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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. WO-S...no prediction of by how many...we'll be satisfied with the "W". ;D
  2. One of my pet peeves would have to be fans leaving when a team is losing or winning or when they just show up to the game and NOT HOLLER!!! When a team is losing (like Friday night), the message that the fans are sending to these kids is heartbreaking. You pay your money to watch the game...not 3.5 quarters of a game. Most people use the excuse...well, I'm just trying to beat the traffic...B.S...you are leaving. I am divided on my feelings of whether I want a rematch with Giddings. Heck, they should be good. They have a 19 yo QB who should be playing at the college level...what else would he be but good. I don't agree that with these medical waivers...rules are not made to be broken and there are age-limits for a reason. It would be nice to have a rematch though because we do kind of hold grudges. I didn't know Carty was possibly on the verge of breaking a record...do what you do!!! Hope you get to 12!!!! Now, it's time to get ready for OF...
  3. Wow...when I began reading this...I kept thinking, "GREAT, now people are accusing us of running up the score"...didn't realize that WE hadn't even played BC...shewwwww. I have to agree with what most of the posts have said...I mean, the only other suggestion would be maybe, RUN BACKWARDS with the ball! I'll tell you, games like this should be used to practice the things that you are weak in. I feel really bad for the kids who play. I really do, but what are the other teams supposed to do? I can see both arguments, but unfortunately football and basketball are sports where there are no maximum scores or 10-run rules because I can just imagine if they were...last year (for sure) BC would have beat us by ALOT. So, while it's sad, there isn't really a solution. BC will be better next year and unfortunately that's the only thing that will help.
  4. WO-S 7th & 8th grade both win vs. Jasper. Any other scores...especially K-ville vs. BC
  5. As long as WO-S and LC-M merge AFTER 2013. ;D I really don't foresee this happening.
  6. WO-S: Hooks (incredible record overall and in 3A)
  7. First of all, I never stated that there was more than ONE returning starter. The post I posted simply said that there was more than ONE player who had varsity experience I knew of at least ONE more senior who played and from the looks of it...there were quite a few more. Just need to clarify MY previous post.
  8. I can say that I am a cautious/optimistic realist when it comes to what my children have done and are doing. I just had one go to A&M in September and honestly...all I can do is pray. I have taught him to be responsible and that with actions...there are always consequences (good and bad). Do I believe that he has never drank? Dunno, but I hope and pray not. Would I fall on the floor in shock if he had...no because I've been there. Another thing that I can tell you is that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD PARENTS SUPPLY ALCOHOL TO KIDS WHO ARE NOT THEIRS. I don't care if they are 20 years old and 364 days old...you didn't bring them in the world and you haven't raised them. It is a proven fact that alcohol (whether you are taught from birth to "drink responsibly") is a gateway drug. My stance on alcohol is like with anything else (piercings, tattoos, etc)...when you turn the legal age, you may most certainly make those decisions on your own...just know that those decisions were made by you and that I didn't ALLOW you to do it. Obviously, either some of the posters on here are young (which I am sure of) or they have never had to bury a loved one who was an innocent victim of someone else's stupid, stupid, stupid mistake. It's senseless. :'(
  9. Kind of offsubject...but, how are Jasper's 7th and 8th grade teams?
  10. Whoa...Nelly!!! I don't know where in the world you get that I said that WO-S is the only school that I think has pride in there school. In fact...you are WAY OFF BASE BUDDY... My point was talking about WO-S and how coaches sometimes get a bad rap when noone else wants the job for this reason and that reason. Don't get sideways with me because you read into it the WRONG WAY or because you are just wanting to PICK A FIGHT...I'm sure that Jasper, and many other sports' programs all over, have positive effects on our children...but, I can't personally speak of those because my son graduated from WO-S and I have one coming out this year. Maybe you should work on "not jumping to conclusions" before you attempt to start some stuff on a message board. Perhaps...you might be one of those people who overreact to everyone's posts on here. C'mon...let's try to be (or act least "act") like grownups here ;D...big boy!!!
  11. My sentiments exactly. I used to work for a woman who taught MANY local kids the MIP course and I will tell you that I have read about many of these kids getting into further trouble or even worse...being dead. MIP is a VERY serious offense...the only difference being a number (as in the person's age). It should NOT be downplayed.
  12. This is a tough one. I feel that a player should not be allowed to play until the issue is resolved. Now, if it a blatant, criminal offense...ZERO TOLERANCE. If is something not so blatant...it's just a touchy situation. I've told my boys from the time that they started school 'til present...don't let me get a call from the school, a teacher, someone in the community, a family member, the police, etc. about something that you have done because I don't need to hear their side. I know that this is harsh, but so is life. If they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, where they are supposed to be doing it at, when they are supposed to be doing it...95% of the time...then people are not going to bother falsely accusing you of something the other time. So many times in life, young people "happen" to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, but in the eyes of the law...that means absolutely nothing. I would rather them grow up and learn to IDENTIFY and REALIZE possible bad situations than to learn it the really, really, really hard way. I believe that the coaches at WO-S frown on players being arrested...I would almost think that they would not be playing.
  13. The really sad thing about all of this is that some teams/players/fans take defeating WO-S so personal. It is supposed to be about the KIDS...not the adults. We do have a good football program at WO-S, but to everyone on the outside...you just don't have a clue as to what is expected of these guys...not just ON the field, but OFF of the field. I had a son graduate in May and I can tell you that the Mustang football program and ALL of the Mustang Coaches made a respectful, respectable, leader out of him and for that...I am eternally grateful!
  14. And that's suppose to mean what, exactly? Don't drag WO-S into your little squabble. ;D : ;D
  15. I think we all know it's going to be an all night war. If we win by 1 or 100 we still only get 1 win. Sometimes I think too much emphasis is put on how much you win by.
  16. A very wise man said...OFFENSE WINS GAMES. DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS. We'll just have to wait until Friday and see who comes out with the "W". It doesn't matter if you win by 99 or 1, a win is still a win. I wish both teams a good game with no injuries!!! Of course, I have to go with WO-S by at least ONE POINT!!!
  17. I would really have to agree about the respect issue concerning WO-S, but we have come to just expect it from almost everybody(not ACCEPT it). Our school (including our football team) has never been given anything...we've earned it, but that is because our kids have grown up having to work and earn what they have. For the most part, they aren't "given" anything...they are athletes because they have practiced being athletes since they could walk. They haven't had the luxury of going to camps and special coaches to enhance their abilities (and sometimes even develop some abilities), so they do the only thing that they know how to do...bust their behinds to get better. Most schools in this area are better at one thing than they others...in fact, some schools excel at particular sports and are known because of that dominance in those sports. WO-S is known for football. BC is known for baseball. LC-M is known for baseball and softball. OF is known for girl's basketball. HJ is known for boy's basketball. There are fans who post on these different sports' forums and boast/brag and sometimes at other's teams expense. And trust me when I say that I realize that many, if not most of the posters on this forum (and most other forums) are ex-student/athletes. While that should be a positive thing, unfortunately many of these posters attempt to live-relive their dreams through these kids. Let the kids play. Let them make mistakes. Stop condemning the people who get paid VERY LITTLE to put up with what they have to put up with, spend countless hours with their programs without monetary compensation, and still attempt to help us (the parents) instill some positive qualities in our kids while we work to put food on the table and clothes on their backs. Oh yeah...most importantly, they are not infallible. Remember the old saying...IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD!!! These are impressionable, young children...let's be mindful of that when we post on here (and that is to ALL posters).
  18. Good thing the WO-S people that might be taking the Bulldogs lightly aren't padded up and playing this Friday night, huh? I don't think that you have to worry about this team taking anyone lightly...they've had to scratch and claw in most of the games this season.
  19. Touche'. I thought they had more than just ONE senior with varsity experience coming back. They are a young team and every once in a while...teams just have to rebuild. Looks like that's where BC is right now.
  20. Any updates on this one? Hoping that our Toby was able to add a "W" to his record!!!
  21. WOW...congrats to OF on beating BC for the first time since what...2003?
  22. Congrats Mustangs!!! I have to say congratulations to Silsbee too. You played with much heart and never gave up. Question for Silsbee: Is Donovan Harris 100%? I saw him out there...but, I didn't see much action from him. Just wondering. Watched and cheered him on in Austin in May and wishing him the best from Mustang-land!!!
  23. Wow...danged if you do and danged if you don't. I can honestly say that I did not enjoy this game AT ALL! I never enjoy these types of games. As for saying that the HJ players didn't play with heart...that's not true, because I don't know that I would have even come back on the field. As for size...stop the drama "Mr. Guest"...you talking about WO-S here, ok? We are not giants but we do work for what we have and make up for with speed and perserverance what we lack in size. I don't have an explanation for that infamous, needless timeout with 1:30 minutes left in the first half, but trust me....classless is not a word I would use. To the player who "laid out" some of our players late in the game...kudos to you...pat yourself on the back baby because that is what you are supposed to do. WO-S is a FOOTBALL team, whereas H-J is a BASKETBALL team...noone can help that. These types of games (for those who are in the position to pull off a win) are best utilized as "practice" sessions for plays and players and combinations of both for the future. Well, I'm tired and this is useless. :
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