was a non-white ref? Why does it boil down to race? Had it been a white ref, what would be his motive then? And here I thought that it was simply because he was from/for Navasota or just against OF...what was I thinking... Again, WOW is all I can say...I'm just oh-so thankful, oh-so thankful!!! ;D
  3. Right back atcha babe!!! :-*
  4. By george, I think I have figured out a solution (work with me here).... Put every team in their own sub-district and then have the fans of their respective teams pick All-Sub-District selections from their team. That way, everyone's happy...right!! I have to agree with cardfan and hjhawks when they say that the coaches are basically in a lose-lose situation because even when you are winning, someone will find something to knit-pick over (like playing time). To all the coaches (from all of the schools)...thank you for the sacrifice you make to help mold our young people into our future adults.
  5. I have no beef with the list. I am just rebutting the fact that I am not against OF. And, what I have said on here is nothing that I haven't said to people from WO-S when they whine about the stuff with us, so trust me...it isn't personal. cardfan, my widdle feddered fwiend...you are so funny! Have you ever thought about quitting your day job! ;D ;D Be careful though because you may be falsely accused as being a conspirator vs. OF, but you make a very good point. I read the same thing that you did about being "satisfied" with a MVP, 2 first team/2 second team selections. Looks as if "satisfied" is the next "normal"....virtually non-existent. A really good coach told me once...excuses are for losers. I find that to be true. And before you say anything...no, I am not calling anyone a loser, but I have drilled that into my boys' heads growing up because I don't want them to become adults that make excuses for their shortcomings. It's just not a pro-social value and will only teach them to not accept that sometimes stuff happens for a reason, for no reason, or just because it happens. It's just ludicrous to think that all of these people are against you. Note: did not say EVERYONE. I only speak for myself and the other posters (not EVERYONE) that go against your thoughts...and don't think I have missed much (I even caught the unanimous thing)!
  6. HELLO KITTY...I'm really flattered that we are using the little pet names for one another! I happen to know where the Brittneys got so good. Was that a trick question? You almost got me! And, no dear...no one peed in my corn flakes because I'm more of a frosted flakes person. Or, granola! Oh yeah, let me not forget raisin bran or frosted mini-wheats! (But, if I am in a hurry, I usually have diet coke for breakfast...I don't think anyone from OF works at Sonic on MacArthur...do they?) Besides, I have stated that it is not personal...did you miss that part of my last post? Well, let me say it again...it seems that when ANYONE (note: not EVERYONE...they are not the same) posts something that is not gelling with what you are saying (note: that was singular, not plural; but, actually it was a general kind of statement)...we (including me) are automatically against you. In fact, you have gone as far (now) as to say that the coaches and refs (just certain ones) are against you too. You know, that reminds me of when my middle son used to get in trouble in elementary school and it would always be...she doesn't like me, she wants me to get in trouble, etc. (Are you getting my point?) I would sincerely ask you NOT to take my posts so personal because I am not intending them to be. Yes, I have questioned some of the posts concerning your team, but that doesn't mean that I don't like them. You know, my oldest two boys played football for WO-S and I know how heartbreaking losing is. Is it a warm, fuzzy feeling...not, but you know what...I have tried to teach my kids that a win or a loss cannot and should not be based on ONE play, ONE call, ONE anything because had ONE mistake not have been made, perhaps the outcome would have changed, but to blame one person, one play, one call, etc., etc., etc., is shallow. Unfortunately things don't always turn out like they should...no rhyme or reason...it's just not meant to be. But, of course, I also give A LOT of the credit for my boys being disciplined and the young men that they have become to their other family...WO-S' coaches. Trust me when I tell you...if I tell my boys that, I don't mind telling anyone else that. I'm not coach (and neither of you) and honestly, I can't say who deserves what...I just find it hard to believe that not one coach voted for Little for MVP. Not HJ, noone. Perhaps the reason for that is because "they felt" that Ang Green was more deserving for whatever reason. Their names are public record, maybe you could give them a call and ask them what criteria they based their votes on...just an idea. ;D Anyway, just to clarify ONE MORE TIME........MY POSTS ARE NOT WRITTEN BY ME BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE OF. I mean, grow up...lead by example!!!
  7. My bad...I thought I read somewhere that it was unanimous. Perhaps, I didn't. Regardless, I just don't see everyone getting together to "vote against OF". You guys are hilarious. First of all, let me begin by saying that if anyone posts anything on here that goes against what the OF posters are saying...they are "against" them. Looks to me like you feel that you just get "screwed" before, during, and after the season is over. Each of you will "see" into my posts whatever you want, but remember...these are simply disagreements over opinions...yours and mine. That's it. I have never said that the referee did or did not make a good or bad call. As you know (because I have said it), I was not at the game. I'm just looking at it from a different perspective. I do recall reading the posts from several "posters" who stated that they would be satisfied with a MVP, 2 first team, and 2 second team selections...boy howdy...that didn't last long did it. As far as the coaching thing...you are right about the having "a degree in teaching doesn't make you a coach", but I will tell you like I have told many (even WO-S)...if you feel that strongly about the coach thing, then go to college, get your degree, sacrifice your time, and get talked about from your school to a message board. Getting on a message board doesn't make you a coach either. As for bc05...does it make you feel better to comment on the Lady Mustangs the way you do? I hope so because I am sure that not one of those players, parents, or fans felt really great about this season...I can only hope that they were a little more dignified than what you are being. See, several of you take posts that are not in agreement with yours to be "negative against the Lady Bobcats". Well, let me tell you (personally from me)...don't flatter yourself because it would take energy that I am not willing to expend to make this personal. Now bc05, take a good look at my post(s) and then your post and you will see the difference in differing opinions and blatant jabs at the Lady Mustangs' season. That makes me thankful that the coaches are the coaches and you are not. Comprendez-vous? ;D P.S. Obviously, last year's coaches thought that B.Scott was the better choice.
  8. Obviously not if Ang Green was a unanimous winner. I don't see how every coach in the district would be politicking if everyone vote for Green. Surely, there is one person who would have chosen Little, politics or not, unless they really felt that Ang Green was worthy. And, doesn't Ang Green play offense and defense? Just asking some questions...
  9. Wow, I really thought the same thing regarding Ancelot...especially since she knows so many of the kids graduating this year (at least their basketball skills and knowledge and play).
  10. Imagine how it would be if the coaches didn't vote on these how many people would disagree with the list. Hooray for the Ryshaniqua Winbush...a little sunshine for the Lady Mustangs!!! Congrats to all who made the list and all who competed.
  11. Didn't he win in the 100m for UT in track? Where were all of these other guys? Oh well, best of luck because he deserves it. ;D
  12. Chaingang Defense...this thread is about making excuses...so, I am "dropping" the subject as of now...please EXCUSE me. Good day mateys.
  13. I applaud you for being "able to handle yourself"...you still won't get what I am saying because it isn't meant for YOU to get. And, this really does not boil down to where any one is from. I know that I am entitled to my opinion just as you are entitled to yours...believe it or not, I respect your opinion and disagree with it. That is possible, you know! As for the if the situation would have been the Lady Mustangs last year, I can not say that people from WO-S fans' would not be getting on here and posting some of the same stuff, just like you do not know that they "all" would. As for me, no...while I might post something pertaining to the referee's action(s), I would not be making excuses. Trust me, we have been involved in basketball, football, etc. games that we got some blatantly bad calls in and while I am not one to bite my tongue when I feel that our players have been "wronged", I look at the big picture and had we not made so many mistakes...then, maybe we would have pulled out the WIN. Thanks to all for not crucifying me like I guess kg1 thinks you guys would be crucified if the tables were turned. And thanks kg1 for not repeating your quirky little statement about this year's teams because I have a feeling that had one of our posters posted that my dear, we might have been "crucified" (with good reason...just not very sportsman-like ). But, back to the point, there will always be people who like to blame this and that on a loss and I happen to disagree with that concept.
  14. As far as what happened, it has been posted and reposted on here and unfortunately, there is no way to coach against referees. In my last post, I was responding to the posts that were posted on here that appeared to be disappointed that Navasota didn't lose. So, yes, there were some who basically were going for Fairfield per their posts. As for your comment about the Lady Mustangs...you only prove me right! (Don't try and figure it out because you probably won't be able to!!) I will be the first to admit that we were definitely down this year (athletically and fan-wise)...give yourself a boost! I am quite sure that OF was relieved by it since the Bobcats won first place in district. I do truly understand what the issue is and should the referee be punished...yes, if he is found to have made a very harsh and hasty call. Again, you can not coach against the referees. You coach what you have some control of....your team. I know it must be heartbreaking and no... the girls did not deserve it, but again, the point is... one call did not "cost" OF the game; it was a series of things including the fact that they fought their butts off to get back into it and they were spent. Again, Lady Bobcats, you are to be commended on your great run!!
  15. Wow. Congrats Navasota. I hope that everyone's going for the teams that Navasota is being because they sincerely like the other team because if they aren't and they are wishing Navasota to lose because of what happened the other night, then I just think that is sad. I thought everyone was mad at the refs, not the girls. ??? What was meant to be happened and Navasota has obviously proven that they deserve where they are as much as the next person. As I stated in a previous post, the ref's call extended the game, but it did not win the game because OF had the chance to pull through. I'll go for whoever beat the 21-3A contenders...whomever that ends up being...
  16. By the score, it appears that that was a pretty good defensive game.
  17. Again, while I think that this referee should be reprimanded (or relieved from his duties) by the appropriate organization(s) deem that he was wrong in his call, the call did not lose the game for the Lady Bobcats...it extended it to overtime. If the call was blatantly wrong, there was still (3) minutes for them to win the game or lose the game. Unfortunately, they lost the game. Not saying that this is right because one, I was not at the game; and two, two wrongs don't make a right, but had Navasota lost due to the foul call for the three free throws, they might be just as upset because they might have felt that that call "lost" them the game. I know that it is difficult, but to say that one call or play or whatever costs people the entire game is normally not so because unless that team, person, etc. played flawlessly or hadn't have made one too many mistakes, then his call wouldn't have really mattered. That's all I'm saying. To any referees reading these threads...you should already know and realize how you blowing that little silver whistle or throwing that little yellow flag (or whatever) affects CHILDREN's and YOUNG ADULTS' lives. Especially in post-season, they deserve a "FIRM, FAIR, & CONSISTENT" game called for them and against. I hate it for the Lady Cats that this happened...I hate it for anyone that this happens to. Again, hold your heads high Lady Cats because you had a really good season and best of luck to every one of you.
  18. You have no clue of what you are talking about. Chavis had his choice of schools and chose to follow his brother to A&M. I'm a big Texas fan, but how is a scholarship to Texas a better scholarship? Both are free rides to D-I schools. We'll just watch and see who becomes the better college football player. My money is on Chavis. neither one of them impressed me this year and i can guarantee you texas wasnt a school that offered him but neway let me give you an example of how texas is better then........lets go by the players that texas gets and the players that a&m gets.............in the class of 09 texas gets players like garret gilbert arguably the best qb in the state of texas and ranked number 12 in the nation, thomas ashcraft, chris waley the best running back in the state of texas, greg timmons ranked 69 in the nation...........a&m doesnt have a verbal from one player one the rivals top 100 players in the class 09 they get all of texas leftovers thats why texas was able to get dravannti from a&m when he was commited there its a no brainer if texas offered the same kid that a&m did the player would pick texas hands down the university of texas is way better then a&m in every aspect I think that each school has much to offer anyone interested in going to a great university. There are some things that Texas has that are "better" than Texas A&M, but there are also things that Texas A&M has that are better than Texas. And, that includes every aspect of both universities. My son had an equal opportunity to go to either school (not for sports, but academically) and when you throw the "all aspects" thing in there...that just simply may not be true. More goes into these decisions than just being Texas and/or Texas A&M...or at least it should. Of course, Texas has a national championship, but are they are still both great schools.
  19. I firmly believe that the Mustangs will take it! I think it would be interesting if WO-S went D-I. Time will tell...................... ;D
  20. Amen to that! We should all be counting our blessings, hugging our kids, and living each day to the fullest.
  21. Were you at the game buddy...if not you have no clue as to what your talking about. I know people get on here all the time and blame officials for this or that, but this call tonight was a call that determined the outcome of this game. If the mystery T is not called, Orangefield wins the game by one!!! ok so your saying that OF never missed a free throw? never missed a wide open layup or shot? from what i hear (apoligize if im wrong) OF had 19 turnovers at some point in the game........ 1 call can't not determine the game sorry Yes, we missed some free throws and yes we missed some layups but who doesn't? This call by a official changed the game. He does not make that call we win plain and simple. If the shoe was on the other foot you would say the samething. They are kids, they are going to make mistakes. This was an adult who was on a power trip. All our kids were doing was jumping up and down because they were excited. I am sorry you don't call a tech in a game like that with one second left. ok i don't want to keep arguing with this because it is making me sound like im glad OF lost and IM NOT BY ANY MEANS.....OF had a great season and i hate to see it end like that.... im sorry you don't see were im coming from but thats ok......your entitled to your opinion and so am i and i respect that..... EVERYONE IN THIS DISTRICT FEELS FOR YOU AND WE HATE TO SEE YOU GO :'( GREAT SEASON I totally agree with this post and I do see where you are coming from.
  22. Prayers for her family, teammates, schoolmates and the community in general.
  23. Hey there...I happen to like Forrest Gump!
  24. Please don't comment on something you know nothing about. I appreciate the nice comments you made about our team. One call did make the difference and it was not in the field of play. Were you at the game buddy...if not you have no clue as to what your talking about. I know people get on here all the time and blame officials for this or that, but this call tonight was a call that determined the outcome of this game. If the mystery T is not called, Orangefield wins the game by one!!! ok so your saying that OF never missed a free throw? never missed a wide open layup or shot? from what i hear (apoligize if im wrong) OF had 19 turnovers at some point in the game........ 1 call can't not determine the game sorry I will comment on what I know to be....while it is hard to admit, I have learned this lesson through time. Regardless of the final actions in a game (whether it be football, basketball, track)...the whole thing boils down to exactly what the hj commenter said and as hard as it is, what he is saying is true. It was a wild and exciting comeback, but had there not been a comeback to have to make...perhaps the outcome would have been better. I don't have to be anywhere to comment. These girls should be proud of how they played and the ref should be reprimanded (if the UIL deems that he acted harshly and unfairly).
  25. While I hate to see games end like this, I have to say that the game didn't end with the ref's call. Yes, I know how much impact a ref has on a game, but in overtime, the Cats should have pulled it off during overtime. I'm actually really shocked by this outcome because the Cats were on fire. Congrats ladies on a great run/season and to all going on to the next level...good luck and to all who aren't...I wish you the best too!
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